Her Fool General

Chapter 85

Bang Dang!

Gansu Ning in the hand of the bag all fell to the ground, he some flustered look to Ning Rongyue: "elder sister?"

Ning Rongyue doesn't seem to hear her voice. She still stares at the two girls in front of her. She just makes them feel a little cool.

"Are you serious?"

The two girls shrunk their necks, and one of them boldly said, "of course, it's true. Today, the imperial edict of the emperor has been issued. We'll just wait for the general to marry Princess Ninghua on a good day."

"A good day?"

Ning Rongyue murmured: "so this is his sweetheart?"

See Ning Rongyue's situation is not right, two girls left in a hurry, Ning Rongyue is still standing in place, eyes do not focus to look forward.

"Sister, don't listen to their nonsense."

Seeing Ning Rongyue in Gansu Province, she suddenly burst into tears and panicked: "sister, don't you scare me? are you all right? Their words may not be true. She... "

"You don't have to be so anxious even if you want to marry another beautiful woman?"

After knowing this, Ning Rongyue, who was aware that she had wet her cheek, said with a smile: "at least, you have to divorce me. Oh, yes, my husband is Ning Fu, not Lu Chang, not Lu Chang..."

"Sister, don't scare me

Gansu Ning felt that Ning Rongyue could not hear her words at all, and was at a loss.

Ning Rongyue frowned and moved hard: "I'm ok. Go ahead."

Gansu rather busy should say: "good, good, let's go, let's go home, go home."

Just half of the words, Gansu Ning's eyes widened. The ground where Ning Rongyue stood before was a pool of blood. Because he was too flustered and ignored other Gansu Ning, he found the smell of blood in the air.

"Sister! Children? "

Ning Rongyue is still walking with no awareness. Ning Qiang, Gansu Province, bears wet eyes and grits his teeth to pick up Ning Rongyue: "go back to the house! Come on

Those servants also saw the blood on the ground, one by one flustered to open the way for Gansu Ning.

"What happened to miss Ning all of a sudden?"

"Oh, my God, is there something wrong with this child! It's not going to take two lives, is it? "

"Shut up

Gansu rather eyes with some blood, that look at the random chew tongue of the servants instantly pale, silent voice.

"Doctor Fu, old Fu? Come on, grandpa

When he went out to look for Ning Rongyue, he didn't succeed. On the contrary, he heard a lot of Lu Chang's request to marry the princess. Now he was very angry, and he heard the voice of Gansu Ning almost breaking sound, and his face was even more agitated.

He was not angry and said, "what's your name! What about soul calling? What about the moon

Gansu rather eager way: "Fu old! It's Rongyue. There's something wrong with her sister and her child! Come on


With a flash, doctor Fu came to Ning, Gansu Province, and put his hand on Ning Rongyue's pulse gate: "this is about to be born! Suning boy! What's going on? It's bleeding! no way! I'll get the medicine. You should find the midwife quickly. I'm afraid the amniotic fluid will break soon! "

It seems that Fang Susu, who had been expected, came running from somewhere: "I, I have already found wenpo, and I'm waiting in the room now! Take Rongyue into the house quickly

"Good, good!"

Gansu Ning stammered, directly used the lightness skill to Ning Rongyue's yard, and carried her into the house to wenpo.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Wenpo was also surprised to see Gansu Ning's blood. She said: "young master, go out quickly. This is not the place where you can stay. Go and get hot water quickly."

Rather than leave, he stood behind the screen in the room.

Seeing this, Wen Po can't take care of him for the time being. She orders her servant girl to take hot water and help Ning Rongyue wipe the blood first.

"Oh, my wife, no matter what happens first, now the most important thing for children is to take a deep breath!"

"Ah, yes, take a deep breath. You don't want your child to be so lost. It's the flesh and blood of your October pregnancy. Madam, try hard, try hard!"

Ning Rongyue finally found her reason in the midwife's big voice. She never let the child have an accident. She did it according to what the midwife said.

Doctor Fu took the pill in a hurry and came to Ning Rongyue's room. He gave the pill to his servant girl: "take it quickly and let Rongyue take it!"


Seeing that the servant girl entered the room, doctor Fu was relieved. Wei Ling looked at the servants who followed Ning Rongyue and they went out.

"Tell me! What's going on? "

A few servants pushed me and I pushed you. They told me the story before. After hearing that it was really because of Lu Chang, Dr. Fu was so angry that he was heartbroken!

"Sister Rongyue, is sister Rongyue OK?"

After hearing the news, Yu Chenzhou immediately asked Yu Xiaoxiao to come here and ask.

Fang Susu took Yu Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "it's OK for the time being, but I'm afraid the baby will be born ahead of time. I don't know if there is any danger."

"How could that be?"

Yu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, but when she saw that other people's faces were not good, she stopped talking and guarded the door nervously.

People from the afternoon has been worried, to the evening, Fang Su Su face anxious: "so long time, how not born?"

Although Fu said that his face was not good, he had a bottom in his heart: "it should be OK. Rongyue has taken the medicine. Although the child is not full-term, he has only checked for about a month. He should be OK."

"It's all right."

Yu Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief, and then some strange way: "Suning brother? Why didn't you see him about such a big thing? "

Room Su Su A Leng, before everyone is too anxious to forget Gansu Ning is still in the delivery room.

Cao Cao's voice rang out, just listen to a cry in the delivery room directly over the child's cry.

"Yes! It's born! Sister, the baby is born! It's a boy! Ha ha ha ha

Ning Rongyue is lying in the quilt weakly. Wen Yan finally shows a weak smile.

Wenpo, a bloody woman, found that Gansu Ning was still here: "Oh, my little master, why are you here all the time?"

Gansu Ning ignored her and carefully held the swaddling clothes she had just snatched from wenpo: "good boy, it's so good, mother and son are safe! Ha ha

With that, Gansu Ning rushed out of the delivery room, and wenpo closed the door again: "young master, be careful. Open the window over there and let your blood out. Be careful not to blow, madam

"Yes." Several servant girls went to open the window.

Seeing this, Wen Po came to Ning Rongyue again: "madam is working hard. The young master is very healthy. Please go to bed and have a rest."

"Thank you, grandma." Ning Rongyue said softly.

Wenpo said, "Oh, yes, I'm going out now. My wife has something to call me."

Outside the people looking at Gansu Ning crazy, holding a small swaddle ran out, first surprised, then all close to the front.