Hell mode ~ A gamer, that loves speedruns, is invincible in the world with an abandoned setting~

12 Episode 12 ① appraisal ceremony ①

Five years and six months have passed since Allen came to a different world. Now is the middle of April when spring has arrived. Theresia and Rodin are fidgeting.

Today, Rodin puts only water in the water jar of the house and does not go to the fields.

"Don't be rude to the priest."

"Yeah, mom"

Repeat the reply that was repeated more than 10 times since yesterday. Dust on clothes and dust is blown away.

"Telecia, Allen is a wise child. I won't do that. I'll go."

He is taken by Rodin and goes to the center of the reclamation village. Theresia only cares for Mash, so only Rodin and Allen go out.

Today is the day for Allen's appraisal.

(Parents are very excited)

I remember being heard in the last few days.

It seems that the appraisal ceremony is to assess the potential talent of the person. It is said that all subjects, from royal family to serfs, must be received when they are 5 years old. It is a story that is determined by the laws of the kingdom. If a talent is found in an appraisal, becoming an officer is not a dream.

(It's like one of the few ways a serf can escape a serf)

It seems that in the spring, the sowing of wheat has begun in some places. There are various fields, such as fields where weeds have been neatly harvested, fields where leafy vegetables have been planted, and fields where foliage grows at the same height as Allen, even in fallow lands. As you walk through a wide variety of fields, you can hear your usual voice.


She is a girl with blue eyes and pink hair. Clena seems to notice Allen and shakes her body. I meet almost every day, but I don't think I'll see Klena without a wooden sword for a long time.

"Hey, Klena. Klena is also a judge."

"Yeah, I'm called myself!"

Clena answers while smiling. There is also a muscular Gerda beside. It's a day of appraisal for Gerda and Clena. Apparently, the appraisal is performed once a year in April. It doesn't seem to take place every time the serf turns five.

As he listens to Klena's dreams he heard yesterday and yesterday, he walks through the fields and comes to a place where houses are connected. The pioneer village has become a well-built village because the number of people continues to increase even after Allen was born. When I was one year old, I came to see the demolishing site of the beast, and I have come to a residential area only a few times, but I can clearly see the change.

It is 9 o'clock in the morning. Although it is before the scheduled time, there are quite a few people in the building that seems to be a church.

(Wow, after all, ordinary people and serfs are different. Or does ordinary people judge together?)

Nearly 100 people are crowded. Allen noticed that his clothes were dirty. He wears the same linen clothes, but the serf has noticeable brown stains. He worked in the field, tinkering, and washes almost nothing with soap. A serf with a mottled brown stain and a non-servant. This difference may be due to the use of soap or something similar, even though some ordinary people should work in the fields.

A bell rings at 9 am. The door opens and people appear to be priests from all over the place. It looks completely different from ordinary people. It is unified clothing without upper and lower seams. You are prompted to enter the church.

(It's my first time entering the church)

Enters the church with Rodin. I thought it was about two stories high from the exterior, but apparently it was only the first floor with a very high ceiling. There is no seat at the end of the entrance and it is in the hall. At the far end of the hall is a sculpture of a pure white male god, like Greek mythology. There are several other statues of male and female goddesses.

(Is that a god of another world? A god of fertility that holds like rice. It looks like a war god with weapons.)

Perhaps it looks like it's in the late 20's, standing in the deepest center. Long hair stretched to the back, face with firm body. Both eyes are closed and the upper body is undressed. There is no such thing as a wing.

I remember being notified by a magic book when I was one year old from a different world god. No contact since then.

There are several priests in the building, who are asked to sit back and sit on the floorboards as if to harden. When everyone sits down, the oldest priest, in front of the white sculpture of the male god, speaks.

"Thank you all for gathering for the appraisal today."

As the commoners bow, the serfs also bow their heads. Apparently, the commoners regularly come to church. Allen also bows down with the flow. The older priest continues to talk.

"The Creator Elmare equally gives everyone the opportunity. You may not know if you were born as a serf, but from among the serfs, the kingdom heroes are born."

It is a busy church. What a serf is to a hero. In this hall, the first child is five years old, and many are the first parents to undergo an appraisal. Parents and their children hearing the story of a hero from a serf for the first time.

Ten years ago, I created a reclamation village. In the early days of the pioneer, he removed tree roots, removed stones, desperately built houses, and built fields. For the first few years, he was poor and did not have any children. In the fourth and fifth years, however, crops have been growing slowly but gradually.

At the same time, more and more families have children. Rodin and Teresia are one of them. Allen was born in the reclamation village baby boom. There are about 30 children born in the baby boom.

"Saint Classis is born of a commoner, and the sword St. Doberg, who is still active for the kingdom, is from a serf."

