Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

200 Lesson 196: Light and Shadow ②

It's been fourteen years since Allen was reincarnated into another world.

At first he was born as a serf, but there were only humans in that pioneering village.

I remember that when I read some novels about things from different worlds in my previous life, different races appeared in different worlds. But I thought this other world was only human.

It wasn't until I learned about the history of the Demon King from Cecil's Magic Instructor at the Granvel family that there were non-human races in this world.

That's when I learned that there are elves and dwarves in the northeast and northwest of the central continent.

Then after two years in school, I learned about five continents.

To the southwest and southeast of the central continent, there are two continents.

To the south-west of the central continent is the Kingdom of the Beast, and to the south-east is the Union, he says.

I also learned about the formation of the two countries.

At that time, I was to know the shadow part of this other world.

The kingdom of the beast says it was created by the beasts who fled to the southern continent following persecution in the central continent, especially by the Gearmut Empire.

Anything. The beast man was said to be of mixed blood and descent of the warcraft and was subject to persecution.

This was done about a hundred years ago.

Now there are few beasts on the central continent.

The Union learned in schools that those who could no longer live on the Central Continent had emigrated.

In particular, many nobles and sinners defeated in the political strife within the Guiamut Empire were imprisoned on the southern continent. I heard the race is very cluttered. I heard there are also fishermen and birdmen.

Diverse races make their own countries and say that there are no countries as big as the other four continents.

Such countless countries make the Union. The allies of the Union learned in class that the representatives of the countries joining the Union were deciding by deliberation.

There is also a history of a country being made on two of those southern continents, and while it is called a five-continental alliance, the allies of the two southern continents have been treated somewhere with a low head to head separation position.

In some cases, the two continents in the south do not support the Central Continent with all their might in the battle against the Demon King. Stop to support only the supplies, no soldiers have been given out. The battle between the Geamut Empire and the Demon King is also somewhere in a static position, he says.

Compared to humans, it is also said that if the beasts who are good at melee combat participate in the battle against the Demon King's Army at all costs, the war situation will change.

As Allen thought about this otherworldly thing she had heard and learned so far, the Queen began to speak.

"Is it a dark elf?

"That's right. This Rosenheim had two countries more than a thousand years ago. It's a country ruled by elves and a country ruled by dark elves."

"That you've been fighting that dark elf?

"That's right. We wished to coexist, but for thousands of years now, we have fought the dark elves. My predecessors told me that Dark Elves were capable of attack magic and a very tough battle."

Once again, the Queen says the Elves have never attacked the land of dark elves from themselves.

It also tells us about the characteristics of dark elves. Says he's good at attack magic with the help of spirits with brown skin.

(Somehow you imagine a dark elf like that)

"Why have the elves been fighting when they don't want to fight? You think Dark Elves wanted to rule Rosenheim?

"Fortenia is home to a large tree called the World Tree. As a spirit-born world tree, we and Dark Elves have strong feelings about that tree, but we have told Dark Elves to pull it over. He wants the elves to leave because he'll make them his own."

The world tree only grows one in Rosenheim.

For a long time, the world tree has been venerated in a country with elves.

Dark Elves didn't think that well.

Dark Elves also viewed the world tree of the Spirit as sacred.

Elves and dark elves say this world tree has been fitted.

The struggle over this huge tree, which only grows one, continued for a long time.

Tales such as truce and joint management by elves and dark elf leaders have also happened many times over the past millennia.

But Dark Elves had a strong desire to monopolize the world tree, which was unacceptable as an elf.


The Allens are also listening to the history of Rosenheim, which the Queen tells them.

I hear silently that the Queen, the leader of Rosenheim, must be a story she has been telling from her predecessors.

"But now Dark Elves isn't in Rosenheim, is he? In the end, does that mean you eliminated it?

In the meantime, Allen hits the question.

"That's right. In the end, we followed those ends. But before we got there, our elves came to the point of being destroyed by the Dark Elves. As usual now."

