Help! I'm In Love With A Liar (Complete)

Chapter 39:Recovering From Surgery

After four days, I was shifted back to my home, to my relief. I had a drain pipe attached to me, which removed the excessive fluid from my body. Precisely after 21 days, I had to undergo my first chemotherapy and my biopsy report was to arrive after another ten days.

I had considerably tapered my duration of talking to Wang.

"Why don't you call me?'' he asked me once puzzled.

"I was a little busy," I said trying to sound very casual.

"Off course not Wang," I lied.

I was often tempted to tell him the truth, but I had numerous inhibitions. How will he take it? Will I be a liability to him? How long will I live? Thus, I always ended up not divulging him, anything.

My biopsy report had arrived and Dr. Kuan, briefed us the report.

"Yours is a triple negative form of cancer with second stage. We have removed 17 lymph nodes in the surgery. Second stage of breast cancer is good news for you but the triple negative cancer is not. As I said, you will have 6 chemotherapies with a 21 days gap and radiation for 1 month," He explained.

He further explained us the recurrence chances of cancer, which were fifty percent in my case and the good thing was that it had not spread to other parts. I had to commence with my chemotherapy in another 10 days.

He further informed us that chemotherapy had many side effects most evident effect was losing all my body hair, including my head. Since I had extremely long hair, he suggested me to get my head shaved. It will be less distressing for me rather than watching all my hair fall off. But I preferred to retain my hair. I did not have the backbone to get my head shaved.

I was gradually recovering from the surgery. Ultimately, I called up Wang, one day, while he was still in Beijing and broke up with him.