Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

147 Episode 145: Dragon II

Three months have passed and January has come.

The days of the New Year's celebration are small and the dungeons are being captured.

The school has only summer vacation and spring vacation. Since spring break is in March, classes are held at the school except January 1 of the New Year in January. This is an amazing curriculum for Allen, who has the common sense that 3rd of New Year is a day to go to school and play games. As is expected, this is a different world.

On the day when the school is on, I will defeat the bottom boss on a lap.

On the day when the school is closed two days a week, aim for dungeon capture from the morning.

We aim to capture one class of A-class dungeon in these two days. One of the two days during the capture is to stay in the dungeon.

One day is a dwelling day in a dungeon, so the lowest boss orbits only five days out of six days a week.

The school has some dungeon vacations. The dungeon is a maze and there is no bird C summon like Allen.

Dungeon capture is inherently time consuming.

If you can't get out of the dungeon and take a break from the school, you can apply for it on the day off. To some extent, the application for "dungeon break" should be made to the school.

Allen also filed about twice before January. I stepped on the transfer trap twice and couldn't return during the break. Even if three summons of bird C are preceded to avoid the trap, they will still step on the trap.

I also knew to what extent the A-class dungeon capture group was defeating the bottom boss.

I heard in the adventurer's guild that the A-class dungeon cheats that seem to have about 5 to 10 parties in this school city defeat the bottom boss only once or twice a week.

I thought that the rare items that came out of the bottom boss's capture reward would soar at the auction. The number of exhibits is small.

The school was also closed on January 1, so I participated in the auction for the first time. Although a fair number of people participated, it seems that merchants and others from the royal capital and other large cities are coming to bid off.

The kingdom seems to be able to go anywhere in a magic boat for a day or two. On the 25th of the previous month, the status of the listing was confirmed, and the auction was held on the 1st of the month. I feel that there were many participants from outside despite the short period. You may be traveling to and from the school city in a short period of time, but there are still many participants.

After confirming with the adventurer's guild, it was said that the adventurer's guild is using the magic tool to communicate the exhibition information. This world had a magical communication technology.

Apparently, conferences are being held between the kingdom and the empire using communication technology. It has also been carried out between continents, and has been in contact with the Bauchs and Rosenheim. I'm impressed that the Bauxis Empire has provided much technology.

When the prince became king, he thought that technical assistance was likely to stop because he was uncooperative with the defeat of the Demon King's army.

As for dungeon capture, a second A-class dungeon is likely to be captured this month.

The system of the demon is slightly different from the first, but there is no problem.

Allen's enhancement skills are finally level 7. The effect was to increase the two stats by 1,000. Summons are less likely to be attacked by rank B monsters, and hunting for Class A dungeons by the summons squad has become more successful.

The chances of being able to defeat a monster surrounded by a summon trap or a battle with the Abyss Box have been significantly increased.

The equipment has improved considerably over the course of three months. After all, equipment is indispensable to be strong. Nobody can fight the Demon King without any equipment.

Weapons and magic items for everyone.


・ Hihiirokane's sword

・ Physical strength ring (physical strength +100)

・ Rigid ring (power +500)


・ Hihiirokane's Great Sword

・ Power ring (power +100)

・ Power ring (power +100)


・ Light magic wand

・ Physical strength ring (physical strength +100)

・ Intelligence ring (Intelligence +100)


Adamantite ax

・ Physical strength ring (physical strength +100)

・ Power ring (power +100)


・ Wand of judgment

・ Tough ring (physical strength +500)

・ Physical strength ring (physical strength +100)

Allen delivered seven silver boxes in about three months. Under such circumstances, I have learned that I have captured the A-class dungeon.

From the wooden box, there are Hihiirokane weapons, rings that increase the status by 100, sleep defense rings, and poison defense rings. Non-metal weapons are of the same class as Hihiirokane.

Armor is made of Hihiirokane, B rank monsters, and those made of corresponding materials.

From the silver box, you will find Adamantite weapons, rings that increase your stats by 500, curse defense rings, and paralysis defense rings. Non-metal weapons are of the same class as Adamantite.

Armor is made of Adamantite, A-rank monsters, and materials made of such materials.

