Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

188 Episode 184 Infiltration Activity ②

Fortress Rapolka was dominated by the Warcraft of the Necromancer and Armor systems.

To gather information on the Demon King's Army, we infiltrated the Rapolka Fortress with the Summoner of Spirit B.

Even the Rapolka Fortress has a very large building. To get useful information on the Demon King's Army, send him to that building where he even stands the Warcraft of the Guard.

I do not blame the warcraft of security for the summoning beast of Spirit B, who enters with dignity.

Inside the building, the skeleton of a necromancer system with a sword is walking wide everywhere.

(Sounds like you went into an enemy castle. Okay, Ellie, look for the kitchen. because it's probably on the ground floor or upstairs)

"Yes, Death."

At Allen's behest, the Summoner of Spirit B looks for the kitchen as he roars.

Discover the kitchen on the edge of the second floor and go inside.

"Whoa, what's up! I haven't eaten yet, b!

When I go in, a two-legged pig with a cock hat on his head and an apron comes up from behind with a pig in his face.

(The Lord asked me to bring tea... say. It feels good to be stuck)

Allen gives instructions.

"Mainly tea......"

As Allen told me, the summoner of Spirit B tells the pig-faced cock.

Allen is in the process of generating heavenly grace while sweeping away the warcraft that fled the city of Tiamo, giving instructions to the shared Spirit B summoner.

'Am I right? You just served a meal, but b!! Well, Master Glaster is angry with you, Bu. I don't know who distracted you, but if you think so, you can take it with you, b'

(Boo-boo, you're talking and you're not coming in. Master Glaster, is that the boss of this fortress? Is that Rosenheim's boss?

"Also, I'm sorry"

'Oh, I'll be ready, just wait a minute, b. Look, face, but you pulled the poverty lottery, too, bu.'

The pig-faced cock just prepares three cups, teapots and confectionery, with pity eyes on the summoner of Spirit B.

(Hmm, don't you still feel uncomfortable with Ellie? Well, in a world without a subpoena, the beasts can't recognize the difference between a warcraft and a subpoena. Hermea also bugged me about the summoner at the appraisal)

Allen has been thinking about how Warcraft certifies enemies in this other world.

This warcraft of another world strikes even if its opponent is a warcraft. I have also seen a group of oaks hunting Greatbore on Granvel territory.

When I attacked the Demon King's Army at night, I have also seen many warcraft stabbing and eating stops at other warcraft that are being hit and dying.

In the first place, this other world is not set up for warcraft to strike only but warcraft.

There is an opinion that the reason the Demon King's Army is made up of more than B ranks is because below C rank is unlikely to be a threat to humanity, but Allen thinks it's different. Even a C-rank warcraft is a sufficient threat to those without talent. As a matter of fact, I'm wondering if not incorporating the C-rank into the Demon King's Army is the B-rank of the Warcraft with the minimum intelligence to follow command.

The perception is that both enemy and ally certification are a lot of ambiguous worlds.

If, then, he commanded the invasion operation of the Demon King's Army and expected that if it were an enemy faction with many people who seemed highly intelligent, he would not suddenly be attacked if summoned beasts were put in.

(Well, it doesn't mean I have to be able to collect information)

"Here, take this"

As a matter of course, the pig-faced warcraft tries to give the Summoner of Spirit B a tray with a tea set on it.

'Oh, uh, which one of these...?

'Am I right? Shah. I'm on the fourth floor. I'm straight in. B. If you're too grumpy, you're gonna get smashed to death, so just go, bu.'

Open the front door on the fourth floor with the tray you were given.

The said room looked like a meeting room or something, and there were three of them there.

(Oh! Are these the demons? Are you a demon?

In classes at the school, the Demon King was taught to follow demons and demons as his own subordination.

But they don't have much information about demons and demons.

The Demon King's Army consists essentially of B-rank Warcraft, which is led by many A-rank Warcraft.

It is said that there is very little information about demons and demons because demons and demons have never been mixed up among the invading warcraft.

For the first time, the presence of the Demon Clan was revealed when Hermios the Brave could enter deep into the enemy camp and annihilate the Warcraft. Demons and demons say that Hermios has finally begun to brighten up over the last eight or nine years in the process of annihilating the enemy formation.

In the deepest part, a goat-like horn grows and a silver-haired man sits on shallow black skin. The old man, who looks too 50, is clearly grumpy.

Next to it, corners grow as well, with long-haired brothers sitting in the same skin tone. This one has the look of an old man running out of butch on the side saying he's in trouble.

Next to your brother again, with a hyena face, sits a big man who is likely to reach three metres in length if you stand up. He looks pretty much better than a beast. The look on his face is too far from human to tell, but I'm sure he's calm.

(Hmm, can the Demons be divided into a silver-haired shallow and black system and a beast system? So the cook was a demon earlier, too?

Allen appropriately begins classifying demons. I'm sitting at the same table, so I assume the hyena face is in the same position, so I'm sitting in a seat. If so, I wonder if the hyena face is also demonic.

"Mm, who are you?

A summoning beast of Spirit B is noticed by the shallow black old man sitting in the front, questioned with a glance.

(Sounds grand to me)

I almost told him to be dignified because there was no longer any reason to be a character.

