Her Fool General

Chapter 355

On the way back to China, the ghost fearing Gongsun Ke was deeply remembered by nanhuai yuekeng.

South Huai month certainly won't forget Gongsun guest, apricot eyes curved toward Gongsun guest smile.

"Oh, huaiyue is not so kind when she sees me."

Wen Rennuo pretends to be sad.

No matter how stupid Zhong limo is, it's time to guess the identity of Nan huaiyue. The dark blue eyes symbolize the Royal identity, Nan Liyu's younger brother, and Wen renuo's "huaiyue"!

"Gong, Gong, Gong!"

Hearing that a folding fan struck the back of the clock, he interrupted: "Gong, what Gong, come and sit down."

How can they become friends with such a stupid person?


Clock away from the back of the head to touch the front seat.

Nan Li Yu sits on the right side of Nan huaiyue. After sitting down, Nan huaiyue rushes to her left side and tries to put up Wen Rennuo's embarrassed smile.

Nan huaiyue's eyes are sharp.

He shrugged at the news.

Zhong limo looked at the slightly stiff South huaiyue, and then asked with a smile: "Li Yu, are you coming out here? I hear you're going out to sea with my father? "

This big mouth!

South Li Yu draws a corner of mouth: "take month son to come out to walk."

"Yes? But why can't you follow my father? Ah? You're not... "

"Let's not talk about it."

South Li Yu is laughing to interrupt the words of clock to leave mo.

Clock from a Leng Mo, and then should be a, the rest of a few people see different ideas.

Wen Rennuo said to Nan huaiyue with a smile: "huaiyue, all the tea in this Qingyu building is top grade. Can you see what you want to taste?"

At the same time, the man in the teahouse is not the same as the man in the general restaurant. Wearing plain white robes, he has a kind of elegant feeling.

Nan huaiyue looked at the tea list and found that there were many names of tea she had never seen. Oh, maybe she had, but she forgot.

"Well, I don't have much research on this, but my brother... Seems to like it very much?"

Said, South Huai month some doubts of see south Li Yu.

South Li Yu in the heart a shock, then smile a way: "big brother is quite like to come here."

"I remember right."

"In that case, why don't you try this purple bamboo shoot?"

Looking at them silently, Liu Bai suddenly opened his mouth and put down his white jade Cup: "the color is orange and the taste is mellow. Even in this Qingyu building, it is very precious."

South huaiyue smell speech looked at the cup in front of Liu Bai, some curious.

"Mengding stone flower, the color of the soup is light green, the aroma is rich, and the taste is rich and sweet. It should be more suitable for the taste of Gong and huaiyue."

Gongsun Ke also suddenly put in a word. Although he was pitied, he liked the little princess very much.

Nanhuaiyue looks at gongsunke who is different from gongsunke who has been accommodating herself before, and her mouth rises unconsciously.


"Well, didn't I hear that there's something new here? Why don't you try something fresh? "

Zhong Li Mo's smiling way.

Nan huaiyue was silent for a moment, then she said with a bitter smile, "well, I can't drink all of them, can I?"

South Li Yu draws the corner of the mouth, deeply feels that he shouldn't bring South Huai month to this side.

"I used to drink Xueding hancui, how about huaiyue?"

South Li Yu asked a sentence.


South huaiyue busily nods, always feel the atmosphere a little strange?

Hearing Rennuo's sudden hum and smile, he said in a soft voice: "huaiyue is not suitable for drinking green tea now. Now there should be Fenglu tea that has been produced three or four times. Go and bring it."

"Yes." The man immediately responded respectfully and turned to leave.

Nan Li Yu looked at Wen Ren and said, "I don't know when the prince Wen Ren arrived at the imperial city?"

What's the situation of the guys in the Qingyu building? Do you listen to the goods?

"Well? Li Yu, don't you know? "

Zhong Li Mo frowned: "Wen Ren is the only one who hears about others, so he is the young master of this jade building."

A few years ago, when Nanli Yu didn't go back to Xiali, he heard that Rennuo suddenly appeared, just like Princess Lingxi. No wonder Nanli Yu didn't know.

"Ha? What do you hear about people

Nan Li Yu frowned.

Wen Rennuo covered his lips with a folding fan: "I was not in Xiali when I was young. I just came back a few years ago, my second highness."

"Oh, ha ha."

South Li Yu pulls out a smile reluctantly.

"Fenglu tea has come up. Huaiyue has come to taste it."

Wen Rennuo smiles, then takes the tea cup from the waiter and puts it in front of Nan huaiyue: "there's still a little tea. Huaiyue has a taste."

"Thank you."

South Huai month some worry of saw a south Li Yu.

Nan Li Yu rolled a big white eye in the heart, then calmed down and said: "drink some tea, moon, you just disappear."

Nan huaiyue's face was slightly red: "brother, you are the one who should eliminate food."

They're both eating well.

Nan Li Yu shrugged and chuckled: "by the way, ah Mo, are you here?"

He didn't think that he came here to drink tea peacefully.

"Seven days later, a large-scale auction will be held in baifangge in Wencheng. I invited amo and them to come and have a look together. However, the second highness should leave in seven days."

South Li Yu smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, thought of them before to smell person Nuo identity guess, elder brother they shouldn't have never seen smell person Nuo is, it seems that should know what.

"Are you going?"

"Yes, just go to see the excitement."

Anyway, he usually has nothing to do, Zhong limo said casually.

Gongsun Ke also said, "because I was an envoy before, I've been on vacation for a long time. I'll go and have a look. I heard that there are some magic weapons."

"Magic weapon? Hundred square Pavilion auction

Nan huaiyue looks at Wen Rennuo curiously.

Looking at by such a beautiful woman, Wen Rennuo felt that he was about to float up: "Baifang Pavilion is a famous treasure Pavilion in the river and lake. There are many rare things at the auction they held. Would you like to have a look at huaiyue?"

"Well, I have to ask my brother, brother?"

South Li Yu stares one eye, Wen Ren Nuo: "this later say again, you a person go out after mother, they can't rest assured."

"Well, good."

South Huai month lightly answered a.

I'm disappointed to hear that, but I didn't abduct.

Such a beautiful beauty, it's pleasant to watch.

Wen Rennuo looks at the side face of South huaiyue tenderly, and her goose bumps suddenly get up.

Side face not to pay attention to Wen renuo's eyes, South huaiyue always feel fluffy in the heart.

Seeing this, Gongsun Ke said, "it's already noon. Would you like to have dinner together?"

"What about the moon?"

Wen Rennuo first asked Nan huaiyue.

South huaiyue smell speech subconsciously put the hand on the stomach: "we don't go."

She hasn't eaten yet, so must her brother.

South Li Yu lightly laughs a way: "yes, we don't go, several go to have a meal first."