Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 809

The war in Yunxiao city is faster than expected.

For one of the largest cities on biological planet 5, the Saiyan soldiers not only left enough garrison forces in this city, but also far more intense than before.

At the moment when the tide of slave creatures rushed to the cloud wall, the battle between several demigods and the third-class strong began.

The senior Saiyan, who turned into a golden giant ape, was really fierce. No wonder he dared to face the three demigods of the Huiyue Legion alone.

Locke, who was behind the slave biological corps, looked at the four extremely powerful creatures with great power. It was hard to imagine that they were only one level stronger than themselves.

Although there is a word "God" in the title of demigods, it is undeniable that their life energy level still stays at Level 3, but they grow to the limit of level 3 and touch the power of a trace of law.

Because the impact on himself is too great and the battle scene is too chaotic, Locke can\'t intuitively judge the strength of several demigods. He can only know about several people through the captured Saiya combat effectiveness detector.

As the golden ape said at the war, the combat effectiveness of the earth demigod drajan, the fire demigod solaka and the knight demigod Marcus hovered at 5682, 6171 and 4982.

The strongest is Soraka, a female magician with a baby face, followed by the middle-aged native magician, and the weakest is the old knight in purple armor.

Locke was lucky to fight under the command of master solaka when attacking the medium-sized city of Saiya. Unfortunately, Locke failed to witness the real strength of this powerful magician in that war, but he should be able to have a good time today.

The strength of the golden giant ape has also reached an unimaginable level when it can fight with the three semi God strong men.

"Combat effectiveness 8762?!" Looking at this long string of numbers on the combat effectiveness detector, Locke was amazed.

Although it has not reached the peak of demigod, the strength of this senior Saiyan warrior can not be underestimated.

The value given on the combat effectiveness detector is only a dead number evaluated through complex calculation and detection according to the preset rules and procedures of Saiya scientists. It is not comprehensive.

Many times, the actual strength of knights and magicians should not be compared according to the values given on the combat effectiveness detector.

Especially the weak magicians, their fragile body is a big short board, but the magic they can use far more than their energy multiple is enough to deter all the strong enemies of the ectopic side.

Locke doesn\'t need to worry about the battle of several semi divine strong men. Let alone that there are three semi divine strong men in the Huiyue Legion. Locke can\'t guess just the backhand and hiding skills mastered by those masters.

The magic crystal cannon of the floating ship and the magician troops on the ground quickly attacked the energy shield of Yunxiao city with their extremely violent elements.

Among several demigods fighting in the sky, the rose Knight Marcus also took time to chop a sword in the direction of Yunxiao city on the ground.

No one knows what level of demonized equipment the silver sword in Marcus\'s hand is, but the height is about to be comparable to the huge fighting edge of the city wall. Looking at the land Knights like Locke, their eyelids jump.

Marcus\'s attack was only the last straw to crush the camel. After receiving countless bombardments from magic crystal guns and shooting with thousands of magicians above level 1, the energy shield of Yunxiao city was finally broken.

"Let\'s go!" Locke greeted his left and right companions, turned into blood, and rushed to the gate of Yunxiao city.

The first to approach Yunxiao city was the slave biological legion with a number of nearly 60000.

From the charging of your own camp to approaching the wall of Yunxiao City, the slave biological Legion has been under the attack from the Saiyan soldiers in Yunxiao city.

The sharp weapons of the Saiya people are not vegetarian. Some electromagnetic guns similar to magic guided cannons on the city wall are fired frequently, and almost every gun can take the lives of several low-level slave creatures.

Thousands of Saiyan soldiers garrison the city wall. When they are not in close combat, they are not in a hurry to turn on their giant ape transformation, but keep firing energy balls downward in humanoid form.

While paying attention to physical cultivation, the Saiya people also master a power they call "Qi", which is also one of the reasons why Saiya soldiers are powerful. The energy mastered by Saiya people is very similar to the fighting spirit cultivated by knights, but it does not belong to the same type of power system.

The thousands of energy balls fired from the wall of Yunxiao are also the "Qi" mastered by the Saiya people.

In order to get close to Yunxiao City, the slave creatures of the moon Corps paid more than 10000 casualties.

The slave creatures of the abbalut empire are all top-grade. Almost every one has the strength of more than advanced Warcraft. Before meeting the Saiyan soldiers, there are more than 10000 losses, which is enough to see the strength of the defensive power of Yunxiao city.

The sacrifice of so many slave creatures is for the victory of the follow-up war. In the eyes of the superiors, no matter how many casualties, this is just a string of numbers, and the dead are mainly slave creatures, which will not cause the emotional fluctuation of those in power of the Huiyue Legion.

Flying slave creatures jumped on the wall first. With their natural speed advantage, they avoided many powerful attacks from Hui Yuecheng. However, the moment they fell on the wall, they received a warm "reception" from the Saiya family.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" “......”

Hundreds of fierce energy waves came from the city wall and fought with slave creatures. Today, the Saiyan soldiers put down their arrogance and disdain and took out all their strength to face.

One head appeared on the city wall like a terrible ape from the ancient myth. Their physique was far higher than that of flying slave creatures. They tore and dragged the slave creatures flying to the city like pulsating toys.

After all, flying slave creatures are a minority. Almost all the Saiyan soldiers in the city can fight several low-level slaves alone, so there is a short situation of "more monks than less".

There was no opponent to vent their inner tyranny and irritability. These powerful and abnormal Saiyan soldiers jumped out of the city and rushed back without blinking in the face of the tide of tens of thousands of slave creatures.

It may be because someone took the lead. At the beginning, more than a dozen giant apes came face to face with the slave biological army. In a short time of more than ten seconds, the number of Saiyan soldiers charging against the slave biological army has increased to hundreds, and this number still keeps increasing!