Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

198 Episode 194: The Demon Lazer

Allen spent an hour even smaller, not even oh, and he was in the process of verifying whether this could be done.

What I found out in command.

- I can't command without a subpoena in the 50-meter range.

· If shared, disarm can be done even if it is more than 50 meters away

-Only one can command in one system.

· Does not consume magic to activate skills

What I found out in the militarization.

-Commanding subpoenas can be soldiered as many as they want.

· Only summoners of the same lineage can be militarized

· Automatically disarmed when 100 meters away from the commanded subpoena

(Somehow, it's close to sharing. Does the militarization have to be near the commanded summoner? Is this also a disadvantage and a constraint? So, what happens to child alipons?


Allen is obsessed with shaking her shoulders to verify it.

Cecil stares raw warm at it over her back.

Cecil thinks this is how you were obsessively validating yourself when you got to Summon Level 6 during the dungeon offense.

He remembers his previous life and says he is older, but the way things are now reminds him of his brother Tomas, who for the first time had received a sword from his father and was desperately waving in the garden at all costs of his luxury.

"Hey, you can't verify that it stays this way. Once we've battled the Demon King's Army, let's test it."


Allen speaks to his comrades who were waiting on the bird B's summons over the sky for nearly an hour and tells them to start the fight.

A summons of bird e, targeting tens of thousands of demon king army troops at a distance that can be ascertained by a thousand eyes.

I'm far ahead, but I'll pack the distance at once and have Cecil's extra skill, Small Meteorite, activated first.

If you hit a small meteorite on the first blow, an army of demon kings of this size is very easy to fight because there will be no more commands or maneuvers.

Then turn the commanding summoners to the army of the Demon King who could not defeat them.

(Hmm, Alipon, son of a general, Alipon, son of a soldier, Alipon, son of a normal, all different statuses and sizes.)

The Magic Book displays the status of the child alipon.

Child Alipon will be half the status of the Bug B Summoner using Awakening Skills. The difference can be clearly seen depending on whether the class is a general or a soldier, or whether it is not under the influence of command skills.

The strongest status is the General's Son Alipon, and Normal seems to be the weakest status.

The size and the general son alipon are the biggest.

"Commanding is amazing. I guess the subpoena's getting pretty strong."

Cecil is also surprised that the summoning beast that kicks the demon king's army has clearly become stronger.

The status doubled, creating a nearly five-fold difference in status from the B-rank Warcraft.

Summoner stunts, such as the Beast and Dragon systems, are clearly fast to annihilate if you have a series of stunts because they rely on stats such as attack power.

"Sure, I wonder if this has given us a purpose in fighting the reserve. What, huh?

"Huh? What's going on?

"No, it's about time Ellie got to Fortenia"

A shared Spirit B summoner caught sight of a town with a large outer wall near a giant tree.

I missed Neftira, but I succeeded in letting the Summoner of Spirit B follow you.

"I can't let you go alone like Master Neftira, Death," said the Summoner of Spirit B., "I could really follow you.

It took him more than a day to travel, almost without rest, to reach Fortenia, the capital of Rosenheim, with the demon god Rzell.

(But is this tree a world tree?)

Allen recalls hearing from Sophie about the world tree.

The tree named World Tree, which is likely to reach this heaven, seems to be the object of the elves' faith.

If I were to sequence the elves faith, I recall hearing from Sophie and thinking that it seemed like the order of the Spirit King, Queen and World Tree.

Anything, they believe the spirits come from this world tree.

Believed, the Spirit King is on his side, so he asked the Spirit King himself if it was true, and he put a scratch in his heart.

With that in mind, I could see a building like a giant temple.

In the queen of the elves and in the building that Sophie hears that the Spirit King is worshipped, a summons of Spirit B enters with Neftilla.

Then we arrive in the large hall behind the second floor, which went straight and even.

The great hall is obviously between the queens.

At the far back is provided a throne, with one body of something sitting on its back.

(Is this the Demon Lazer? You don't have a sense of witchcraft or a sense of boss. Hmm?)

