Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 729

Meimila\'s growth is far faster than Locke\'s imagination.

It is the strength of the entry-level attendants. After less than a week\'s underground world experience and Locke\'s guidance on the floating ship, they can compete with the grey dwarves of the same level.

In terms of combat skills, the meditation mental power method given by assar to meimila plays a great role. Meimila has a certain strange ability to predict the attack mode of her opponent in the next few seconds with her unique talent.

Often pre emptive game, making meimila win more and lose less.

In just a few days, he met Locke\'s requirements and cut off the claw of the grey dwarf.

Throwing the howling grey dwarf back to the Shura field, Locke has little love for Asian slave creatures.

An alchemy reagent rippling with psychedelic blue was taken out of Locke\'s space ring and solemnly handed over to meimila.

"This medicine can effectively speed up your morale promotion, but too fast promotion may not be a good thing for you. I suggest you practice for a period of time. It\'s not too late to use this medicine in the future." Locke said.

It is a good thing that the apprentice has good talent and fast growth, but Locke sees a little disadvantage from it.

"Yes, master!" Meimila replied loudly.

This girl listens to Locke\'s words most. Basically, Locke is what he says. She has never refuted or doubted.

On the way to the Cybertron Empire, Locke did not forget his cultivation. His physique was tempered by the law. Locke\'s road to promotion to level 3 was almost unimpeded, but his innate accumulation was not enough. Locke needed a long time of cultivation to break through the level.

On the way of this experience, the blood crystal and soul crystal obtained successively are valuable props that can increase Locke\'s fighting spirit.

Let\'s talk about Locke\'s current rank.

If you have to divide into two levels, in human form, Locke\'s strength is roughly in the early stage of level 2. After using blood transformation, Locke\'s strength can soar to the middle stage of level 2.

The effective use of blood crystal and soul crystal will make Locke break through the existing shackles in a very short time and raise his strength to a small level.

Considering that Locke\'s blood and skills belong to the top level, his actual combat power should be doubled. So it seems that assar, who inspires all his strength, may not be better than Locke at that time.

During these days on the floating ship, in addition to teaching his disciples, Locke also digested a soul crystal.

This strange crystal stone from the ectopic surface really has its special effect. After use, not only the soul ability is improved, but Locke even finds some memories of the dead war soul.

The soul of the soul struggle is mainly based on the cultivation of the soul force, killing and engulfing the whole life of the war spirit. These crystal spirits are the body essence left behind by the death of the war spirit, and also a bit of the fighting spirit of the war spirit.

The soul ability of the war soul is not bad, but the spiritual strength is going to be worse. Therefore, this residual memory does not have too many negative effects on Locke. On the contrary, Locke also obtains some valuable combat skills through these residual memories.

"When can you absorb those soul crystals and blood crystals?" One day Ashar suddenly asked Locke.

"It will take half a year, if it is fully absorbed." Locke replied.

"What\'s the matter?" Seeing that Ashar looked worried, Locke couldn\'t help asking.

"Jekolo, the United Kingdom goes further east, which is the magic Empire abbalut. Let\'s take it as a place for us to separate temporarily." Ashar said.

"Separate?" Locke didn\'t quite understand what Ashar meant.

"Yes, after leaving from abarut, I will travel to the sky city in the north of the mainland. In order to pursue your knight\'s way, you should also go to the Beren empire in the south of the mainland." Ashar said.

"That\'s right, but can\'t we act together? I can follow you to the sky city first, and then go south to the Belem empire." Locke tried to dissuade assar. It has been almost a year since he left the three western islands. Locke cherishes his time with assar.

"That kind of experience is not experience. It should be a vacation." Ashar said coldly. Now she has restored her natural nature. Ashar refused Locke\'s suggestions without thinking about it.

"You also want to go back to see Kayla and little Bev as soon as possible. If we travel together at the speed now, we don\'t know when we can return to the three western islands." Ashar\'s words pulled Locke back from fantasy to reality.

The three western islands have been in a period of cultivation for more than ten years, but who knows if they will suddenly start a plane war again one day. As a member of the three western islands, if the holy tower and the knight palace declare war and summon all magicians and knights, anyway, Locke and Ashar have to suspend their experience and rush back to the three western islands as soon as possible.

As a member of the three western islands, they must fulfill their obligations to enjoy the preferential treatment and subsidies of the holy tower and the knight palace.

As a member of the wizard world, they should do their duty in order to feed their own standard in the war of aggression.

Ashar didn\'t mention that others were OK. When he mentioned little Bev, Locke was filled with thoughts of his only blood.

It is said that his daughter was the lover of his father\'s last life. With Locke\'s lust, he was definitely an amorous man in his last life.

Having not seen his daughter for only a year, Locke was really flustered. What was angry was that the negative energy fusion beads were damaged. Locke could not realize long-distance communication with the relatives of the three western islands through the negative energy fusion beads.

"Well, I agree with you, master." Locke finally said in a low voice.

With Ashar\'s experience, Locke has always felt relaxed, because Ashar will make the most correct choice instead of him. If he separated from the abbalut Empire and returned to the time when Locke faced everything alone.

In his bones, Locke prefers the life of two people supporting each other. He is not a lonely person.

"Absorb the energy of blood crystal and soul crystal as soon as possible. Although your strength now exceeds the general second-class strong, it is not enough. You act recklessly among your peers. I don\'t want to hear the news of your falling in the wizard world when you are in the city of the sky." Ashar held her arm and raised her head.

Ashar still cares about Locke, as can be seen from this sentence.

From the stage of Knight attendants to today\'s secondary knights, Ashar helped take care of Locke too much.

"I see. How can I fall? I have to go back to see my daughter and those relatives waiting for me to go back." Locke narrowed his eyes and smiled.