Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 785

When several other strongmen of the Empire fought against the Saiyan respectively, steel casting general crower also found level 4 Saiyan warrior kuker who had been fighting with himself and others on biological planet 6 for months.

Kucker was besieged for months by the steel general and two other level four strong men, and it was the end of a powerful crossbow.

The steel casting general crower, who was also bombarded by the Saiyan prince, is now at the lowest level.

But as one of the three generals of the Empire, how could Klaus shrink back at this time.

In addition to walpoche, there are two level Four giants of the abbalut Empire who have no opponents. They are the right-hand men of the steel general, Penes and laren.

Laren has just assisted Robo to complete the construction of cross plane space transmission array. The magic is exhausted and there is no power to fight again. On the contrary, the fourth level Knight Penes still has the power of War I.

However, general Gangzhu did not intend to let Penes help himself.

"You go and assist Lord volpoche in dispatching the imperial army. I\'ll give it here." Steel general crower said to the fourth level Knight Penes next to him.

Without half a minute\'s hesitation, level Four Knight Penes knew his colleague\'s character best and believed in crower\'s strength most, so he turned and flew to the space fortress.

"Come on, let\'s end this unfinished duel!" The steel casting general slapped the dragon shield on his left hand, and the huge roar sounded with great momentum.

In the face of the fierce steel casting general, how can level 4 Saiya warrior kuker shrink back? The Saiya fighting blood flowing in his body is the power source of kuker\'s battle. Before the blood runs out, kuker must leave a deep impression on the enemy in front of him!

Without waiting for the steel casting general to make a move, kucker once again inspired the Saiyan people to super transform. The dazzling golden energy brilliance, like a rising sun, collided with the steel casting general who also sent out violent energy fluctuations.

"Today\'s young people really have the vitality we old guys don\'t have." At the same time, Luo Bo, a level five astrologer with his hands hanging behind him on the battlefield, watched several fierce battle groups with great interest.

The Saiya family is really strong, but the sixth biological planet now gathers nearly two-thirds of the high-level strong men of the abbalut empire. If this can\'t be won, the magic Empire should consider a truce and retreat.

The blue and purple regular energy slowly dispersed around Lobo\'s body. He was the main operator of the trans plane space transmission array. The level 4 little magician just played a role of introduction.

Summoning so many strong people, and more than 100000 knights, magicians and slave biological legions, we can\'t bear the details of level 5 astrologer Luo Bo.

In his eyes, the patterns of the eight pointed star array and the twelve pointed star array disappeared. Luo Bo was like an ordinary human elder at this time, without any energy leakage.

No one knows what kind of power is contained in the human old man\'s body, nor what magical and strange means the level 5 astrologer has.

Without intervening in the battle of several top powers, Lobo watched the battle like an outsider. Even the level Four giants in abarut did not know what the master was thinking.

His deep eyes seemed to put aside layers of fate fog and saw some incredible scenes in the future. Lobo turned to the battle between level 6 strong Mei and level 5 peak Saiyan warrior tedanil.


half a month later.

No. 7 biological planet has been stuck on this low planet for nearly a year, and the fighting blood of level 5 Saiyan warrior bopney has gradually cooled down.

The strength of this sudden group of aliens has exceeded popney\'s understanding of alien scum other than the Saia.

Not only does popney think so, but the other four level 4 Saiyan soldiers stationed on biological planet 7 also have some strength.

There is a limit to the fighting talent of winning more with less and being strong when meeting strong. The knight legion of the Yili Knight alliance and the main battle legion of the abbalut empire are not low foolish aborigines who are bullied by the Saiya.

"Why hasn\'t the support force mentioned by Wang a month ago come yet? I\'ve been shrinking in this energy shield all day. How I want to screw off the head of heterosexual scum outside!"

"This time, his Highness Prince burta, Baron and Rousseff are leading the army. Now the support forces should eliminate aliens on biological planet 6."

Those who said these two words were two powerful level 4 Saiyan soldiers in the Saiyan combat base.

Like popney, they are now covered with wounds. The blood of battle gives them incomparably strong fighting talent and instinct against the enemy, but it does not give them extraordinary recovery ability.

In order to cope with the high-intensity battles often launched by aliens, these higher Saiyan soldiers soak in the nutrition warehouse almost every day.

Different from the two level-4 Saiya soldiers standing here complaining, the other two level-4 Saiya in the combat base showed some silence.

They were promoted from ordinary Saiya soldiers to level 4. There was no royal blood flowing in their bodies. Naturally, they did not dare to discuss the prince\'s troop sending trend.

Over the past month, the armies of the No. 7 biological planet ebarute Empire have attacked the Saiyan bases and central cities like chicken blood.

Not only are the Saiyan soldiers at the bottom tired of running, but they can\'t bear the strong men above level 4.

Although every strong attack was tenaciously resisted by the Saiya people, and even achieved a lot, the Saiya people were still unable to get out of the energy shield under the suppression of the endless biological corps of knights, magicians and slaves.

What worries level 5 Saiya warrior bopney most is not the heavy casualties of Saiya people, but that since half a month ago, this group of alien people blocked their communication channels with the outside world with some kind of confinement ability.

Bopney has not contacted the Saia planet in the center of the Saia domain for half a month.

Saiyan scientists are taking emergency response plans, and popney has sent several teams of senior Saiyan teams to contact Saiya or several other biological planets.

The increasingly fierce attack tide of alien people and the situation of isolation and helplessness made level 5 Saiya warrior bopney smell a trace of conspiracy.

Intrigue is not the specialty of the Saiya family. In the face of these annoying alien scum, pop can only do tit for tat.

A raid led by popney ten days ago not only wounded the dark knight ebadang, but also shot down a space fortress on biological planet 7!

This is the Third Space Fortress lost by the abbalut empire on biological planet 7.

Despite the remarkable results, popney couldn\'t laugh.