If you don't know the effect of an item, there is an appraiser in the city. He has a professional profession that examines the effects of magical equipment such as equipment and rings.

Each charge costs about 1 gold coin in a wooden box of A-class dungeon and about 3 coins in a silver box.

It helps me because I look up quite a bit.

I think appraisal skills are important.

Over the course of three months, they almost all came out of wooden boxes, so they got everything they needed, so they told them they wanted to list unnecessary things at an auction on the 25th of each month. It will take about a year to equip equipment with weapons, armor, and magic items that are larger than silver boxes.


Dogola muttered between the bottom bosses.

Today is the day of the orbiting boss, so challenge the lowest boss in the A-class dungeon.

He has defeated the bottom boss of the A-class dungeon about 75 times, but no dragon has ever appeared. Except for the dragon system, all the lowest bosses came out.

In front of Allen's eyes is a reddish-brown winged western dragon. The feet are thick and the hands look smaller than the feet. It is a type that stands on two legs, and it looks like it is stubborn.

Stopped with a little hanging.

"Oh, yeah."

(Finally, it's the first time after 3 months. There is a probability that a dragon will appear once every 50 to 100 times.)

"What do you do, Allen?"

He asks how Clena fights. The first thing I always ask is Allen.

"Because the dragon is the strongest boss, I will do the first shot. Let's make 4 turtles wait for widespread breath."

There are several ways to fight the bottom boss, but Allen's first hit will speed up the elimination most quickly. However, we do not always use the same method in order to cooperate and search for a more efficient way of fighting.

"""Do you get it"""

The bottom boss's strongest dragon seems to be the best in attack and defense compared to other bottom bosses. It is said that several adventure party parties have been destroyed.

The lowest boss is the beast line. Since these abnormalities are rolling out, they may die instantly with the insect C's awakening skill “Skip thrust”.

With Allen's words, everyone follows the position.

This time, the stone C summoning beast is also a formation that gives priority to protection. Use the magic book to change the organization of the cards. The summons beast squad, which has three units, will all end.

First of all, it is important to know how strong this dragon is.

If it is safe to let the Summons and Beasts hunt, don't let them go.

"Well, let's go."

The bird C summoners wake up all five. Allen is the middle guard and enters the center of the avant-garde, Clena and Dogola, and the rear guard, Cecil and Kiel.

Five people slowly approach the hanging dragon. The timing of the first shot is important.

At this point, Allen holds his hand over the dragon.

"Yuke, caveo bombs"

Long ago, I stopped using "Meteor (temporary)". That is the important word of Cecil. Don't take things for others.

Ten stone E summons appear around the dragon and explode at once.

"What do you do! ! To attack suddenly! ! ! 』

The dragon shouted in the blast.

The dragon slowly raises his upper body while angry. It seems to be nearly 10 meters.

(Oh? Can I do this?)

Allen noticed something.

For the lowest boss in the A-class dungeon, a monster that speaks words may appear as the boss. The necrotic system was able to speak. Apparently, they seem to be intelligent or talk or not depending on the demons.

At the moment, only the souls can speak, so I wonder if they can speak dragons.

Just because you can speak does not forgive the necrotic system. I'm going to kill mercilessly.

"I told you."

I spill my impression that Cecil can talk about a dragon. The whole body receives the awakening skill of the summon beast of Stone E, "Suicide Bomb," and smokes with a whirlpool.

Allen stops and looks to see the dragon.

The dragon gazes at you, as if the smoke had calmed down to some extent, and the view was clear and glaring.

The dragon seems to notice Allen and others.

"Well, it only hurts to have five adventurers fight me. I don't know that we've been lucky enough to find our lives without encountering a dragon. Ignorance is a sin. In tribute to his arrogance, he suffers in agony when burned by my fire ... "

"Go, caveos, self-destruct."

Before the dragon affirms, the same number of Stone E summons surround the dragon and detonate. From the moment I started seeing this, I was using a magic book to make an additional stone E summon.

"Oh, oh, oh! ! Yu, Yu, do not forgive! ! ! 』


The dragon was coming back in a very rough tone, as he was lucky with the additional attacks.