Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 659

The next day, taking the floating ship applied for in the Santa tower, Locke, Angelina and Diane sailed to the omore empire.

Angelina is angry with Locke. She still has great respect for Kayla. After all, that\'s her mentor.

So before leaving, Angelina made a special trip to say goodbye to Kayla.

Of course, Locke also went to say goodbye. I looked at Kayla with a slight bulge in her lower abdomen with more reassuring eyes. I said goodbye as early as I was on the space fortress.

On the floating boat, "aren\'t you going to stay with my mentor for a while? I think she\'s going to have a baby." While Diane didn\'t notice here, Angelina said as if nothing had happened.

"There are still two years left. I\'d better accompany you back to Forrest first and see Kayla later." Locke said.

With her forthright words, Angelina didn\'t know what to say about Locke. She didn\'t care about the details of Locke calling Kayla\'s name. She turned her head and snorted coldly and ignored Locke.

The time to the omor empire was faster than before. It only took about two days. Because now the pilot of the floating ship is a second-class knight.

"Are you in conflict with Angelina?" On the way, Diane asked Locke carefully.

His face was still bitter. Locke replied, "there are some contradictions, but it\'s inconvenient to tell you."

It\'s not a glorious thing to say about Locke and Angelina\'s mentor.

"If there are contradictions, I suggest you solve them early. I think Angelina still cares about you." Said Dany.

When she said this, Diane was more like an experienced elder than the little girl hiding behind Locke yesterday.

"OK, thank you." Locke nodded to Diane.

"In other words, have you contacted relatives and friends of the omor empire over the years?" Locke asked. He knew that many magicians studying in the holy tower would weaken their connection with the secular world over time.

The rumors of the Sorcerer\'s inhumanity flowed out from here.

"There are still some contacts at home. Seven years ago, she made a special trip back to attend her father\'s funeral. If she was a friend, Bili had seen it once at that time, but Joaquin still had no news." Said Dany.

On hearing this, Locke nodded. Like Dani, he also had a group of dreamy relatives in the omore empire.

Since the holy tower launched the plane war against the digital world, most magicians above level 1 have been called up to the battlefield.

At that time, assar magician and Kaila master had no spare power to take care of grace and other women in the holy tower, so they returned to the omor empire the second year after they started the plane war in the holy tower.

The omore Empire has their house, Locke\'s industry, and the relationship network that Xia Xi has arranged in Princeton these years. Grace and others go back to feel the original existence of Locke.

After all, this guy left them for more than ten years without saying a word. If it weren\'t for the news from the knight\'s palace, Locke\'s breath of life still existed, they would think Locke fell on the ectopic side.

Princeton, the capital of the Amor empire.

The capital of the most powerful and vast empire on the continent of Messia is still so prosperous.

With the exclusive pass of the holy tower, the floating ship didn\'t land until it went to the playground of the Imperial College.

"I\'ll go home first. You don\'t need to see me off." Diane, who has changed her light blue magic robe again, said that today she has more brilliance and confidence than a few days ago. This is the temperament of a noble female magician.

"Then we\'ll go straight home." Locke smiled at Diane.

Angelina came forward and hugged Diane for a while.

"In a few days, I may ask some old friends to get together and let you know." Before leaving, Locke waved to Diane.

Sitting in a familiar and strange carriage, Locke had the illusion of living in a dream.

Accustomed to flying ten thousand meters in an instant, Locke felt unreal when he got on this primitive carriage again.

Princeton is forbidden to fly, including to secondary Knights like Locke. Only when Locke is promoted to level 3 sky knight in the future, these secular constraints will not have much impact on him.

The heavenly knights are already at the peak of the power of the three western islands. They are a member of making rules.

Especially in an imperial country such as the omore Empire, the heavenly Knight often represents the identity of the imperial duke or a partial member of the royal family.

At present, Princeton has four heavenly knights. They are two dukes, a prince and a sub Temple Lord who works in the knight hall.

With Locke\'s current status as a knight of the land, if he wants, after paying a certain price and commitment, he can obtain the title of Marquis of the omore empire through the relationship with the royal family.

In history, many powerful families were born in this way.

For knights, strength is often their biggest dependence, and the family is just an accessory.

The best function of building a strong family is to help Knights cultivate their next generation and create better seeds for the future of the three western islands.

