Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 746

The strong man who suffocated Luo Luoya was getting closer and closer. The "meteor" falling from the sky was still so far away, but Luo Luoya could already feel the burning smell of the meteor.

On the combat effectiveness detector in the right eye, the combat index soared, starting from 2172 points, 3271 points 4632 5489 6899!

This has exceeded the current combat effectiveness of Luoya, but it is not over. The strong among the meteors has not yet revealed their strongest posture!





Until it reached 8777, the value on the combat effectiveness detector finally calmed down, and then fluctuated left and right within the error range of 100 points.

8777! This is already an overwhelming battle force against roroa!

When the meteor was about to hit Luo Luoya\'s face, Luo Luoya, who was under the suppression of strong enemies, finally launched the unique transformation of the Saiya family after a roar.

The use of noumenon is no longer enough to support Luo Luoya in the face of strong enemies at this level. Only by using talent to transform into a giant ape can we have a chance to win.

The anti radiation T1 combat armor was torn by the soaring body size and solid muscles. Luo Luoya, who was incarnated as a black haired giant ape, grew from two meters to twenty meters before he stopped.

The combat effectiveness detector has been destroyed in the process of transforming into a giant ape. If you use the combat effectiveness detector to look at roroa at this time, you will find that his combat effectiveness value has soared from 6775 points to 8201 points. Although there is still a certain gap with the enemy in front of him, the gap has been significantly narrowed.

Just as loroya was ready to rush up to face the fierce enemy, a faster and stronger attack came from the sky.

Luo Luoya\'s mind flashed the illusion of death, but the attack was not directed at him, but at Tatar, a senior Saiya not far from him!

After the lightning, the smell of burning muscles still remained in the air. In Luo Luo Ya\'s frightened eyes, Tatar, a senior Saiya, was stabbed through his heart!

A blue paralytic lightning chain spreads in Tatar\'s heart, which is a powerful single thunder attribute magic.

The speed is so fast that Tatar has no time to turn into a giant ape to increase his defense.

The heart was pierced, but with the constitution of Tatar senior Saiya, he was not dead.

"Ho, Ho!" The Adam\'s apple rolled, and Tatar looked down incredulously at the hole in his heart.

Before he saw the enemy, Tatar had been badly hit. It was the first time in his more than 1000 years of combat career that he encountered this dilemma.

"Although I barely reached the threshold of the demigod, I ate Cassius\'s\' thunder prison finger \'without turning into a giant ape. I\'m really a poor guy." From the burning meteorite falling from the sky, the voice of the Silver Knight garner came.

(among the saiyas, senior saiyas with a combat effectiveness value of more than 4000 are already recognized as semi gods in the wizard world)

"Gorilla, your opponent is me! Don\'t be distracted!" The flame of the meteorite faded and the huge air wave formed blew all the middle and low-level Saiya people around back to the periphery. A golden spear was stabbed out of the flame and stabbed into the eye of Luoya after turning into a giant ape.

"Dang!" Metal chimes.

Although Luo Luoya, who turned into a giant ape, blocked Garner\'s potential strike from the sky with his own meat palm, he was shocked and impacted from his eyes.

On the other side, Tatar, who was seriously injured, endured the stabbing pain in his heart and looked at his target in the sky.

After using a powerful magic, the semi divine magician Cassius can no longer hide his strength.

In Tatar\'s disbelief, the combat effectiveness index of cassiu on the combat effectiveness detector jumped to the terrible 9201 point!

This is the real peak demigod! I\'m afraid it was Jos of the three western islands who appeared here and competed with the deputy commander of the silver dragon corps, which was also five to five.

Then Tatar\'s shock was more than that.

It seems that after the meteorite landed, the collision between the unknown strong man and roroa, who turned into a giant ape, is a signal.

Under the frightened eyes of all Saiya people in the magnetic storm mountain, thousands of magic with combat effectiveness index of tens to hundreds or even thousands in the sky hit their heads.

With this wave of terrible magic, there are many Knight legions that are far more than them!

"Kill! All turn on and change. Try to go to biological planet 7 alive and announce the news of a powerful unknown force attack to Lord baluta stationed there!" In the aftermath of fighting dust and magic frenzy, the roar of Luo Luo, the strongest Saiya here.

The Empire of abarut, in the imperial city of Florent.

In a remote hall, Emperor Morton was playing chess with the fourth level elemental master walpoche, the brain trust of the Empire and the title of cold heart.

"I hear Nelson has done it?" Morton the great put down his chess pieces and suddenly said.

"Yes, the latest magic message came from three hours ago. Presumably, before tonight, the half plane at the edge of the saya domain will fall into our hands." Volpoche bowed his head.

In front of the emperor of the abbalut Empire, he was not the prestigious and powerful level 4 element division, but a dedicated minister.

The abalute Empire and the Belem empire are two special forces of self-standard. Only in these two empires, the emperor\'s authority is above the four level strong.

Apart from these two forces, which of the empires and kingdoms in other parts of the wizard world is not a puppet or spokesman in the hands of the fourth level strong.

"Do you think Nelson, Dale and Lester are enough? Please say in the newspaper that Saiya has more than ten strong level Four." Asked Morton the great uneasily.

"If we only set up a forward transmission array to ensure the smooth dispatch and transportation of the Imperial Army, it is absolutely enough. If we send more strong people above level 4, I\'m afraid it will scare the snake and cause excessive rebound in the level of Saiya." Volpoche replied.

"Yes." Emperor Morton nodded, "Nelson is a famous intellectual General of the Empire for tens of thousands of years, and his strength is in the top three of the Empire. I\'m still more relieved of his ability."

In fact, it is not only Nelson\'s outstanding ability, but also the other two level-4 strong men, Dale and Lester, one is one of the masters of the knight Hall who is brave and good at fighting in the Empire, and the other is a level-4 botanical elemental master with strange lurking and hiding ability.

The three of them were sent to lead the advance troops to start the war in the Saiya region, which was the result of repeated consultations among the imperial high-level.