The priest's voice resounds in a busy hall. Is that true?

(ah I see)

Meanwhile, only Allen was convinced. I remember five years ago before reincarnation. In this world, heroes and sword sacred are certainly born of a lower class. It is a setting that never comes out of the higher aristocracy or royal family. Difficult jobs and jobs that become stronger in the future are born from lower classes. It can be a commoner or a serf.

(Is the setting that came to the other world alive as it is, so let's judge whether there is a buried talent, including a serf who might produce a talent)

Then, they can easily explain the appraisal ceremony. In front of the elderly priest is a crystal for identification. If you put your hand here, the judgment result will be displayed on a life-size black metal plate that stands next to the priest.

"Hold your hand over this crystal to show your talents and abilities."

(Humumu, the color of the crystal does not change or glow, does the judgment result appear as a letter? It will be disclosed. Well, it is such a person and I can not hide it)

Allen's considerations are left behind, and the appraisal process proceeds.

"First, hold your hand over the crystal, Peromus the son of Devozi."

An older priest gives instructions while looking at something like parchment. It looks like a book of about 30 children. Pelomus is led by the mayor Devozi to the front of the crystal in front of the hall.

Pelomus holds both hands over the crystal, guided by the mayor to hold his hand here. The crystal that was held up glows faintly, and the light is transferred to the black metal plate next to it. Silver letters are projected on the metal plate.

(Isn't this a magic book ?!) Does the magic book have the same function as the appraisal ceremony?)

"Oh! You're a merchant. Congratulations."

[Name] [Peromus] [Physical strength] [C] [Magic power] [D] Attack power [D] [Endurance] [C] Quickness [D] [Intelligence] [B] [Good luck] [B] [Talent] [Merchant]

There is a column showing the talent in the appraisal result. It was displayed as a merchant, and the voice of rejoicing rose. Debozi, the village chief, embraces Pelomus. Peromus rejoices painfully.

(Oh, if you have the talent, do you feel happy? If the ability is displayed by rank)

Allen opens the spellbook and begins to note down Pelomus's results. Next, the commoner's boy is called. He is called and goes in front of the crystal with his parents as well, and the boy holds his hand over the crystal. The evaluation result is displayed on a black metal plate.

She is disappointed. "None" is displayed in the talent column. However, the church's appraisal doesn't say anything, and goes down for the next appraisal.

(Well, not everyone has the talent?)

Going on and on. The status seems to be more from C to E since Peromus, and the talent is displayed as "none". The serfs have not yet been called, whether they will be called first by the commoners. It seems they can go home after their appraisal is over. There are various things that return, and that remain to see the results of other children's tests.

"Yeah, I did, my dad, my girlfriend!"

A seventh good-looking child is judged that the priest has the ability to use an ax. Parents and children hug each other and are pleased with the results.

[Name] [Dogora] [Physical Strength] [B] [Magic Power] [D] Attack Power [A] [Endurance] [B] Quickness [C] [Intelligence] [D] [Good Fortune] [C] [Talent] [Axe]

(Oh! A was in the status for the first time, or is B difficult without talent?)

Analyze the occupational characteristics of the axer, taking notes on all the magic books.

Is this the end of the commoners, and the children dressed as serfs begin to be called. Serfs, like the average people, are often called talentless. One of the serfs had a monk talent. The father and son, who are said to be monks, have been told by the priest that there will be talks later.

(I don't call me anything. Well, I'm glad I could analyze my talent.)

Allen and Clena finally remain until the end.

"Then, hold your hand over the crystal, Gerna the son of Gerda."


Gerna is taken by Gerda in front of the crystal. Klena holds her hands over the crystal with a smile. Since it is the last person, the number of people seems to be decreasing, but some parents and children seem to be visiting.

When Krenah's hands are held, the crystal emits light like never before. At the same time as the light of the crystal is settled, the result of the judgment is displayed on a black metal plate.

"" "What ?!" "

Parents and children who survived the shining priest. Gerda is also surprised by his body.


Elder priest in a trap.

“What !?

Gerda cannot read the characters displayed on the metal plate. Few serfs can read characters other than their own or family names. I don't know what's written other than the name of her daughter, Clena.

"Ke, sword sacred, Clena's talent is sword sacred!"

[Name] [Crena] [Physical strength] [S] [Magic power] [C] Attack power [S] [Endurance] [A] Quickness [A] [Intelligence] [C] [Good luck] [B] [Talent]

"Keisei!" "Keisei was born!"

It's a noisy church hall. Everyone alternately looks at black metal plates and Klena.

"Huh? Isn't it good?"

Crena, who feels disappointed with her neck, seems to have no idea.

The black metal plate displayed the ability value and the character of sword sacred that the 30 people could not reach before.