When he came to his former home in a carriage, Locke\'s shoulder twitched slightly. He was excited.

Angelina is no worse. She has lived together for decades. Grace, Leah and other women are no longer romantic enemies for Angelina, but become semi relatives.

People are emotional animals. During Locke\'s absence, several women supported and encouraged each other. Now they are not much worse than their own sisters.

The front of the house is still very clean. It seems that it is often cleaned.

It is the autumn of the Amor empire. Princeton, located in the south, has not yet been hit by the north wind. The temperature here is still so warm. The leaves in twos and threes on the ground not only don\'t give people a dirty feeling, but also bring the beautiful mood of golden autumn October.

Holding Angelina\'s hand, Locke strode into the house.

Locke didn\'t know many maids and servants who appeared in the courtyard. It should be that in the past ten years, Xia Xi\'s new recruits were young women aged 17 or 18.

When the servants in these mansions saw strangers coming in, they first wanted to scold and expel them. However, Locke\'s powerful momentum of not being angry and self threatening and Angelina\'s innate noble temperament made the servants who wanted to ask about their identity open their mouths for a long time.

"What\'s the matter? Is there a guest?" A female voice came from the side of the courtyard.

Locke could not be more familiar with this voice, because he had listened to it almost all his life. That\'s sister Leia\'s voice.

Unable to control her inner excitement, holding Angelina\'s hand, Locke took a big step and ran to the sound source.

God knows how fast the second-class knight is. In the eyes of these servants, Locke and Angelina almost disappeared in a trance.

In the small courtyard near the front door, Leah, who was bowing her head to embroider, was awakened by the shadow approaching quickly in front of her. Now she also has the strength of a high-level magic apprentice. Of course, you can see that she is a powerful knight or magician.

"Who is it?!" A scolding came from Leah. Locke, who had just broken in, noticed that Christine dressed as a female Knight next to Leah.

Stop in front of the two women, and the shapes of Locke and Angelina show up.

Silence silent...... Wandering in this courtyard.

When Leia and Christine saw the person in front of them, they both fell into a temporary stiffness.

"Is Xiaxi and Raffi back? I asked her to take it from Bili..." Grace, who came out of the room with a plate, asked as she walked.

On the plate is a precious magic plant flame fruit, which can improve some fire resistance. Its most precious place is not its efficacy, but its taste. This is a dessert that is regarded as a high-grade fruit in Santa Cruz.

When grace saw the courtyard.

"Snap!" The plate slipped from grace\'s hand, and a low-level energy crystal and a flame fruit were scattered on the ground.

On the ground, the flame fruit emits a faint light under the sunshine because of its fire energy.

This afternoon, a mansion on shanschel street was very lively. The return of Locke and Angelina not only excited grace, Christine and other women, but also touched the maid and servants in the mansion.

Two golden moles for each person made the servants remember Locke, the master of the mansion and Angelina.

In the past, Leah didn\'t care in the house. Xiaxi was mainly responsible for her and Billie\'s industries outside, so grace was the biggest in the family. All the people also thought grace was the master of the family.

After Locke and Angelina came back, grace stepped back from the hostess. Angelina is Locke\'s wife and can\'t be shaken in this family.

But neither Angelina nor grace cared about who was the hostess, because they all knew that Locke didn\'t value it. He always treated his women equally.

"You went out on a mission and it took you 13 years to come back." At the dinner table, grace scolded daolocke, but from her eyebrows, grace was more happy than blamed.

"Thirteen years and four months." On the other hand, Christine added.

Locke has worked in the deep blue prison fire world for six years, lost the micro plane of the earth for nearly four years (two years are consumed through the space-time window), fought in the digital world for two years, and spent a year on the way back by taking the space fortress. In a flash, 13 years have passed.

"Yes, thirteen years..." Locke sighed.

In 13 years, many changes have taken place in the family, and many have not changed.

After so many years, grace, Leah and other women\'s appearance and temperament have changed slightly. What remains unchanged is that they are deeply bound with Locke.

"Will you go after you come back this time?" Xia Xi, with long silver hair and a shawl, asked. The spirit blood in her body was more and more consistent with her body.

"Go?" Locke shook his head. "No! I\'ll make it up to you this time." After that, he kissed Christine\'s face nearby, which made Christine laugh all the time.