This is the first time I see a demon god named Raisel sitting great on his cheek cane.

Like a glass star, there are tough horns growing on the light black complexion.

He stares at the Neftiras with his eyes as bright as blood.

And I held something like discomfort out of the face of the demon god Raisel.

"Dear Demon God, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Neftira. I'm back now. '

In front of the throne, kneel in a slightly distant position and report that Neftira has arrived at the demon god Raisel.

The Summoner of Spirit B does not line up beside the Neftira, but kneels diagonally in the same way.


Against the words of Neftira's arrival, while poking his cheek wand, the demon god, Rysel, silently keeps staring at two bodies. The demon god, Rzell, doesn't seem to say anything.

"Dear Demon Roselle, I apologize. We are responsible for defeat. The troops and fortresses entrusted to him are in the hands of the elves.... Huh? Lady Demon Roselle?

I think the reason the demon god Raisel is silent is because he is furious, and he tries to apologize so that Neftilla can screw up.

I showed that Neftira the palm of my hand to block the words. Surprised but soon silenced by that action of the demon god Rzell, Neftilla bows her head.

'Right. Did you lose? I was wondering why with all these troops, and despite giving them the fortress of the iron wall, they were defeated. Was the cause here?'

(Oh? Does it feel like the defeat is telling? Again, can we try to convey the information from the eyeball bat promptly to the demon god Raisel?

From the words of the demon god Raisel, he tries to gather some information on the side of the demon king's army.

'Is that the cause? Indeed, he was defeated because of us entrusted with the fortress...'

Neftilla says it's all up to us.

'That's right. It's certainly on you guys. I've got a stupid subordination, too. I didn't even realize the rat had broken in. "

"Are you a rat?

'That's right. That's you there. What are you?

A demon god, Rzel, asks by shifting the tip of his gaze from Neftira to the summoner of Spirit B.

Did you find out?

"takes care of Master Neftira, who is named Ellie, Death"

'Hmm, you can't feel any upset in this situation. Sounds like a well done rat. So, you're not a warcraft, a demon tribe, or a spirit. What are you?

(Are you completely uncovered? It's too soon to find out. Too bad)

"Nah!? What, Ellie with the rat?

Neftira turns back and sees the summons of Spirit B with the eyes of incredibility.

The summoning beast of Spirit B slowly rose as the demon gods Rzel and Neftira stared.

And I'm looking down at the demon god Laisel with a gaze.

"Well, some of you are a little smart, Death."


"I am Ellides, the Summoner of Allen."

(Hmm? What do you say?

The Summoner of Spirit B. spoke of something.

"Hmm. That's a lot of nasty attitude."

'No, natural attitude, Death. We are under Allen, who unites the world, from Death.'

"The world?"

(on the matter I don't remember being unified)

"Run Ri. All this world belongs to Allen. So it's Lazelle. Whose forgiveness are you wearing such great titles as the Demon God, Death? Did you get Mr. Allen's permission, Death?

"The world. Well, does the name Allen follow these people? '

"This is who you think you are!? What do demon gods say, Death?"

"When are you a demon god? Right, okay. You go away."

That being said, a bright red ball of light emerges from the flat of the hand of the demon god Raisel, clashing against the summoning beast of Spirit B. with great momentum.

The Summoner of Spirit B disappeared into a glowing bubble, and communication with Allen was interrupted. Hence, from here on out, it becomes a story that Allen doesn't know.

"Here, like this. Because of us, most of the operation has been leaked. '

'Hmm, well, I can't help but pass. So, I guess you took home some information about a guy named Allen?

"Yes, sir."

The demon god Raisel looks at the position where the summoner of the completely disappeared Spirit B was, and confirms if Neftira has any information about Allen.

And I think I remembered something.

The mouth angle of the demon god Rzell rises and the laughter spills.

"... when you're a demon god. You haven't said that in a hundred years. This is delightful! Ha ha!! Right or right, the opener is coming!!

Between the thrones where there were only two bodies, the laughter of the demon god Raisel echoed.