Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 459

After breakfast, chatting with Rong Xiu is an essential lesson for Gu Mian. Anyway, she can\'t see her eyes now and can\'t do anything else. In order not to cause trouble to everyone, Gu Mian can only settle down and try everything to wake up Rong Xiu.

But today, she suddenly wanted to see Tang HaoChen, so she said a few words to Rong Xiu, Gu Mian said, "I\'ve been back for several days and haven\'t seen my uncle. Have you seen him? Rongxiu, if I go to see him, you won\'t be angry. In fact, even if you\'re angry, I\'ll go. You know, my temper is like this. I don\'t think what I should do will compromise because you\'re angry."

Speaking of this, Gu Mian smiled. She clenched Rong Xiu\'s hand and continued, "I\'m afraid you\'ll be more angry if I say so. To tell you the truth, I\'d like you to get up and tell me that I\'m not allowed to go, but since you don\'t want to get up, I\'ll go and sulk here by yourself."

After that, Gu Mian\'s face was still smiling. She put down Rong Xiu\'s hand, turned her body and said to Xia Xueqin, "OK, mom, let\'s go."

Xia Xueqin looked at Rong Xiu again and heard that Gu Mian was going to leave. Rong Xiu\'s eyes turned again. It was like turning to Gu Mian. It seemed that she was reluctant to leave Gu Mian.

Xia Xueqin sighed again from her heart. It seems that Rong Xiu doesn\'t have no feeling for Gu Mian. Looking at him now, at least it proves that he still has the ability to perceive and feel Gu Mian\'s existence.

"Then we\'ll go out first. Still, it\'s hard here. You\'ll see." Xia Xueqin held Gu Mian and said politely to Zhao.

Zhao still smiled and said, "aunt, it\'s not hard. This is my job. This is what I should do."

Xia Xueqin smiled and said, "thank you, too. If you and Dr. Li were not willing to follow here, we really don\'t know what to do."

Xia Xueqin has heard that Su Aochi kicked Rong Xiu out.

"Aunt, you are so kind." Zhao still said.

Seeing Rong Xiu\'s perception of Gu Mian, Xia Xueqin was a little relieved. After holding Gu Mian out, he asked, "I listen to what you just said. Are you going to see Tang HaoChen?"

Gu Mian nodded and said, "well, when I was a child at Dai\'s house, he used to take care of me a lot. Now he has been away for five years, and I haven\'t seen it once."

Xia Xueqin said, "well, it\'s time to go and have a look. By the way, you know him... Well, where is he?"

Xia Xueqin wanted to say, where is his graveyard? But he was afraid to make Gu Mian sad, so he changed it to where he was?

Gu Mian smiled disapprovingly and said, "it\'s all right. People have been away for five years. What can\'t be said? I heard Niu Niu mention it and said that Aunt Tang buried him here. As for the cemetery, I don\'t know, but my eldest brother and Niu Niu must know. My eldest brother can just call and ask."

Xia Xueqin said, "then call first and ask clearly. We\'re going out and buy some flowers on the way."

Gu Mian promised and took out the mobile phone from the small cloth bag she carried. Since she became blind, Meng Xingzhu gave her this small cloth bag with a mobile phone in it, so that she can quickly contact others when she has something to do.

Mobile phones are commonly used for the elderly. Meng Xingzhu has set up several shortcut numbers for her, such as 1 is Meng Xingzhu, 2 is Xia Xueqin, 3 is Xia Zimo, etc., so that Gu Mian can make calls quickly.

After Gu Mian took out his mobile phone, Xia Xueqin said, "come on, let me help you."

Gu Mian said, "it\'s all right. I can play by myself. Watch it."

With that, Gu Mian took his mobile phone in his left hand and fumbled with his right hand for the keyboard. He felt it carefully for a while, and finally pressed and held it on a key. Sure enough, he connected Niu Niu\'s phone for a while.

"Gu Mian?"

Niuniu got from the police station today that all the Su sisters had disappeared, so she went home and continued to stay in the police station. There would be no clues for the time being. She simply went home and waited for her father\'s news. Anyway, Xiaojiu would tell her the latest too much in time at the police station.

"Niu, I want to worship brother HaoChen today. You know where his graveyard is." Gu Mian opened the door and said.

"What did you say?" Niu Niu was a little stunned after hearing Gu Mian\'s words. She couldn\'t help confirming again: "are you going to see Tang HaoChen?"

"Well, what\'s the matter?" Gu Mian doesn\'t understand why Niu Niu feels so surprised for a moment. Even if you don\'t forget the friendship she and Tang HaoChen have known since childhood, Tang HaoChen is also her uncle. Anyway, Gu Mian is always right to worship.

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay." Niuniu immediately replied, blaming her for being busy checking Xia Yan\'s whereabouts these days. For a moment, she forgot that Tang HaoChen was reborn by using Xia Niancheng\'s identity. Gu Mian didn\'t know it. It was almost a bad thing.

"Well, in Huaishan cemetery, how do you go? Is there anyone with you?" Niu Niu thought, go if Gu Mian wants to go. Anyway, it\'s just a tombstone. It\'s nothing.

Gu Mian said, "my mother will go with me. By the way, where are you? Don\'t always go to the police station and squat. It\'s more important to take care of Xing Xing at home. You also arrested many suspects when you handled the case in your early years. Therefore, you\'d better go home and watch Xing Xing well, don\'t be like me."

Niu Niu\'s hot temper is best understood by Gu Mian. Her case handling rules are no better than those of other policemen. As long as it\'s the object of her suspicion, it\'s better to arrest her. If you want to run, nine out of ten are estimated to have been broken by Niu Niu.

"I also said that I had come back long ago. Those counsellors in the police force were still looking for evidence of the crime committed by the Su sisters. I saw them angry." Niuniu really complained.

"Just come back. The police force has its way of handling cases. You can\'t always rush ahead alone. Well, I won\'t tell you. I\'ll go out first." Gu Mian said with a smile.

"Hey, it\'s just you and your aunt. Who drives? Do you want to take a taxi? It\'s far from the urban area, and it\'s more remote there, so you don\'t go there at all." Niuniu warned.

"Yes, I\'ve been away from Haicheng for several years and I\'ve forgotten it." Because of the hilly terrain of Haicheng, it is basically bumpy all the way to Huaishan. In addition, there are few people there. Usually, few people will go. Therefore, taxis are generally reluctant to go.

Because Gu Mian uses an old-age machine, the volume of the call is particularly loud. Xia Xueqin also heard Niu Niu\'s words. Thinking that when she came up, she saw Xia Niancheng decocting medicine on the second floor, she proposed: "Xiao Xia is down there, why don\'t you bother him to send us?"