Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 394

After Gu Mian got out of the car, he was taken away by Xia Zimo and Xing en. Not only them, Xing en was accompanied by six security guards in black suits.

Rong Xiu was questioned not to be Rong niansheng\'s grandson. In addition, Rong Xiu of Rong\'s group and Shengshi sanshao had a car accident together. Therefore, Haicheng hospital has been almost crowded with reporters and paparazzi from various media. Paparazzi posing as patients and camera reporters running around with machines are hidden everywhere in the hospital.

Therefore, although Xia Zimo and Xing en around Gu Mian can\'t bear to tell Gu Mian that this is a fact rather than a dream, they can\'t stop some bold soldiers. The security guard surrounded by a human wall shouted out a problem at Gu Mian.

"Are you Gu Mian? When Rong Xiu\'s identity was questioned, you suddenly appeared in the hospital. Do you know the inside story? Or did Rong Xiu and you know the truth long ago, so they hid the truth from the public so far?"

This is a male reporter. At the beginning of his question, the security guard received Xing en\'s eye hint. The two security guards dragged him to leave, but his speech was fast and loud, and Gu Mian heard it.

In fact, when Gu Mian first stopped and couldn\'t touch Xia Zimo, she already clearly knew what happened to her body. Obviously, although she didn\'t know the reason, she was indeed temporarily blind.

The confusion of not seeing things and the loss of being unable to accept the cruel reality made Gu Mian choose to escape temporarily. She was deceiving herself. It was just a dream. Unfortunately, the reality reminded her again and again that she had to face it.

"Sister." Xia Zimo looked at the disappearing smile on Gu Mian\'s face and shouted with some worry.

"Gu Zong." Xing en is also worried. Now whether Rong Xiu can survive depends on Gu Mian.

Over the years, Rong Xiu knows his heart best. He has been looking forward to Gu Mian coming back and forgiving him. Therefore, Xing en feels that if Gu Mian can go to the hospital bed to have a look at Rong Xiu, he may be able to make Rong Xiu feel in a coma and let him identify his will to survive.

"I\'m fine." Gu Mian suddenly said.

She bowed her head and once again made a comment on the situation. Xia Yan was robbed. The suspect might be her or Rong Xiu\'s once known person. Then Rong Xiu was injured in the car accident while pursuing Xia Yan. The two things must be related. Moreover, it is very likely that the accident was set up in advance by the suspect, the purpose is to obstruct the pursuit of Rong Xiu.

That is to say, if it was not Rong Xiu but Zijin or Xia Zimo who caught up with him at that time, he would also encounter the car accident, because if this person was directly aimed at Rong Xiu, the previous act of robbing Xiao Yan was redundant. It can only be said that the criminal had only one purpose, that is, robbing Xia Yan. It doesn\'t matter who he was tracking. If such an analysis is made, Gu Mian is almost sure that the man who robbed Xiaoyan must have a grudge against himself.

"Zi Mo, I can\'t see it now. Help me." Gu Mian grabs Xia Zimo\'s hand.

Xia Zimo shouted, "sister?"

There was a trace of worry in Xia Zimo\'s voice. Gu Mian took Xia Zimo\'s hand, loosened his finger and patted him gently. Then he turned his face to Xing en and said, "criminal assistant, please take me to Rongxiu and tell me in detail about his current condition and situation."

When Gu Mian said this, although his eyes

It is not focused, but it has a faint aura. The unquestionable demeanor looks like the situation when Gu Mian was still a project manager of Rongxiu.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, please take the elevator first. Mr. Rong lives in the ICU on the 13th floor." Xing en has been blocking the elevator door. At this time, he can reach out and block the edge of the elevator door on Gu Mian\'s right side in case she touches the wall.

Xia Zimo helped Gu Mian into the elevator. Xing en went in with two security guards, and the other security guards stayed at the door of the elevator.

Into the elevator, Xing en began to introduce Rong Xiu\'s current situation to Gu Mian: "Rongzong\'s brain tonic has been seriously impacted, resulting in craniocerebral injury. Now an operation has been carried out, depending on the appropriate situation, and a second external cranial decompression operation has to be carried out. The heartbeat and blood pressure of Rongzong\'s heart have to be maintained by drugs. It still responds to external stimuli, but the response is small. Only the left hand can make a normal psychological response because of the stimulation."

Gu Mian listened to these, and the pain in her heart could not be attached. She just told herself rationally that you have to be strong. Therefore, after Xing en finished, Gu Mian asked, "how long has the operation been over?"

"Less than eight hours," Xing said

Gu Mian said, "when did it happen to him?"

Xing en said, "around 10:40 last night."

Gu Mian calculated the time. If Rong Xiu was sent to the hospital immediately after the car accident, that is to say, he had surgery alone for nearly ten hours. Through this time, Gu Mian could guess that Rong Xiu\'s injury was really a narrow escape.

His eyes darkened involuntarily. Gu Mian then asked, "did the doctor say if he could wake up?"

It\'s not Gu Mian\'s despair, but all the situations that Xing engang just said are telling Gu Mian that Rong Xiu is basically like a dead man now. Gu Mian can\'t imagine that he is still well, otherwise he may not be able to face it. Rong Xiu, who is seriously injured, will face next.

Xing en was stunned. He didn\'t expect Gu Mian to ask. He didn\'t know whether Gu Mian gave up Rongxiu or really felt that Rongxiu was about to

But Xing en still answered Gu Mian\'s question: "I also asked the doctor before. The doctor said that Rongxiu has not passed the dangerous period yet, and it will be possible to make a conclusion only after observing for a few more days. At present, all the results are possible."

Gu Mian nodded and didn\'t speak for a long time. A moment later, Gu Mian heard the prompt sound of the elevator reaching the floor. Xia Zimo carefully said to her, "sister, we\'re in the elevator. Turn left."

Gu Mian gave a sound and Xia Zimo took him out of the elevator.

Because he didn\'t know what Rong Xiu was going to look like, Gu Mian felt that he was suddenly blind now. Instead, it was easier to comfort himself. He walked over and met Rong Xiu he hadn\'t seen in five years.

Can\'t see, Gu Mian\'s heart is much more calm. Gu Mian is thinking that if she isn\'t blind now, she knows in time where Rong Xiu is lying and doesn\'t wake up. Does she also have the courage to meet him again in this situation?

The answer is no, so Gu Mian is a little happy about his blindness.