Her Fool General

Chapter 101

When the black on the ghost needle fades, she and doctor Fu move at the same time, but they don't pour the internal force into the ghost needle, and then use the internal force to put the thin ghost needle into Qi Yun's deep body.

Qi Yun only felt a burst of pain deep into the bone marrow, and her body jerked.

Seeing this, doctor Fu gave Ning Rongyue all the five threads that controlled the ghost needle. He took out a pill and put it into Qi Yun's mouth: "swallow it together with clotting pill!"

Qi Yun is so painful that she can't hear him clearly now. Seeing this, doctor Fu frowns, and then directly breaks Qi Yun's clenched teeth to let her swallow the two pills.

After swallowing the medicine, Qi Yun's state has finally recovered.

Ning Rongyue was glad to see this: "grandfather, it's done!"

Doctor Fu stood up and went to Yu Chenzhou's bed: "you continue to use the ghost needle to extract the poison, I look at the blood."

"All right."

Ning Rong month should a, concentrate on help Qi Yun pull out poison.

Fu moved a chair to the side of Yu's boat. After looking at him, he said slowly, "can you hear me? From now on, as long as you feel you can't hold on, swallow the clotting pill."

I closed my eyes tightly and answered with a nasal hum.

Seeing this, doctor Fu no longer spoke, but raised his hand to move the hose for transporting blood.

With the loss of blood, Yu's face became paler and his head began to feel dizzy. Until his body was about to reach the critical point of his limit, Yu could not help swallowing the blood clotting pill that had been in his mouth.

Coagulum Dan a swallow, Yu Chenzhou's face on the naked eye visible ruddy up, like before the loss of blood all complement back.

Seeing this, doctor Fu looked at Yu's sunken boat with great interest, and then grasped his wrist and gave him a pulse.

"This blood clotting pill is really strange."

Ning Rongyue also noticed the situation here. The effect of coagulating Pill on Qi Yun, who was already weak, was not obvious, but it was very obvious on Yu Chenzhou, who was short of blood.

"Grandfather, I think aunt Yu's whole body of blood has almost been changed. First pull out two hoses."

Doctor Fu got up and took a look at the pale blood flowing from Qi Yun's fingers. He said, "well, almost."

With that, he used skillful force to pull out the two hoses on them, and then sealed their blood with a silver needle to stop their blood.

And Ning Rongyue has also pulled out part of Qi Yun's cold poison deep into the bone marrow, and tightened the silk thread to take back the ghost needle in Qi Yun's body.

"All right!"

Fu hands a pat: "yes, Yu boy, you can rest assured."

Lie on the bed of Yu Chenzhou smell speech pull out a weak smile: "Yun son."

Seeing that Yu Chenzhou turned to look at Qi Yun, Ning Rongyue wiped away the sweat on her forehead and said with a slightly relaxed tone: "I temporarily sealed aunt Yu's sleeping acupoints and let her have a good rest."

More than Chenzhou smell speech lightly should a, look to Qi Yun's eyes with extreme gentleness.

Ning Rongyue saw the center of her eyes and shivered. Once upon a time, she had seen this kind of eyes for countless times.

Standing in the same place for a moment, Ning Rongyue pays attention to Qi Yun again. At this moment, the blood flowing from her ten fingers is a kind of pink. Although it is different from the blood color of normal people, it has no toxin.

Ning Rongyue rubbed the pink blood on Qi Yun's finger with her finger: "the blood is thin, but there is no cold poison attached to it. It's OK."

Fu doctor smell speech pull out the last hose to stop two people's blood, and Ning Rongyue is careful to help Qi Yun's fingers bandaged tightly.

"Grandfather, go out and tell the others first. I'll clean up."


Doctor Fu put a pill into Yu Chenzhou's mouth again, then he opened the door and left the room with his hands on his back.

Ning Rongyue first pulled out the four ghost needles in Yu Chenzhou's body to let him sit up: "Uncle Yu, you first move your body by yourself. Although the missing blood in your body has been replenished by clotting pill, just losing blood will make you weaker."

Yu Chenzhou sat up and nodded to Ning Rongyue, then moved his hands and feet, stood up and came to Qi Yun's bedside.

Ning Rongyue took a look at them and began to pick up the ghost needles and hoses contaminated with cold poison.

The people of the Jiang family who got the news soon came in. Ning Rongyue reminded them, "don't touch those two pots of black blood."

The blood with cold poison flows into the jade basin, and there is an unknown cold, and some frost has been coagulated on the edge of the jade basin.

Jiang Fu and they also know that this is the cold poison that has been raging in Qi Yun's body for many years. They should be careful to avoid the jade basin.

"How are you, cousin?"

Jiang Fu is concerned to see Xiang Dingding watching Qi Yun's Yu Chenzhou, while Jiang Lin and other young people around him are curious to see the furnishings in the house and the things Ning Rongyue is picking up.

Yu Chenzhou's eyes said gently: "I'm fine. Yun'er's cold poison has been eradicated. Everything is fine."

Jiang Fu was glad when he heard that Ning Rongyue had a bad attitude towards them. Instead, he politely said, "thank you, Miss Ning. Our Jiang family will have a heavy thank you."

Ning Rongyue said flatly: "thank you so much."

Jiang Fu was stunned. He was afraid that his attitude before waiting for someone had been misunderstood. He quickly added: "Miss Ning, don't misunderstand me. Your kindness can't be measured by money, but my Jiang family really appreciates the girl, so they want to send a little heart."

Ning Rongyue raised her eyes with a little surprise. She looked sincere and didn't look like Jiang Fu. She gave a light smile.

"I promised uncle Yu before that they would treat my aunt. Now I should do this. I don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Fu also heard Ning Rongyue's tone soften, and he was relieved. How can he say that this is also a benefactor? As for Fu Yinghe's prejudice, it was the old master who first provoked others

"The girl has a good heart, which really makes Jiang admire. Before, Jiang used to be a villain to be a gentleman."

Jiang Fu said as he turned Jiang Lin, who was looking around him.

See Ning Rongyue really can cure Qi Yun, Jiang Lin is also grateful, he don't twist mouth way: "I'm sorry for the attitude before, thank you girl."

Ning Rongyue and Chong nodded slightly, and then told Xiaoyue that they came in and said, "Xiaoyue, Qingying, take those poisonous blood to baicaoge. Be careful, don't touch it."

"Yes, miss."

Ruxing then took over the things in Ning Rongyue's hand, gently supported Ning Rongyue and said, "girl, I'll help you to have a rest first."

Ning Rongyue looks at ruxing in surprise. Fu Yinghe arranges two people, Xiaoyue and ruxing. Xiaoyue is more careful and gentle, while ruxing is more carefree and careless. I didn't expect that she was so careful sometimes.