Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 719

At present, Locke has several fighting qigong methods, most of which are royal fighting Qigong borrowed from his majesty kensell in order to broaden his horizons when he was Prince faustan.

The value of these fighting Qi skills is not too high. Some of them are not much better than the eagle fighting Qi that Locke first began to learn.

"I have only practiced two kinds of fighting spirit. What I want to teach you now is the eagle fighting spirit I mastered when I was below the first level." Beside the asphalt Lake in the middle of the Korr forest, Locke said to meimila.

"Level 1..." Meimila murmured that there was a lot of common sense in the cultivation world. Locke also said something with meimila on weekdays. The first level was stronger than the city Lord of Evra.

And meimila also knows that her \'master\' Locke is a powerful secondary strong man.

"If you are lucky enough to break through the first level in the future, I will teach you how to fight against the wind. These two kinds of fighting against the wind are both wind attribute skills, which will be relatively easy to transfer." Locke said.

Whether meimila can become Locke\'s Apprentice depends not on Locke\'s will, but on what step meimila can take. If meimila can prove that she has the potential to break through the first level, Locke doesn\'t mind finding a successor for her fierce wind.

On the third day after the craniotomy experiment, meimila\'s body returned to normal. I don\'t know whether master assar\'s skill is exquisite or the restorative medicine used is effective. Locke always didn\'t find any sequelae left by meimila.

"Master, it\'s better to do less experiments in the future..." While meimila was practicing her sword diligently, Locke went to master Ashar\'s tree hole laboratory and said to Ashar who was still busy on the test bench.

"Why, you want to hinder me?" A slender test tube of emerald green was sandwiched between assar\'s fingers, and the magical liquid in it was rippling slightly.

"If I do this to the ectopic aborigines, I have no objection. If it is a standard human... It will be rated as a black magician." Locke said.

The black magician he has seen so far is only the ghost he came into contact with at the attendant stage. Everything about the black magician is only understood from a black magician\'s note as a booty.

For people like black magicians, Locke can\'t say how annoying they are, because they don\'t infringe upon Locke\'s vital interests. Locke just doesn\'t want assar to be wanted by Santa tower because of her research desire.

"Don\'t worry, this experiment was agreed by meimila\'s child himself. Even if it is strictly tracked down, it is not a black magic experiment." Put the test tube in her hand into the space ring, ASAR took out the crystal ball and continued to record some data.

Master assar is the busiest and most diligent magician known by Locke. Locke has never seen the master have any leisure behavior. Even if he practiced with him this time, Locke has never seen assar relax for a moment.

Just like the reagent she held in her hand just now, it is actually a new achievement researched by Ashar from the particularity of the light of spiritual power, a rare talent of meimila.

According to Ashar himself, it can temporarily increase the user\'s spiritual power by 50 points. This 50 points of spiritual power is nothing for Level 2 magicians, but it is also a good blessing for level 1 magicians.

Even the side effects are relatively large, and the possible sequelae have not been fully explored, so this can not be regarded as a qualified research result.

In the field of magic knowledge, assar has reached an unimaginable level when no one has noticed it. If it is not for the short time to promote level 2 and the bottleneck of spiritual power and magic growth, assar is likely to have the possibility to impact level 3 purely in terms of knowledge mastery.

"Master." Locke suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

Put down the crystal ball recording information in her hand. Ashar looked at Locke, "what\'s the matter?"

"No matter what you choose to do in the future, I will support you!" Locke looked into Ashar\'s eyes and said.

Although assar\'s eyes are full of indifferent color, Locke still reads a little fluctuation, which is the tacit understanding they have had for decades.

"Oh, I see." Ashar turned her head to one side, leaving only her long black hair blocking her cheeks, so that people could not see her expression at this time.

They spent a short time in the kuoer forest. When Ashar recorded and filed all the data obtained from her experiment, they set off again. This time, they also had a small mop to take care of.

"Fermo, come out." The sound of dragon flute sounded, and the black scorpion dragon with a body of about 13 meters appeared beside the asphalt lake.

Locke can\'t fly with meimila all the time. It\'s better to summon the scorpion dragon and let it carry the people together.

Although it is a little publicized, since they no longer need to go to aimoro City, their next destination is tedani Kingdom, one of the Midwestern countries of the United Kingdom, which has the title of "hub country".

From the kingdom of Fusen to the kingdom of tedani, you need to pass through four countries. These countries are weak kingdoms with little difference from the kingdom of Fusen. The experience available in these countries is really limited. It\'s better to fly over them and go to the important junction of nearby countries, the kingdom of tedani.

Because of its special geographical location, the tedani Kingdom often has the way of the strong at or above the first level of other countries, so that the tedani kingdom with poor bottom economy has precious resource circulation channels that are envied by surrounding countries in the top strong.

The purpose of this trip to tedani kingdom is to travel further inland with the help of the convenient transportation hub of the country. Secondly, it is said that the underground of tedani kingdom is a very vast underground space, and there are even several Asian countries below.

Meimila should be the first time to see Fermo\'s level of Warcraft. When the scorpion dragon appeared on the Bank of the asphalt lake, the little girl was a little scared.

Her sharp fangs and dark narrow pupils told the little girl that Fei Mo was a good guy. Her prickly purple tongue protruded from her teeth, which was obviously a flattery to Locke. When she came to meimila, it became a nightmare that made her uncontrollable fear.

"The gap between life levels is too large, and the formation of rank suppression..." Looking at meimila, Locke thought to himself.

He and Ashar have a higher level of life, but because they can relax their momentum freely, meimila won\'t feel too much discomfort, but scorpion dragon is different. This guy has an obvious smell of violence.