Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 711

"Moreover, how does a little girl living in a civilian area get demonized equipment? You can torture her at that time, hehe hehe." The first big man then laughed.

After being pushed by the big man, the remaining three guys with weak willpower were soon dragged into the water. After all, they are not good things in essence.

"Brother, don\'t forget us. We did it with you."

"It\'s just an ordinary girl. She has done her and her family with clean hands and feet. Even the city guard can\'t find our traces."

"Brother, after enjoying that woman, I came the second time. Last time outside Evra, it was Denis. You were so anxious that our newly arrested \'little Aries\' was killed by you."

Under the leadership of the chief brother, several unscrupulous people soon forgot their timidity and possible consequences. This is not the first time for them. With their good skills and strength, they have harmed many passing tourists and businessmen outside Evra.

The only difference this time is that the crime place is in Evra city. The main guard is not eating dry food. They just hope that it won\'t be so unlucky. There is a guard patrolling here tonight.

Money is enough to move people\'s hearts, not to mention tracking the girl. When she found that the girl was still good-looking, she let the elite The guy on the worm\'s head is impulsive and reckless.

"Denny, wait a minute. You\'ll watch outside. Capone and Dunbar, I\'ll go in and take the girl. Remember that there\'s a patrol guard coming and call us in time!" The big man told his three younger brothers.

Hearing the boss\'s order, the remaining two younger brothers looked happy. Only the short and strong man named Denis looked depressed. He knew that the reason for the boss\'s distribution was that he killed a businessman\'s daughter last time. Otherwise, even if he broke it, he could get a good ransom.

On the surface, they are adventurers. In fact, they are secretly engaged in the activities of mountain bandits and robbers.

In fact, in the adventurer circle of Evra City, many people know that the four beasts of silver wolf\'s teeth are willing to do anything for money and haven\'t been caught for such a long time. In addition to their good strength, they also have a crime style of knowing advance and retreat and facts.

"I hope that the Old Guy de lachi didn\'t cheat me. If I take this risk in vain and escort him to kuoer forest next time, I\'ll abandon him! Jie!" The head man smiled grimly.

I don\'t know whether delach cheated him. The main reason why he said this is that he was blindfolded by delach\'s wealth and was able to take out 50 gold coins to ask them to do business with the teeth of the silver wolf. The old man seems to have a rich family.

It is said that the summoner is very rich. If it were not for the ordinary summoner, their four brothers could not afford it, otherwise these outlaws would have started early.

Delach has the ability to summon apprentices at the entry level. He may not be able to do it with a low-level attendant alone. If two people go up first to spell out some of the old guy\'s magic, he may be able to do it with the skill of his low-level attendant.

Who will go first? The head man\'s Yin measured eyes glanced at the three younger brothers next to him.

In the cabin, meimila tossed and turned, and she couldn\'t sleep. She always felt that something bad was going to happen.

From a very young age, meimila found that she had an extraordinary premonition. This premonition sometimes works and sometimes doesn\'t work. It only appears the moment before something important happens.

The last time this bad feeling occurred, it was when meimila\'s mother died.

The slight warmth of the short dagger in her arms calmed meimila\'s irritable inner heart. Through the short dagger, meimila remembered the guest during the day.

The gray short hair, such as the hard edges and corners cut by the blade, is the pair of eyes that dare not be looked at directly.

Meimila looked at those eyes for two seconds and was dizzy. She knew that her sisters were not as good as herself. Not to mention looking at Locke\'s eyes, she dared not look at Locke\'s sitting direction rashly.

"What kind of man is that..." Meimila sighed.

Locke is very mysterious. In addition to his extraordinary performance, there is also his generosity and forthright drinking.

Meimila doesn\'t like her alcoholic father, but when it comes to drinking, Locke drinks more than four or five times as much during the day as his father, but this man just makes him harmless.

The dagger in her arms is getting closer and closer, perhaps because of gratitude. After all, Locke has brought her so many benefits today, which can make her and dad feel better in the future.

"Meimila, aren\'t you asleep?" Next to the bed came the rude snoring of my father.

Meimila\'s family is very poor and the house is very small. This room is not earned by his father, but uploaded by his ancestors. It should be the product of meimila\'s great grandfather.

There is only one bedroom and one kitchen in the family. Meimila and her family have slept together since childhood. Since meimila was eight years old, she knew a little about men and women. She added a layer of linen in the middle of the bed. Dad sleeps near the window and meimila sleeps inside.

Without answering her father\'s words, meimila doesn\'t want to say more to this disappointed father. She still needs to fall asleep early and have work to do tomorrow.

Meimila didn\'t answer dad\'s words, but dad said to himself with the strength of wine: "it\'s really hard for you, my child."

"Dad, I\'m useless. I can\'t earn money and you can\'t live a good life."

"If only your mother Martha were alive, she would persuade me."

"Uh... My dear Martha, why did you leave me so early, uh..."

As she spoke, meimila\'s father began to sob in a low voice. His bad habit of drinking began the year when meimila\'s mother Martha died.

There was a lingering smell of wine in the room. Melania\'s father, laren, was lying on the head of the bed crying like a drunk child. They all said that the man didn\'t shed tears, but he didn\'t reach the sad place.

Meimila\'s father is a scum in other aspects, but in dealing with his wife, he really loves his wife.

On the other side of the linen curtain, meimila is also a little uncomfortable. Every time her father drinks wine, she always cries in the middle of the night. At first, she will cry and be sad with her father, but meimila has drained her tears for so long.

The bad habit of her father\'s persistent education and total alcoholism also made meimila extremely disappointed with her father.

Meimila thought how happy the family was when her mother didn\'t die when she was six years old.

"Mother..." Meimila\'s eyes dropped a tear, which fell on the light red handle and was evaporated by a faint light, leaving only a wisp of invisible white smoke.