Her Fool General

Chapter 104



Everyone was surprised to see this. Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to pull Ning Rongyue's arm in a hurry.

Ning Rongyue frowns, but she doesn't touch the broken glass. After a moment of panic, she hugs Yuanyuan and wants to stand up straight.

"Be careful!"

Ning Rong month behind suddenly came a man, look flustered help Ning Rong month.

Yuanyuan, who should have been frightened, suddenly giggles after seeing the man who half hugs Ning Rongyue.

"It's you!" Gansu Ning's face is full of hostility.

Ning Rongyue was stiff. She stood up straight and looked at the person behind her. Then her face changed slightly: "thank you very much."

Lu Chang looked at Ning Rongyue standing up straight and holding her body empty. Why is there something empty in his heart? He nodded slightly and said, "it's a matter of hand."

Ning Rongyue suddenly laughed when she heard that the spring flowers were not as bright as this: "should I call you a fu or general Lu Chang?"

Lu Chang was shocked: "I..."

"Brother Lu Chang, brother Lu Chang, why did you run so fast all of a sudden and use lightness skill?"

At this time, another voice rang out, and situ Xue with sweat looked at Ning Rongyue with hostility.

Ning Rongyue's eyes moved. She stepped back to Ning, Gansu Province, and said slowly, "this girl, general Lu Chang is running so fast to save talents. Thank you for your help."

"Sister, what kind of help!"

Gansu rather the end of a tight frown way: "elder sister, let's go."

When he saw that there was still a baby in Qingning Rongyue's arms, although situ Xue was dissatisfied, her hostility was much less: "brother Lu Chang has always been so helpful, you're welcome, girl."

Ning Rongyue nodded her head slightly. She did not see Lu Chang again. She turned and left with them.

Lu Chang looks at Ning Rongyue's back without hesitation. His body is stiff. Then he takes a deep look at her and Yuanyuan's back. Is the child his own?

Apart from Lu Chang, Gansu Ning and others who know the inside story surround Ning Rongyue, but they don't know what to say.

Yu Xiaoxiao tried to open her mouth: "sister, are you ok? Just now, just now that's round dad? "

Ning Rong month light way: "calculate is, I have nothing to do, you do what this appearance."

With that, Ning Rongyue bent her eyes and laughed again: "look, I'm ok. It's the girl. Is it Princess Ninghua?"

"It should be her," Yu Xiaoxiao said

Xiaoyue is sure: "that is Princess Ninghua."

Ning Rongyue wrinkled her nose and said, "it's beautiful."

They don't know Ning Rongyue's mind, and they don't know how to answer this.

Yu Xiaoxiao raised the wreath in her hand: "by the way, it's made of green cherry. It's for my sister."

Said, Yu Xiaoxiao directly took the wreath to Ning Rongyue's head, Ning Rongyue shook her head: "thank you, green cherry."

The round circle in Ning Rongyue's arms stretched out her arms to reach the flowers on Ning Rongyue's head. Her small head was shaking. Ning Rongyue nodded his forehead: "naughty."

They arrived at Lin'an temple at the top of the mountain, but they didn't meet Lu Chang again.

Yu Xiaoxiao first went to the main hall to return the money. Ning Rongyue asked the little hermit beside him: "can master yun'an be here?"

Little monk looked at Ning Rongyue and his party: "benefactor

Ning Rongyue said slowly: "Ning Rongyue, I met the master before."

Hearing this, the little monk took a serious look at Ning Rongyue: "it's benefactor Ning. The master told me that if benefactor Ning comes to the lotus garden in the backyard, it's OK."

Ning Rongyue nodded slightly when she heard the words: "thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome, girl, please."

Ning Rongyue followed little monk to the Furong garden where he had been before. In addition to master yun'an, there was another unexpected person in Ning Rongyue.

"Miss Ning."

Bai Langyu stood up and nodded to Ning Rongyue. Looking at his expression, he seemed very surprised: "when did miss Ning arrive in the capital? Has the ghost and Mr. Fu ever come? "

Ning Rongyue said a lie with a calm face: "grandfather didn't come, I have something to do here."

Bai Langyu thought of the missing and reappearing general Lu Chang, and said with a clear face: "I see. Are these girls friends?"

Ning Rongyue nodded and introduced each other to Ningji people and Bai Langyu in Gansu Province.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

Master yun'an said with a smile after seeing the polite and alienated atmosphere between them: "it's just that you've come to Rongyue. At noon, you should not have eaten. Come and taste my food."

Ning Rongyue said with a smile: "we just want to taste the meal of Lin'an temple."

Master yun'an flashed a ray of light in his eyes: "it's just right, but there are still some differences between the fasting meals here and those in Lin'an temple."


Ning Rong month smell speech some curious mouth.

Soon, a few little Shamis brought food. Ning Rongyue was surprised to see the delicious meat. He thought master yun'an was accommodating their taste.

But when master yun'an put his chopsticks to meat, Yu Xiaoxiao was the first to ask: "master, can you eat meat?"

"Why not."

Master yun'an put his face in his mouth as usual: "why not? Monks are human beings. There is no meat and wine ring here. It's the so-called meat and wine pass through the intestines of the Buddha."

Ning Rongyue has a trace of enlightenment in her eyes, while Bai Langyu looks at master yun'an with a smile in her eyes to deceive Ning Rongyue.

Ning Rongyue said slowly: "master's opinion."

Master Yun An waved his hand: "ah, it's not a great idea."

But before a few people had lunch, there was a noise outside Furong garden.

Master yun'an frowned and indicated with his eyes that Ning Rongyue didn't need to care. He stood up and said, "who is making noise here?"

A little monk said, "master, it's Princess Ninghua and general Lu Chang. They say they want to see the master."

Master yun'an frowned slightly when he heard the words. After considering for a moment, he said, "just let them in."


Several people on the dining table smell speech all intentionally or unintentionally look to Ning Rong month, Ning Rong month heart again big also can't stand by as if no one ate.

"What's the matter? What are you looking at me for? Are you full? "

"Well, I'm full."

At the same time, Lu Chang and situxue, the princess of Ninghua, come in.

The little monk neatly removed the food from ningrongyue's side, and then served the tea.

Master yun'an restored his compassionate appearance: "why do you two benefactors visit?"

Situ Xue also saw Ning Rongyue and others, but she didn't care much. She was just annoyed that master yun'an was holding a shelf and it was so hard to see one side!

"Last time we couldn't understand the meaning of master's words. This time we want to ask me about their marriage."