Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 457

Seeing Su Aochi\'s embarrassment, Liu Qing finally felt a sigh of relief and said proudly, "of course, if my parents don\'t agree, don\'t talk about anything else."

Su Aochi tilted his mouth and said, "you are a mother treasure. You have to agree with your parents."

As soon as Liu Qing listened, she immediately stared at Su Aochi. Su Aochi immediately changed his mouth and said, "OK, OK, I\'m wrong. There are other conditions."

Liu Qing said, "yes, but I haven\'t thought about it yet. Wait for me to think about it. I\'m telling you."

Su Aochi said, "Oh, what do you think? Don\'t you like me? Are you not willing to marry the person you like?"

As soon as Su Aochi said this, Liu Qing blushed again, stared at Su Aochi for a long time without making a sound, and her eyes were a little wet.

Su Aochi was not afraid of heaven. He was most afraid of the girl crying. Seeing Liu Qinghong\'s eyes, he got up in a panic and asked, "what\'s the matter with you? If you don\'t like it, you don\'t like it. What are you crying for?"

After su Aochi got up, he wanted to get out of bed and pull Liu Qing over to comfort him.

When Su Aochi said this, Liu Qing couldn\'t help choking her throat and asked Su Aochi with a cry: "do you like me?"

When Su Aochi heard the speech, his action suddenly stagnated. Su Aochi wanted to answer Liu Qing very much. I like it. But when he faced Liu Qing\'s serious eyes, the phrase he often said like ah to coax girls to be happy could not be said at this time.

Su Aochi found that when he refused other people\'s love, he would struggle in his heart, which also needed a kind of courage.

Su Aochi was silent for a long time and didn\'t answer Liu Qing, because he really didn\'t like Liu Qing. Among many small nurses, Liu Qing was the one he didn\'t like most.

Su Aochi\'s silence finally made Liu Qing see the truth. What he said about the contract marriage really only needed her to help. There was nothing else, but she didn\'t think that Su Aochi could choose herself because she attracted him a little. It seems that all this is her own amorous behavior.

If she didn\'t really like Su Aochi, maybe she wouldn\'t run back impulsively and agree to Su Aochi\'s absurd request.

"Sorry, I\'m asking too much."

Since Su Aochi didn\'t like her, she didn\'t have to beg him to hang the curtain. Liu Qing smiled at the grievance in the Ninja\'s heart and said, "since it\'s a contract, there\'s always time."

Su Aochi was stunned at Liu Qing\'s sudden conversion and casually dealt with it: "well, the time is up to you."

Liu Qing thought for a while. She didn\'t know how long it would be more suitable, so she said, "I don\'t know. You mentioned the contract. You must have your own concerns, or you should decide."

worry? Su Aochi\'s concern is that he is afraid that Rong niansheng will force himself and Gu Mian together. In fact, as long as he doesn\'t want to, it doesn\'t seem to be any concern. Mentioning the contract is just his whim. In fact, when Liu Qing asked himself whether he likes her or not, Su Aochi already regretted it a little.

But because he just made it clear that he didn\'t like her, Su Aochi was really embarrassed to tell Liu Qing again. Otherwise, I\'m afraid she would be more injured.

"Maybe three years. After three years, I\'ll give you some compensation." Su Aochi said.

Liu Qing finally stopped dreaming and accepted that Su Aochi really just wanted to be a contractual wife. She nodded silently.

"If you have any more requirements, take advantage of these two days to think about it. When I get better, I\'ll introduce you to my parents and my grandfather." Su Aochi said.

Liu Qing nodded without any comments. Anyway, at least she can stand beside Su Aochi for three years.

"Well, I thought about it carefully. It can\'t be so urgent. If it\'s too urgent, the service is not very strong. We can try to show our love in front of everyone first." After talking for such a long time, Su Aochi gradually stopped worrying about whether to get married tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

However, Su Aochi never thought that his decision to hurt Liu Qing today made him regret it for a long time.

Liu Qing nodded and agreed. After thinking about it, she said, "why don\'t you take a group photo with me first? I\'ll send a circle of friends and pop up the smoke first?"

Su Aochi thought for a while and thought it was a good idea, so he praised him and said, "OK, come on."

After a long time, Liu Qing finally showed a happy look on her face. She took out her mobile phone from her bag, gathered in front of Su Aochi, and stood beside him slightly shy. She didn\'t know what to do.

While Su Aochi was very casual, raised his hand and hugged Liu Qing. From her mobile phone to her mobile phone, he aimed at the two people. Looking at Liu Qing in the mobile phone screen, he shyly lowered his head. Su Aochi suddenly said, "don\'t move. I\'ll pretend to kiss you."

Before Liu Qing promised, she already felt Su Aochi\'s face close to the corner of her eyes. Liu Qing\'s heart was excited, nervous and shy because of Su Aochi\'s proximity, and then her body was stiff and didn\'t dare to move.

Until he heard the sound of his mobile phone taking pictures, Su Aochi had evacuated from his side when he wanted to move. He took his mobile phone and didn\'t know what he was pressing.

After a while, Liu Qingcai finally looked up at Su Aochi. It doesn\'t matter. Su Aochi has sent the picture to her circle of friends.

In the photo, his clothes were delicate and shy, while Su Aochi was elated, kissing the corner of his eye and staring at the camera.

Liu Qing took back her mobile phone and opened the photo sent by Su Aochi. He was accompanied by a string of crying expressions.

Soon, Liu Qing\'s mobile phone was ringing. Liu Qing looked through it casually, commented on her sleep in that circle of friends, and directly sent a message to ask her what was going on.

Liu Qing put her mobile phone in front of Su Aochi and said, "what should I do?"

Su Aochi glanced at them casually and said, "just answer them according to your usual words. You can say what you want, but what they think is their business."

Liu Qing thought for a while. It\'s really such a reason. Sometimes, the more you explain something clearly, the more people don\'t believe it.

After solving the first show of love, Su Aochi lay lazily back in bed and said, "go back and have a rest. I\'ll lie here myself for a while."

Liu Qing glanced at Su Aochi, promised and left.

After Liu Qing left, Su Aochi was lying on the hospital bed alone, thinking about the little things he had slept with Gu for so many years. There was always an unspeakable pain in his heart, but he was still unwilling to force the woman who seemed weak but always resisted you.