I've been fighting unwanted battles. In such a long battle, a man of strength and wisdom emerged in the leaders of the dark elves.

As a result, the elves were deprived of the city and a number of fortresses fell.

Says he just left behind the city that he built on the side of the world tree, the predecessor of Fortenia today.

The elves prayed to the world tree for salvation when they might be attacked by the city tomorrow and the elves would be gone.


"Yes, in despair, the elves asked the world tree for salvation and offered prayers. That's when my ancestor, the elf girl, discovered a young body of spirits that looked out of an empty hole in the tree."

The elf girl desperately prayed to the Spirit's toddler to save her from this situation.

Then the Spirit's toddler says, 'I want a name'.

"That was Lady Rosen?

"Yes, the elf girl named Rosen, an elf-like name. And the elf girl signed a contract with Lady Rosen. We, the Elves, call the girl the" Witch of Prayer "as the first girl to make a covenant with the Spirit King."

The elves watched the covenant, but were sceptical about the power of the Spirit of the young body.

The Spirit generally grows in strength the older he gets.

So I say it takes hundreds and thousands of years to become a great spirit from a young body of spirits.

The elves thought they had just made a pact with a newborn Spirit toddler and what could be done.

"But he said he had enough power to reverse the situation"

"Yes, the Spirit King turned my ancestors into high elves, and so did his battle with dark elves"

The covenant prayer witch says she turned to golden eyes and bright white hair.

It was the beginning of the high elf.

And the power of the girl, who had made a covenant with the Spirit's young body, was enough to pay off the army of dark elves.

The situation was completely reversed.

Its power was that of surpassing even the spiritual Gatluga, the most powerful man in Rosenheim today.

"And then what happened to the dark elves? You think I almost destroyed it?

"No, Dark Elves drove us near the current Nest and made us choose whether to make a life contract not to attack the Elves again in the future or leave this continent"

(Is it a contract of life or a contract to enforce it regardless of your will?

"Which one did you choose?

"The Dark Elves have chosen to be banished from this continent. I was banished from here to a continent in the south of the United States."

Dark Elves said he left no one on the boat and exiled. And I never allowed Dark Elves to tread on the land of Rosenheim again.

I say this is over a thousand years old.

(Really, for the elves, the object of prayer moved from the world tree to the Spirit King? But the dark elves still want the world tree, you mean?

I was listening to Sophie talk and school classes about the world tree.

But for Sophie, it feels like an important presence for the elves is the Spirit King or Queen.

I wonder if we still worship the descendants of the Spirit King and the Witch of Prayer who protected us from the dark elves.

"Do you know anything about the demon god Lazel? Is that the name of the leader you lost during that war against the Dark Elves?

"No, I don't think that was the name. There's Dark Elf material in the library, but it was over a thousand years ago."

It's hard to imagine finding enough material to identify an individual, the Queen says.



Yes, Your Majesty.

"I'd love to help. Dear Allen, there will be no victory in this battle without you."

"" "Nah!?

The queen of the elves bowed her head.

The Queen of Rosenheim bowed her head as the Alliance leader of the Five Continents against Allen, who said she didn't feel comfortable entering the battle between the elves.

It means I don't want you to stop fighting like this.

(Isn't that the story of complete good and evil in the other world?)

Allen has looked closely at the story of one-sided evil beating when she was Kenichi.

Unilateral evil wielded irrational violence, and there were many stories of perfect righteous protagonists beating evil.

But in this world, all characters make one story while engaging one another in the lead. Allen also thinks he's just one of the characters in this story.

"Naturally. All I know now is that a demon god with an elf-like name with a little long ears. I'm just glad to hear what you're saying."

(In the end, I need to know something clear about the demon god, Rysel. Well, it's a story that's developed from my speculation)

"... Oh, thank you"

The Queen expresses her sincere thanks to Allen.

Thus, as the battle against the demon king's army continued, Allen and the others heard of the light and the shadow that had broken out in Rosenheim.