Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 446

Liu Qing found that Su Aochi had been in a daze since he opened the express box. She didn\'t know what she was thinking. Now, Su Aochi\'s face was becoming more and more ugly. Liu Qing came forward with some worry and asked, "excuse me, what\'s the matter with you?"

Liu Qing asked Su Aochi what was wrong, but it didn\'t matter. The most important thing was her name. Since Rong niansheng announced that Su Aochi was his own grandson Rong Qian at the press conference the night before yesterday, he asked everyone to change the following name when they saw Su Aochi in the future. They can\'t call Su Aochi Su Shao anymore, but Rong Shao.

Liu Qing is a person who has been actively changing his name to Su Aochi rongshao.

This little tolerance made Su Aochi more upset. Su Aochi stared at Liu Qing and said, "it\'s none of your business."

Then Su Aochi folded the contract in his hand and took it in his hand. Then he lifted the cup, got out of bed, came to the sofa, picked up the suit Xing en brought back from the Su family and said, "you all go out. I want to change my clothes."

Liu Qing was just worried about Su Aochi, but she didn\'t expect Su Aochi to suddenly get angry. She scolded herself in front of others without any mercy. For a moment, Liu Qing, who was spoiled and captured by Su Aochi in the morning, was angry and wronged in an instant, but didn\'t dare to say anything. She turned and walked out of the ward.

After Liu Qing left, Xing en also went out of the ward.

Because he wanted to be su Aochi\'s driver, after leaving the ward, Xing en stood not far from the door waiting for Su Aochi, took out his mobile phone from his suit trouser pocket and looked at the wechat sent by Niu Niu.

When he was in the ward just now, Xing en felt that his mobile phone vibrated. Because of Xing en\'s working relationship, he would set the vibration mode of his mobile phone after he went to work.

Because Xia Yan\'s case hasn\'t made much progress in the past two days, Niu Niu didn\'t go to the night shift anymore, and aunt Tang has been helping to take care of Xing Xing at home. Therefore, Niu Niu will still go to the police station during the day to watch the investigation of Xia Yan\'s robbery.

The wechat content sent by Niu Niu is related to Xia Yan\'s case. She said that the police had sent someone to inquire about Su Aofeng, but the people sent out looked for Su Aofeng all day and didn\'t find anyone.

Xing en immediately returned the information to Niu Niu. Is Su Aofeng not running away?

Niu Niu is of course so suspicious. The police officers at Dai Qiang and Su Lianyun have been squatting for several days and haven\'t found any trace of them. Yesterday, the police visited all the relatives of the Dai family and Su Lianyun. All the relatives of the Su family have no news of them. Obviously, Dai Qiang and Su Lianyun can be judged to have run away, Just when the police began to look for Su Aofeng and Su Lianyin, there was no one at home and no one in the company. In particular, the police squatted in Su\'s villa, that is, at the door of Su Lianyin and Su Aofeng\'s home for a night and still didn\'t see anyone, which is enough to prove that Su Aofeng and Su Lianyin also ran away.

Therefore, after Xing en sent the message, Niu Niu immediately returned the message. Niu Niu said with certainty that she ran away.

Seeing Niu Niu\'s news, Xing en sneered in his heart. The Su sisters are really similar in character. They don\'t admit to themselves. They were just suspicious. If they don\'t run, they will directly take the blame. If they don\'t feel guilty, why do you run? Right.

However, Xing en still knows more about the way the police handle cases. He won\'t be arrested until the criminal evidence of the suspect is confirmed. Therefore, Xing En will just ask Niuniu confidently and tell Dad and laogua?

Niu Niu replied with a disdainful expression, as if she were asking Xing en, what do you say?

Seeing the little expression Niu Niu replied, Xing en smiled, too. When did Niu Niu in his family behave so well and be bound by the rules and regulations of the police force? I\'m afraid Niuniu told her father and Gua long before she told herself, and she had been active in private for two days.

Although Xing en usually seems to be a person who pays great attention to principles, it is also some small things that do not touch Xing en\'s bottom line. For example, Su Aochi will think that Su Aochi\'s young master\'s temper is making trouble for him. He can accommodate these problems and will never talk nonsense, but once it involves his family, Xing En will never be humble to others.

Put away the mobile phone and just hear the sound of Su Aochi opening the door. Xing en turns back and waits for Su Aochi\'s instructions.

When Su Aochi passed Xing en, he coldly ordered him, "go to Xiaqing hall first."

Xing en didn\'t ask Su Aochi why he suddenly changed his plan to go to xiaqingtang, but gently promised to follow Su Aochi to the elevator.

Su Aochi didn\'t notice when he passed the nurse\'s desk. Since he came back, he has been looking at Liu Qing with happy eyes. The joy in his eyes has been replaced by wronged and sad eyes.

Liu Qing was even more sad that Su Aochi didn\'t notice that he was sad because of his words.

Su Aochi hurried all the way into the elevator. After Xing en came in, he pressed the door closing key of the elevator anxiously.

He wants to ask Gu Mian whether her marriage with Rong Xiu is false. Since it is false, why does she still give birth to Rong Xiu and wait for Rong Xiu like this? What point is Rong Xiu worth waiting for.

Rong Xiu never let her live a happy day. Frankly, Rong Xiu doesn\'t love her at all, but she\'s still waiting for Rong Xiu. Can\'t she give herself a chance to the person who really loves her and has guarded her for five years.

What to say to help her and Rong Xiu is all his own stupidity. Su Aochi doesn\'t want to be so stupid anymore. He wants to take the initiative and occupy her domineering.

"Where is the car?" Seeing that the elevator was almost down to the first floor, Su Aochi asked.

"It\'s in the VIP parking lot." Xing en considers why Su Aochi suddenly ran to Xia Qingtang. Xing en can\'t think of any other reason except Gu Mian.

However, he will never ask Su Aochi. Xing en knows very well that even if he asks, Su Aochi will not tell himself. Xing en must guess Su Aochi\'s purpose of going to Xiaqing hall. If Su Aochi really goes to Gu Mian, he won\'t forget it. Rong Xiu is still lying there. He won\'t connive at Su Aochi and take advantage of Rong Xiu\'s inability to fight back, Take Gu Mian\'s.

When the elevator door opened, Su Aochi stepped to the parking lot. Xing en didn\'t slow down, but followed Su Aochi closely. Su Aochi would go anyway sooner or later. Xing en wouldn\'t use delaying time to stop Su Aochi.