Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

32 Episode 32

New year is early September. He will be seven next month.

In the heat of the sun, Allen is in the garden of Krena's house.

"Next is my opponent Allen"

"Oh, come on. Dogora"

Dogora calls out to Allen. Clench the club rather than the wooden sword and come to Allen.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"You say it many times, anticipate movement."

"I know!"

What I'm doing is a knight pretend. In early December last year, a fight was sold to Dogora. He won the quarrel and said he would come in two days.

Two days later, I came to buy it, and I was waiting for Dogora. The round bar was hard to hold, and the weapons have been improved. Of course, with all the stats and swordsmanship skills, Allen was the winner. Dogola will tell you two days later. Two days later at the same time, head to the commercial district. Dogora is waiting. Win again.

That lasted almost a month, until the end of December.

They came to buy it once every two days, and they had enough stock of firewood and salt. If you say that you will not come to buy this much from January, are you nervous? It is called.

Talk to Clena. He said there was one person who wanted to play the knight. Call Dogora and ask if you can mix it with the knights! Is immediately answered.

I told Dogora that I'd be at Klena's house today, and I understood! Is immediately answered.

The reason why the meeting place was not Allen's house is that Klena's house is closer to a residential area. I tried to make it as close as possible to everyone. Then, every day, Dogora comes to Clena's house.

"Thank you!

"Uh ... hello!"

At the end of his gaze, Klena and the son of the village chief, Peromus, are playing a knight. Peromus and Dogora were friends. During a banquet with the Knights, it was a friendship between Dogora and Peromus that Dogora was on the same table as the Commander.

Pelomus is quite reluctant to become a merchant in the future and play knights. I feel that the feeling of being brought by Dogora is odd. Nevertheless, they come with Dogora once every two or three days. The village head seems to be moving. It is a knight pretend with the sword St. Clena, who will serve the royal family in the future. She is strongly sent to play with her. There seems to be no escape.

There is another one who is participating in this knight pretend.

Mash, who turned 3 last December. Teresia has given permission to go out. He said he could go out of the garden with Allen. It has been almost every day since the place of the knight pretend changed to Klena's house.

That's why there are five people here. Allen, Clena, Mash, Dogora, Pelomus.

"Mash, I'll do it."


Mash prey is quite long. Not a sword. It imitates a spear. At first I made an ordinary mashed wooden sword. A wooden sword that fits the mash's body and is about 30 centimeters.

I want to do it! It is a mash called. This is an example of wanting a younger brother to have one. It is twice as long as the wooden sword I made for the mash.

Then the movement was different. There is no big difference. It may be an error or an anxiety. I'm a knight of a 3-year-old child. But he did not miss the difference.

The mash was a long weapon, spear-matched. Changed to a spear shaped weapon.

A mash three years younger.


"Good, mash"

(Is this a talent? I'm looking forward to the appraisal in two years.)

Poke with sharp movements. As the spear's skill level rises, the movement of the mash improves. I'm looking forward to Mash's 5-year-old appraisal ceremony. I believe that the talents worthy of a mash will be judged.

Khan Khan Khan

"Oh, what is it? It's over!"

"Dogora, let's go home"

The bell of 15:00 becomes. Dogora and Peromus always return with the sound of this bell. I'm always playing with the sound of the bell at 12 o'clock, so it's a knight pretend for about two hours. Also, Allen and Clena are told.

After they return, play a little more knights, and Allen and Mash go home. The first time he returned from Clena's house, he became sick, and Mash could put his piggyback on him. Recently, she seems to be able to walk on her own. I am happy to grow up with my brother.

""I'm back""

"Hello, Allen, Mash"

Teresia is replying from the dirt floor. We are preparing for dinner. On my back is a sister born in February. Allen begins to help him prepare for dinner alone.

Theresia has a baby girl. The third child.

There is an agreement between the couple that Rodin should be named when the boy is born and Teresia if the girl is born. Teresia was able to name her baby girl.

Named Murat.

It was named after the herb called Murase's Flower, which saved Rodin's life. It seems that she decided to use this name when she was born. It is Mura named on his birth date.

I think there is a sense of name of Teresia. Allen and Mash named after the beast.

Allen's Albaheron flies north in the fall, but I've never heard of the demon that mashed it. Until now, it was a monster without any chance to know.

This was also heard from Rodin at the time of purchase.

It is said that one of the causes that salt and fruit do not come to the village is the existence of a monster called Mardergarsh.

It is said that Mardergarsh is acting alone, moving without a territory or a fixed nest. Looks like a giant wolf. It is about twice as large as the Great Bore, but Rodin was said to have never seen it.

The Mardergarsh may appear on the road that connects towns and villages and settle there. When this happens, merchants and travelers stop going to neighboring villages and towns. The opponent is a B rank monster. It's not a monster that can be easily defeated.

Occasionally, it stops for more than a month and stops logistics. At that time, he requests that a Knights be dispatched to defeat him.

It was not in this village, but there were stories that he remembered very much what he had asked in the neighboring village where Rodin was born. He told me that he had gone somewhere before the subjugation team arrived, so he could not subjugate him.

It looks like an annoying monster. I thought when I heard that it wasn't a beloved type of monster.

Looking at the mash that is tired or looming in the living room, I hope that everyone, unlike Maddergarsh, will grow up loved.

"I'm back"

It's Rodin who's completely fine. Returned to agriculture from spring. Now the morning water pumping has been resumed and farming is being done all day.

Allen has been doing farming since early spring, learning from Rodin. But a few hours in the morning. When trying to work in the field all day, Gerda told me that the child should play outside. I still remember that my shoulders were hurt at that time.

In the morning, I do field work for housework, and in the afternoon, I play knights and I am very busy.

Everyone surrounds dinner while surrounding the hearth. Mura has just begun baby food. We eat while drooling. Mash did a good exercise and he was hungry. I'm eating a steamed potato.

"I was late today"

Theresia talks to Rodin. Rodin was a little late. Theresia is concerned that Rodin is returning late. For that reason, Rodin tries not to be too slow.

"Oh, just call me the village chief."

He spoke with a difficult face and was called by the mayor.