Help! I'm In Love With A Liar (Complete)

Chapter 35:The Happy Beginning

Month of April…..

My life was all sorted out. I aced the law entrance and enrolled myself in the University College and hostel. Wang registered himself in an M.B.A college in Shenzen itself. Amelia was just fifteen minutes away from my college and my parents were about to shift here too in another five months. I could not have asked for more and I had planned to talk to my parents about Wang, shortly.

Month of August…..

I and Wang met every day for lunch. We would often go out together for dinners and parties. We joined the gym together and thus began meeting in the mornings too. Five months progressed amidst law studies and spending time with Wang. August approached and my parents shifted to Shenzen. I was excited to finally abandon the hostel and shift to my new home in the city.

The day they relocated, I told them and my sister about Wang. Like any parents they canvassed his whereabouts, family background and his future goals. I told them what I knew and they too, listened very patiently. That's what I always admired the most about my parents. I never had the apprehension to hide anything from them. There was no communication gap or deficit of understanding. They were delighted for me, nonetheless wanted me to concentrate more on my career.

I was super thrilled and called up Wang to apprise him. He too was equally ecstatic. We prospected for a family dinner soon, together.