'I'm sorry. Lady Glaster told me to have tea. "

Nico laughs and the summoning beast of Spirit B answers the staring shallow black old man. There is no fear of death in the Summoner in the first place. If you run out of strength, the experience you have is a transcendent being, circulating in the Book of Magic.

'That's good. Take a breather, Master Glaster. Please.'

(Hmm, is Old Shallow Black the Glaster? I guess your shallow black brother next door has a name too)

Brother Asako says thank you for distracting me.

The hyena face doesn't seem to say anything.

Turn your back on everyone and lean the pot against the cup and something truly purple and drooling comes out of the pour.

(What? Is that a smoothie? Is that good for your health?

Watching tea that never looks delicious makes a loud noise from behind.


It was the sound of Glaster beating the wooden table to the point where his fist plunged in.

"So, Neftira! It's late! I have to explain to Lady Demon Roselle why I lost the battle, why the information is slow. Lady Demon Riesel has already asked the Commander of the General Army for reinforcements!

'I'm sorry. Almost every A-rank Warcraft has been defeated, and only B-rank has been defeated.'

(Brother Asako is Neftira. Shall we make a reinforcement decision? Well, the Demon King's Army has half a million bodies left. I mean, the Demon King's Army is also called A-rank, B-rank.)

The reserve of the Demon King's Army is said to be about 4 million. At what time and to what extent reinforcements will come, listen in shared with the subpoena.

It should be noted that in the second Tiamo offensive, the A-rank Warcraft fought to the end and only the B-rank Warcraft was defeated in this story. Speaking of which, I realize that there is no A-rank for the Warcraft I am currently sweeping.

"As I said earlier, the reason why the Spirit King has been promoted to the Spirit God is Gov. So the elves got stronger and lost, Gov. '

The hyena face joins the conversation between Glaster and Neftilla.

'Yagov, isn't that a quick sum? The Spirit King still doesn't have enough faith value, so he should remain a sub-god. Besides, I don't think the elves are going to be extremely strong because they've become spiritual gods.'

"Then the spiritual user was actually the great spiritual user, Gov. Or a gov 'er whose superior warcrafter appeared in the elf. I hear big ants and dragons have turned to enemies, Gov '

(Something, you're getting excited about the first time I've heard it. Now you know the names of the three demons. And Rosenheim's boss is a demon god named Raisel?

The three demons here.

-Glaster, old man, shallow black man, three bossy beings.

-Neftila, brother, shallow black man.

-Yagov, gov, the hyena guy you're talking about.

Words I hear for the first time, such as Spirit God, Faith Values, and Top Warcraft Users, keep popping in.

Somehow I know what it means, but I don't completely understand it.

'That's true, but it's impossible, isn't it? You're not supposed to show up, such as a superior Warcrafter who bounces back the Warcraft Slave of the Demon King. And if there was a Big Spirit, there's no explanation we could have pushed this far.'

I see you've already received reports of dragons and giant ants, but I don't know why, and I say you're in trouble. Glaster creases between his eyebrows, listening to Neftilla and Yagov.

I have information on Dragon B and Ant B's Summoner, but it doesn't seem to be enough to confirm what it is. In a world without the concept of a summoner, it's hard to understand what a summoner is.

"Go ahead."

I say pour tea slowly to the Summoner of Spirit B to gather information, but I leave the cup in front of the three demons because they are suspicious if it is too late.

(You don't know me better than I thought. Well, basically, once the fight starts, he's knocking down an information-gathering eyeball bat fast, but it feels like very little)

Allen uses bird e and bird d d d awakening skills, and when the battle begins, he prioritizes first and slaps a bat with a large eyeball that he thinks is gathering information.

Shooting down bats is Formal's job, which has reached a range of one kilometer.

Sometimes we go down and fight, so I thought the information was leaking quite a bit, but sometimes there were many extermination operations to recover demon stones, or it didn't seem to have leaked to the Demon King's Army side more than I expected.

'Isn't that the same as not grabbing any info then!!

Apparently, this conversation is getting grand. I can't grasp the reason I lost in a million troops this time just because I've been able to push them completely before.

(And then I found out that there were no spies in the elves)

Allen was worried about the presence of a spy in the elf.

This time the Demon King's Army moved pretty fast. The mobilization of a million troops from the defeat in a single siege almost lost if misjudged.

Isn't this some of the Elves' generals and elders spying on them, pulling out information?

So I thought I had turned to attack for fear of a rapid recovery on the elf side.

This infiltration also includes the meaning of checking for such traitors.

Naturally they find out and the summons of Spirit B is done, but it's very big to know that the traitor is in us.

But I feel that the information on the Summoner of Spirit B, who kept him waiting in a meeting room with generals and elders and executives in all the cities, has not been passed on to these three. There is also no discomfort in the way Spirit B treats summoners.

(Well, maybe he's noticing about Ellie in the bluff and he's trying to pass on some lying information to us elves. These guys seem to have thousands of intelligence.)

Apparently the Demons have at least a lot of A-rank Warcraft equivalents. You think some demons are close to S-rank because they are considerable?

The A-rank Warcraft status is about 3,000 to 6,000.

It's this way to see an idiot if you think he's an idiot.

With that in mind, the Demon Clan, known as Neftira, stares at the Summoner of Spirit B.