Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 433

Because Sheng lingsu came out, Gu Mian inevitably thought, what would happen to Rong Xiuzhen if she left one day? Will she, like Sheng lingsu, choose to commit suicide to prove how much she loves Rongxiu?

As soon as the idea came out, Gu Mian denied it. She won\'t. no matter whether she and Rongxiu are still possible or whether Rongxiu can wake up, she won\'t commit suicide, because Rongxiu once told her that he said, we\'ll wait for you to go home.

Yes, he is waiting for her, and Xiaoyan is also waiting for her, so she will never do such a stupid thing.

Gu Mian can hear that Sheng Lingtian finally interrupted his mother because of his presence. It seems that Sheng Lingtian\'s mother didn\'t find herself.

Outside the door, Sheng Lingtian has been pushed away by Ellie and the woman. Xia Xueqin and Zijin also came back at this time.

Before entering the door, Gu Mian heard Zijin muttering about Sheng Lingtian with Xia Xueqin, but after entering the door, the two people closed their mouths with tacit understanding.

"Mian Mian, it\'s all done. Let\'s go." Xia Xueqin came and helped Gu Mian as if nothing had happened.

Gu Mian gently agrees. She knows in her heart that mom and Zijin must have met Sheng Lingtian. Although Xia Xueqin doesn\'t know Sheng Lingtian, Zijin must know him.

Although I haven\'t met formally, there are really few people in the entertainment industry who don\'t know Sheng Lingtian.

Zijin must have met Sheng Lingtian at the door

After that, I heard about Sheng lingsu, so I gossip with my mother.

They would hide that they were also thinking about themselves. Gu Mian also pretended not to know anything and left with two people.

When they came, Xia Niancheng sent them. After helping Gu Mian find Zijin\'s ward, Xia Niancheng said he was going to deliver medicine, so he had already left.

So they took a taxi back.

After returning, Gu Mian first went to the doctor and asked about Rong Xiu. Fortunately, the doctor\'s office was placed next to Rong Xiu\'s ward.

The two doctors who came with Rong Xiu, one surnamed Yi and the other surnamed Li, went to choose a room by themselves, so Xia Xueqin came with Gu Mian.

The doctor told them that Yi Rong had stopped taking medicine to maintain their heartbeat. If Rongxiu\'s blood pressure and heartbeat can be maintained autonomously, that\'s good.

After asking about the status of Rong Xiu, it\'s already noon.

Meng Xingzhu Xi has been cooking by himself since the establishment of xiaqingtang. With the help of xianiancheng, Meng Xingzhu and xianiancheng have always been on the fourth floor at noon. They cook together and then eat together.

Today, Xia Niancheng went out to deliver medicine and didn\'t come back. Meng Xingzhu thought that Gu Mian was here, so he had to do more when cooking, so he went out early to buy ingredients.

When Meng Xingzhu came back, he went to the small kitchen on the fourth floor and saw that he Xiaomei was inside.

Xia Niancheng stood in front of the stove and looked at his soup pot. Meng Xingzhu had to drink soup to eat. Therefore, in recent years, Xia Niancheng also cooked a good soup. Today, everyone was there. When he brought back the medicine, he brought fresh pig feet and prepared to cook a large pot of pig feet soup. Unexpectedly, Meng Xingzhu had gone out when he came back.

Xia Niancheng knew that Meng Xingzhu must go shopping in the nearby supermarket, so he prepared to make soup without waiting for her, but he Xiaomei followed up.

He Xiaomei is the only daughter of he chuanzhang, a family of traditional Chinese medicine. After graduating from the University of traditional Chinese medicine, she came to Haixing hospital. At that time, the traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Haixing hospital had just opened and could not contact any patients at all. Because of the impact of Xia Qingtang, those who chose traditional Chinese medicine came to Xia Qingtang directly.

Later, he Xiaomei didn\'t know what to do. He asked old man Wu to tell Meng Xingzhu a favor and stuffed he Xiaomei into Xia Qingtang.

He Xiaomei\'s father mainly looked at Gynecology, so he Xiaomei was also good at it. At that time, Meng Xingzhu thought it would be good to have another doctor in Xia Qingtang, so he readily agreed.

What summer did not naturally or half unconsciously began, but when the time went on, He Xiaomei found that she was consciously and unconsciously approaching herself. For example, she deliberately passed by herself, leaving a smell of perfume. For example, she asked what she always asked for, and asked why you always came to this mask.

In fact, Xia Niancheng is not a secret in Xia Qingtang. Almost everyone knows that Xia Niancheng was the victim of the explosion, and everyone knows his disfigurement.

However, because Xia Niancheng wore masks and his long hair covered, he had a deeper and more fascinating appearance, especially when he was looking at people, he was always so confused but with a casual smile, which was easy to make people deeply trapped.

He Xiaomei was attracted by Xia Niancheng\'s eyes, so she slowly paid attention to him. After finding that Xia Niancheng was so gentle to Meng Xingzhu, he Xiaomei couldn\'t extricate herself from Xia Niancheng and wanted to attract Xia Niancheng to her side.

In fact, although the relationship between Meng Xingzhu and Xia Niancheng has not been formally explained to the people in Xia Qingtang, anyone with a little insight can see that Xia Niancheng turns a blind eye to the difference between Meng Xingzhu and others, except he Xiaomei.

Although she always tried her best to attract Xia Niancheng\'s attention, Xia Niancheng always showed indifference and turned a blind eye to her.

However, he Xiaomei didn\'t take Meng Xingzhu seriously. One reason is that Meng Xingzhu looks like a bean sprout. There is no two or two pieces of meat all over her body, and there is no place to protrude or tilt. It won\'t arouse the interest of any man at all.

However, since Gu Mian came yesterday, he Xiaomei didn\'t go home after learning that Xia Niancheng stayed in Xia Qingtang last night for working overtime, because he was still wearing yesterday\'s clothes.

So today, he Xiaomei was a little worried. Taking advantage of Xia Niancheng\'s time to decoct medicine alone, she questioned Xia Niancheng and asked him where he slept last night.

How could Xia Niancheng tell he Xiaomei? Xia Niancheng knew her intention for a long time, so Xia Niancheng didn\'t intend to pay attention to her and left after she felt bored. But who knows, he Xiaomei hugged herself directly from behind and said to Xia Niancheng, can\'t you see that I like you for a long time?

He Xiaomei, like a dog skin plaster, clings tightly to the sadness of Xia Niancheng. The two soft balls in front of her have rubbed against Xia Niancheng\'s back, which should have aroused men\'s infinite desire, but Xia Niancheng has aroused Xia Niancheng\'s infinite disgust

If not, the sound of Gu Mian and Xia Xueqin downstairs startled he Xiaomei. I\'m afraid Xia Niancheng won\'t break away from her so easily.