Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 709

If you only look at the material of the dagger, it\'s just an ordinary dagger. No matter how smooth it is polished by its owner, it can\'t cover up its inferior blade.

The handle of the knife is also wrapped with the most common layer of linen. The color of the linen is dark red, which should be stained by blood stains a long time ago.

The only thing that makes this dagger extraordinary is the faint red shimmer shining on the blade. This is definitely not an ordinary dagger, because meimila saw many mysterious veins in the details of the short dagger.

"Did the guest leave it..." Meimila whispered.

Locke\'s dress and dress are ordinary, but meimila hasn\'t seen all kinds of people in Evra city. In terms of temperament, meimila hasn\'t seen similar people, especially the cold hum in the afternoon.

When others didn\'t notice, meimila quietly hid the blade inside her sleeve. The short blade touched meimila\'s skin and was a little warm.

Meimila did this not because she wanted to get rich, but in the rose tavern. Once she found that there were items left by guests, she needed to turn them over to the smart boss.

It\'s normal to lose things in places like pubs. Even if the store finds them, it won\'t easily return them to the original owner. Meimila just wants to return the dagger to the customer when the customer comes to drink next time.

In addition to the faint red light on the blade, there was a little green on the back of the insignificant blade. On the way home, meimila looked at the magical dagger over and over.

It belongs to the home of meimila and her father. In the northwest civilian area of Evra City, meimila always has to walk for a long time when she comes home from the rose tavern.

In the first few years, meimila was still very afraid of walking alone at night, especially when there was no moon at night, but now meimila has long underestimated all this.

In meimila\'s view, night, loneliness and mystery are not terrible. What\'s more terrible is the people\'s heart.

The moonlight is good tonight. The dark clouds only cover half of the moon\'s face. There is still a considerable amount of light shining down, reflecting meimila\'s thin body.

Meimila\'s shadow is very long in the moonlight.

"Yo! Isn\'t this meimila?"

"Walking alone at night again? Do you want big brother to accompany you?"

"The older the girls of the old larens, the more flexible they are!"


Around, many ruffians and gangsters in civilian areas flirted with meimila, who came home alone. These people are not as powerful as Wally, an underground gangster who collected debts. They are called "bedbugs". They can only bully the orphans and widows in civilian areas such as meimila.

In the face of the gossip around her, meimila was not affected by it. She knew that these people were just strong mouthed. What do you really want them to do? These people were not much bolder than mice, so they were called "bedbugs".

Thanks to the strict law enforcement Lord of Evra City, Evra city is the best place in several surrounding cities in terms of public security management. It is precisely because of the reassuring public security that Evra city has attracted more and more businessmen and adventurers, so that it has become the second largest city in the kingdom of Fusen after the king\'s capital in only a few decades.

Fifty years ago, the underground world of Evra city was very chaotic. How can Wally and others be so "friendly" to meimila when they collect debts today.

If put before, meimila\'s most likely destination is to be thrown to a prostitute The court sold itself to pay its debts.

The civilian area of Evra city is rather dilapidated, but it is not messy here. It also benefits from the extraordinary vision of the noble City Lord, who knows that clean streets will bring vitality and vitality to the future of the city.

There are eight households in an alley deep in the civilian area, and the meimila family is the innermost one.

At this time, the night was already deep, and ordinary people could not light oil lamps, so the alley was quiet. Because the eaves were relatively low, even the moonlight could not shine in here.

The smell around is very strange. It\'s a mixture of rotten water, excrement and bad wine. No matter how wise the noble City Lord is, there are still some places in Evra that he can\'t look after.

Lifting her skirt, meimila carefully crossed the dirt and walked to her door.

This is meimila\'s only dress without patches and her "work clothes". If the skirt is dirty, meimila is likely to wash dishes in the back kitchen all day tomorrow.

Pushing open the wooden door, meimila frowned at the lingering smell of liquor in the house.

After working in the pub for many years, meimila has long been immune to the smell of wine. The reason for her discomfort is the man who collapsed in the middle of the room.

When did dad start drinking? After her mother died, meimila sighed silently.

Struggling to lift dad, meimila is ready to push the middle-aged man who weighs far more than him to bed.

Although it\'s just autumn, the ground is cold in the middle of the night. Although meimila is not proud of her father, she doesn\'t want her father to leave her too early.

If daddy also left, meimila will be alone in the future

"Well... It\'s meimila. You\'re back. How\'s your work today?" With a strong smell of wine in her mouth, Melania\'s father laren asked with half open eyes.

Without answering, meimila just helped her father to the bed, went back to the kitchen, took out a ladle of cold water and began to wash.

Her relationship with her father is now only the bond of blood. The so-called poor family relationship, and the alcoholic laren can only remember that she still has a daughter to raise when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

The cold well water poured on meimila\'s moving carcass Physically, in her cognition, only the coldest water at night can wash the lead on her body, wash away the unpleasant smell of wine, and wash away the traces of salty pig hands teased and left by guests at work during the day.

Speaking of being molested by the guests, meimila suddenly thought that during the day, the unusual guest gave her a tip, and the silver coin fell to her so obscene. When she thought of the scene during the day, meimila\'s face blushed with shame.

"Oh, yes!" Remembering that there was a silver coin tip, meimila quickly took out the silver coin from the inside of her clothes and put it in her purse.

Now, there are 36 silver coins in the purse.

After washing, meimila didn\'t hurry to go to bed. First, she hid the money bag containing silver coins in the gap between the painted black stone bricks next to the kitchen fire to ensure that her alcoholic father would secretly take the money to buy wine.

"I wonder if the guest will come tomorrow..." Feeling the light warmth on the inner arm of the sleeve, meimila thought so.

It\'s late at night.