Help all mankind

Chapter 32

Before going to bed at night, there was a buzzing sound in my ears.

Liang Shicheng make complaints about it, and it is not so fast in summer.

After getting up and turning on the light, he killed several mosquitoes and then continued to lie in bed, but the offensive did not weaken.

So he took the cat into his room, hoping that the cat could share some fire.

And keep the door open to ensure that the cat can open if necessary.

Lying on the bed again, I killed the mosquito attached to my arm. I thought I could rest assured like a dream, but there were still disabled soldiers who continued to be active.

What's more, the last few mosquitoes are the most difficult to deal with.

Originally, Liang Shicheng had a way to pretend to be asleep and don't move. Wait until the mosquito sticks to him for a few seconds, and then give a sudden blow. At this time, the mosquito is often ready to suck blood, so it's too late to escape.

But this move seems to be of no use to the remaining mosquitoes. They seem to have learned to be smart. After they stick it to their arms, they don't relax their vigilance, but fly away as soon as there is danger.

Such experienced mosquitoes are the most difficult to deal with. Liang Shicheng was tortured by them for several hours, and then got up to start the final battle, but he didn't see mosquitoes.

So I searched in every corner for a long time and found that they not only hid well, but also took off and ran away as soon as there was wind and grass.

You can only view from a distance, not close.

Finally, Liang Shicheng had to give up, but he still didn't forget to use the universal editor to take pictures of mosquitoes, and then entered mengxiang.

When I wake up the next day, the first thing is to interpret the operation program of mosquitoes.

Surprisingly, the content is very detailed, indicating that mosquitoes are always executing these procedures, but the method is very simple.

The interpretation results are as follows. This code is very short.

[first, judge whether it is a living thing and determine the general direction through the fluctuation of carbon dioxide, and then determine the specific location based on whether there is volatilization of lactic acid.

Then stay on the target for 1-3 seconds at random, and then fly away immediately.

Then stay on the surrounding objects for 1-3 seconds at random, and then fly away immediately.

After repeating this operation for about 50 times, directly suck blood from the target.]

After reading this program code, Liang Shicheng almost sprayed old blood on the screen. What's so simple!

I fought with me all night yesterday. I thought they were very smart and super alert. Whenever I wanted to fight them, I could always escape at the critical moment.

And even if I stick it to the wall, I can't hit the combat elite mosquitoes. After a long time, the idea is not so complicated at all.

Their strategy is very simple. At the beginning, they don't intend to suck blood immediately. No matter whether people are asleep or awake, they only stay in a fixed position for less than three seconds and fly away, so repeat until they consume the target to sleep!!!

No wonder they couldn't hit it. Before the first 50 times, they deliberately didn't suck blood.

Liang Shicheng, who was very speechless, did not gain nothing. He found the way they used to locate the human body from the mosquito code program, and seemed to be able to come up with a way to crack it.

During the day, I have to be busy with some things. At night, I continue to think about dealing with mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are first attracted by the exhaled carbon dioxide, then come towards the smell of the skin, and finally land on the human body.

But if carbon dioxide concentrations fluctuate like biological respiration, they will fly firmly against the wind.

If the concentration of carbon dioxide does not show the biological breathing law, it will not fly to avoid wasting energy.

After reading this program, Liang Shicheng understands that if he blows the fan in his face, the fluctuation of carbon dioxide will be irregular, and then the mosquito can't find himself.

This move really worked, and the night was no longer disturbed by mosquitoes.

Before falling asleep, Liang Shicheng reflected and thought of a very simple way to achieve a seemingly complex purpose.

Those mosquitoes survived because all the mosquitoes using other strategies died.

This is the theory of evolution. Biological genes always let them adopt the best strategy in survival. Genes are the best programs written by God, and the universal editor can let itself spy on their code.

Before getting up the next day, the cat ran over wrongfully and rubbed around. Liang Shicheng looked intently. The cat's nose was bitten by mosquitoes, which may be allergic and slightly swollen.

He's angry. It's time to clean up these mosquitoes. Today's work will be put down for the time being!

Rethinking the action program code of the next mosquito, he stayed in one place for 1-3 seconds and flew away, so he changed his strategy this time.

Instead of shooting directly above the mosquito after seeing it, it predicted that the mosquito would take off soon, so it set an ambush on the route after it took off.

After finding a mosquito on the wall, Liang Shicheng opened his hands and patted directly into the air for a distance behind the mosquito. After repeating this many times, many times succeeded, and finally cleaned up the remaining mosquitoes.

When he finished, he lay down in his chair and rested for a while, closed his eyes and entered the system interface. Then he remembered the system prompt that the universal editor can be upgraded in the future, and the editing function can be obtained after upgrading.

So a bold idea emerged. At that time, we have to use the universal editor to change the mosquito action program and implant the male mosquito program into the female mosquito. Then it will be peaceful.

Thinking of this, I closed my eyes again and went into the system to find a way to upgrade the universal editor. It has not been updated, but a new change has been found in the interface of the science and technology tree. One of the branches represents achievements in the field of computer programs.

It shows that he has reached the level of primary school students in this regard. Yes, it is the level of primary school students. This is the result of his four-year study, five-year work practice and promotion and salary increase.

But this is not surprising. Most of the time in the company is to improve proficiency, but there are few opportunities to learn.

At the same time, the science and technology tree evaluates its primary programming level in this way.

[having understood a lot of programming knowledge, you can use and program skillfully after short-term exploration on the programming software developed by others,

However, they do not have the ability to develop programming software independently.

Technology universal editor (primary) has been unlocked at this stage]

Looking down the branches of the technology tree, you can see some tips on the direction of future action.

[the next stage is the level of programming junior middle school students.

Need to master a large number of mathematical logic knowledge related to programming, need to have simple MCU development ability, and can develop programming software alone.

To speed up this process, it is recommended to unlock the technology and upgrade the universal editor package - library file capture capability]

At this time, a prompt came from the picture and found the hidden task - childlike innocence sleepless.

Reward universal editor upgrade package - library file capture capability.

Liang Shicheng was not surprised to see here, but his lungs were going to explode.