Her Fool General

Chapter 438

The fourth day of the lunar new year.

It has been two days since Ning woke up in Gansu Province. In these two days, he also straightened out what happened after he entered the ice room. However, he decided that Nan huaiyue, who was dressed as a man, was Ning Rongyue and followed her every day.

At this time, Xi Ye some speechless looking at the fool face of Gansu Ning: "Gansu Ning, if you have nothing to do, you can help the alliance leader to share some affairs."

After Tianxiang Pavilion leader separated from Xi Ye, he found Bai Langyu, but Bai Langyu was busy with Gansu Ning at that time and didn't care about it. Later, when he went to treat orange clothes, he found that it was not so simple, because it was not only orange clothes, but also people like orange clothes appeared in all forces in the chaotic place!

As a result, Gan Youlang has been very busy these two days.

Gansu ningwen said with a smile: "my father's elder brother is helping me. I just woke up and my mind is still a little confused. I need Yueer to look at it for me again, Yueer?"

Ninggang, Gansu Province, was really shocked when he learned about Bai Langyu's life experience, but later he accepted it well.

Nan huaiyue doesn't know how Gansu Ning shouts the name of yue'er to her men's clothes. She's tired of being entangled by Gansu Ning these days. She thinks it's better to have a showdown.

Xi night mouth corner smoked to smoke, take Gansu rather this shameless appearance to have no way.

Seeing that nanhuaiyue was silent, Gansu Ning said, "listen to my mother say that Yueer came to the place of chaos for the first time, why don't I take Yueer for a walk?"

South huaiyue speechless, Xi night is light way: "OK, please Ganshao alliance leader lead the way."

"Being polite is not a little leader of the alliance. The tenth five year plan is the Wulin assembly."

Gansu Ning grinned.

Nan huaiyue looks at Xi Ye with some doubts.

Xi night in Gansu Ning suddenly cold eyes of the pull down from the South huaiyue: "to see the white Lang jade for a while and a half can not solve the poison is what kind of."

Jueshang gate was hidden in the mountains. Before that, he was careful not to be noticed, so no one was caught. Otherwise, Xi Ye could not be so indifferent at the moment.

South huaiyue smell speech surface emerge a trace of curiosity, slightly nod.

Gansu would rather see this grinding his teeth, and then walk on the other side of the South huaiyue: "big brother said that it should not be poison, but poison, just never seen poison, father, they have not traced the root, I am afraid it is difficult to solve."

It's not that Gansu Ning doesn't want to help, but he really can't help with poisonous insects and other things, so he doesn't want to make trouble.


Xi Ye smelled the smell of smoked wormwood in the air and frowned slightly.

Three people slowly walked to the street, but at this time here a lot of bleak.

Gansu Ning chuckled: "the main suspicion of the Wulin League is that the demon sect is playing tricks, or that it is Xi Da devil you."

Xi night smell speech curl mouth.

Nan huaiyue said softly, "it's not brother huaiqiu. Uncle Gan should not doubt brother huaiqiu."

"Of course, my father won't, but sycophant night used to be a poison expert in the demon sect. Some people in the Wulin League will still follow him." Gansu rather slightly frown: "night you have to be careful."

Xi Ye chuckled and said calmly, "they can't beat me."

South huaiyue and Gansu Ning are silent for a moment, inexplicably want to laugh.

While the three were walking and talking, a cry of pain suddenly came from a side alley, and a man with blood all over him sprang out of the alley.

See people straight toward them, Xi night and Gansu Ning tacit understanding of the protection in front of the South huaiyue body.


Kick the person that flies to rush to come over, Gansu rather complexion indifferent take back a foot, then immediately switch a smile: "moon, didn't scare?"

"... No."

South huaiyue see Gansu Ning with face change, some subtle mood.

"Come on, come on! Get him

"Don't hurt him, quick!"

In the alley came the chivalrous men recruited by the Wulin League. Gansu Ning frowned slightly and watched them catch the bloody man.

"What happened?"

After waiting for that blood person to be captured, Gansu rather comes forward to ask a way.

The one who is the first among a group of chivalrous men came out and said, "I have seen Mr. Gan. This is a person who has been poisoned. But I don't know why he just went crazy and ran out after injuring several people. We were ordered to arrest him."

Gansu Ning Wen Yan frowned: "crazy? Are you OK, brother

More and more people have been poisoned these days. The Wulin League has concentrated the poisoned people in several courtyards to facilitate Bai Langyu's diagnosis and treatment. Bai Langyu has been there these days.

"Don't worry, young master. The young master wasn't there at that time and didn't get hurt."

This is the only way to let go.

One side of Xi Ye and Nan huaiyue looked at each other, and then went to the blood man.

"Let me see."

The people who captured the blood man frowned with vigilance. Everyone knew that the alliance leader invited several distinguished guests to wake Gansu Ning, but most people didn't know who those distinguished guests were.

Gansu rather see this busy way: "this is to cure my guest, quickly get out of the way, let two see."

All the chivalrous men's eyes turned around on Nan huaiyue. It is said that the doctor with excellent medical skills is so young? And why does this man look so familiar?

But Gansu Ning has spoken, blocking the way of South huaiyue or get out of the way immediately.

Nan huaiyue took a close look at the black lines on the blood man's exposed arm, and then flicked her fingers. A strong wind swept away the messy long hair that covered the man's face, revealing the man's face with black lines and a pair of blood red eyes. The eyes were full of blood red and no half of intelligence. It was really shocking.

South Huai month in the heart a sink, surprised uncertain of saw one eye Xi night.

Xi Ye looked ugly and shook his head: "this man is dead."

Everyone was shocked when he said this. Several people who captured the bloody man almost let go of his hand. The leading Knight frowned tightly: "master Xi, this man is still standing in front of us. How is he dead?"

This person has recognized Xi Ye. Jueshang gate is no longer hidden recently, so everyone knows that Xi Ye has set up another jueshang gate after betraying the demon sect.

Gansu Ning also doubts to see the South huaiyue.

South huaiyue difficult spit out a few words: "walking dead."

Several people who hold the blood man feel that their hands are shaking. They can't be so scary!

At this time, it seems that because the power to clamp the blood man is small, the blood man actually breaks free and pours on the South huaiyue in front of him.

South Huai moon god color a Lin, draw out the waist green Luan knock on the blood head, and then back a few steps.

Xi night is to pull out the waist soft sword to kill the king to this blood man an arm.

South huaiyue some dislike to throw the blood on qingluan, also fortunately qingluan won't infect the blood, gently throw the blood on all, she said: "don't touch this person's blood, try not to be hurt by him!"

Hearing the words, you chivalrous men's movements became a little bit tied.

At this time, Bai Langyu, who got the news that someone was crazy, also came with people in a hurry.