Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

202 Lesson 198: Fortress of the Central Continent ②

'In Rosenheim, the battle against five million troops will begin in the next three or four days. I'll leave the elf spirit meds aside, so use this first to favor the war situation, Death.'

The grass of life alone was not enough in the battle against the Demon King's Army, it was abundantly clear that he fought with the elves. Without magic, the speed of annihilation of the Warcraft will also drop, and the soldiers will be attacked by mischief.

"What's this?

"Elf's Spirit Medicine Death Used on Soldiers in the Shadow of a Fortress"

Hiding himself on the outer wall of the fortress, he gives every bag of heavenly grace that he keeps sneaking in and cutting the remaining 100 pieces.

The effects are then explained.

"Oh, I can't believe I'm making my strength and magic so wide and fast"

(Hmm, does the Empire have the same amount of healing pills? That's the heavenly grace of summoning level 7)

Allen is satisfied at summons level 7 beyond the normal range.

I see heavenly grace in the wind that Sword Saint Sylvia is incredible.

"I see, Allen, with this power of yours, you've rebuilt Rosenheim."

Hermios the brave is convinced that he has been able to rebuild Rosenheim's war situation so far.

"No, Master Allen says this is a secret psychotropic drug passed on to Rosenheim, Death."

The summoner of the plain Spirit B lies.

"No, no, why are you lying like that? You'll be greatly appreciated when I tell you. Maybe this emperor will give you quite a title. He made me a duke."

Hermios is fighting Allen in a school city. I see before my eyes the effect of the heavenly grace I used then. Allen briefly played back the lost arms to show them.

(You probably did. The wise emperor at your Lord made the brave man a duke in a fast attack, and apparently spares no reward for the soldiers active in the war)

Hermios says it's a better deal to publish. Right, and Sylvia's nodding beside him.

The emperor of the Guiamut Empire spares no reward for those active in the war against the Demon King's Army.

The Sword Saint Doberk of the Kingdom of Ratash, active for many years in the war, is given a dedicated Magic Boat, even though it is not an Imperial Sword Saint.

"Lies and nothing, Death, if only confirmed by the Queen of Rosenheim"

I assure you that the summoning beast of Spirit B. smiles.

"I see. Uh-huh, when I went to Rosenheim before, I never talked about having such a psychotropic drug. So what can I do for you?

If you're not convinced, Hermios will snap your neck.

(Well, whatever you think, the Queen's answer remains the same.)

Hermios asks why he called himself in.

'There are two Death things to do. One is, from now on, Rosenheim will be a fierce battle. I can't help you anymore. We'll all be gone from here, Death. "

Summoners have always been on the front lines of this northern central continent, both during the Tiamo offensive and during the Rapolka Fortress offensive, but they say they will all be gone.

"I see, so I'll give you the rest, so you work hard on your own, huh?

'No, even this evening, I come here to deliver a thousand of the same elf psychotropic drugs that I just gave you. Allen says, "Good luck with that, Death."

"A thousand..."

Sylvia is surprised that something that works so close to such a miracle will reach another 1000.

With all that, I seem to have understood how much the war situation will change.

Four days ago, when attacking Fortress Rapolka, Allen, who decided he had enough stock of heavenly grace, was flying a bird B summons for the northern part of the central continent during that day.

The Awakening Skill "Heavenly Drive" also continued to fly in full use, causing him to bring a new heavenly grace before the heavenly grace ran out.

"Ten in a fortress, ten a day, but ten days," says Allen, "Death."

"No, thank you so much. Then you'll have ten days."

"Ten days from now, if Rosenheim isn't doomed, I'll bring another 1,000, so I want you to use them sparingly. And if Your Majesty says this is a thank you for your support to Rosenheim, you say tell the Emperor as the Duke's position, Death. '

(Let's finally thank the queen)

Allen tells the Queen to send heavenly grace in the Queen's name.

The fact remains that the appearance was given from the one with the position to the one with the position.

Now the Empire will have received enough debt from Rosenheim to say how many tens of times it supported it.

"Thank you, I'll tell you when the war is over. You're going to embarrass the emperor."

Hermios seems to hear that the Empire is supporting Rosenheim with his thoughts.

'Thank you. Can I help you with another matter, Death?

"Of course I do. Whoa, can I just let Sylvia take this already? Sylvia, I'm sorry, but could you go explain this to the generals first?

I'll go to the battlefield and see if I can use it before I hear another story about the heavenly grace that contains about a hundred pieces.

The battle of the day will soon begin, so if you stay on this scene, the brave and the sword saints will fall out of shape.

"Sure, fine. Hermios."

I say of course the summoning beast of Spirit B, so only Sylvia leaves the room to use the grace of heaven.

I just got to be alone with one body and continue the conversation.

"I'm sorry to take your time, Death and Allen said."

"Nothing's fine. So what?

"We plan to fight the next five million Demon King armies, Death, as the demon god named Raisel refrains. You said if we could talk about some sort of demon god countermeasure, Death. '

"I see, oh, there's a demon god out there. Well, yeah. This is all the army, and the aim will be the fall of Rosenheim."

He says it's only natural that a demon god should come out because he put in a reserve.

"Yes Death. First of all, I think the demon gods will join this army of five million. Is that Death?

The demon god is coming and not coming. The operation changes considerably.

"I probably won't. The demon gods don't come into the army. All the demons I fought were pretty much behind the line."

(All right, all right, we need to be among the five million troops. Don't get in trouble if they attack you when you're dropping a fortress like the last Glaster)

'I see. So there are defeats and weaknesses. Death?

This is what Allen wanted to ask hermios this time.

When Allen was Kenichi in her previous life, she loved to verify anything herself.

But despite having an offensive site, he wasn't the type to verify anything on his own without looking at it. I believe it is self-satisfying to waste time even though there are validation results.

I believe it is important to ensure that the necessary information is purchased and to come to the fight with the utmost efficiency.

"Huh? You fight?

"Death, of course."

"Maybe you'll lose without talking, or they'll kill you?

Hermios affirmed that he could not win.

'What does that mean?

"It means exactly what you say. You'll never win. Some months ago, Allen, you fought me, but with that amount of power, you can't win very well. Because demons are stronger than me."

Hermios, the mightiest man of humanity, affirmed that the demon god is stronger than himself.

"Huh? So the demon god has never defeated you before, Death?

"No, no, I guess I've knocked two bodies out in the past. Well, we got lucky."

"If it were..."

"Still, a bunch of my buddies I've been with since school died. I'm not suggesting much, am I? If you don't want your people killed, you better not fight."

The serpentine face disappeared and Hermios advised with a bitter expression.

"If you're saying you're stronger than Mr. Hermios, how did you defeat two demons, Death?

"That one. Allen, I think I showed it to you at the martial arts tournament, but my extras are good for hunting demon gods. Lord Hermea gave me the power to hunt demons."

(I see, right? Does that divine sword mean it's a move against the demon god? that the God-killing sword works against demon gods)

Everything is convincing in the words of Hermios today.

Perhaps the extra skills of Hermios will have an extraordinary effect on the Demon God.

'Okay, Death. So why don't you tell us a little more about the characteristics and strength of the demon god, Death?

"Of course I am."

Thus, in a private room in the northern part of the central continent, the conversation between the summoner of Spirit B and the brave Hermios lasted until the beginning of the offensive battle of that day.