Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 598

"This is the hinterland of the digital beast family. Be careful not to be taken away by the digital beast." The Red Knight said to several first-class Knights around him.

This is not the center of the battlefield. The fierce energy turbulence caused by rash transformation will definitely attract the attention of digital beasts. Therefore, it is better to maintain the human mentality for the red armor knight.

"Damn, there are only two people left in the breath of life displayed by the crystal ball. We need to speed up!" The voice of the black robed magician came nearby.

"How far are they from us?" Asked the Red Knight.

"700 kilometers away, it takes at least an hour to fly at low altitude." The magician replied.

"Stop the floating ship as soon as possible, and the work of setting up a secret Dharma array will be left to you." Said the Red Knight.

The two magicians in need of rescue should escape separately, 700 kilometers away from them and 750 kilometers away from them, both in different directions.

Locke\'s rescue mission is essentially a personal task. It doesn\'t need to obey the order of the leader knight, but now everyone needs to hold together to keep warm because they are in the rear.

"Are you going to act alone?" The Red Knight looked at the first-class knight who didn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth.

"Yes." Locke didn\'t dwell too much on the reasons.

"Good luck, young man." The Red Knight patted Locke on the shoulder and smiled.

Locke doesn\'t belong to their Knight palace, and the Red Knight doesn\'t have to pay for Locke\'s safety.

When the party disappeared into the rainbow forest, Locke took out a hanging black bead from his neck.

The third function of negative energy fusion beads - transmission.

"Take me to master Kayla..." Locke holds an imprint of light given to him by Angelina, silently stimulating the energy of negative energy fusion beads.

The distance of more than 700 kilometers is barely enough for Locke\'s fighting spirit. Moreover, Locke also prepared three first-class energy essence for one side just in case.

A gray portal through the imprint of light, the residual element energy of master Kaila can be traced back to its current coordinates.

The treasure condensed by the power of rules, the value of Locke\'s negative energy change bead, is comparable to the top three-level alchemy props.

That\'s why Locke wants to leave the team and act alone. He can\'t guarantee whether these unfamiliar companions will get rich.

Moreover, the current kinetic energy of negative energy fusion beads may not be able to support other participants except Locke.

A streamer passed through and Locke disappeared.

When he walked out of the space channel again, Locke came to a dark and humid cave.

The falling sound of "tick, tick" came. Through the dim light, Locke saw a white robed woman lying on a mossy boulder in front of him.

"Master Kayla, is that you?" Locke hurried forward.

No one answered Locke.

Master Kayla, with a flush of blood oozing from his abdomen, now closed his eyes and his morbid white face. No matter how Locke shouted, there was no response.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound of huge claws falling on the ground outside makes Locke feel tight. The fluctuation of the iconic secondary creatures makes Locke dare not leak any breath.

Fortunately, the cave that master Kaila is looking for is very hidden, and Locke has just passed through the transmission channel, and there is no excess energy leakage.

Holding master Kayla with one hand, a light fighting shield appeared on their sides, and Locke covered their biological fluctuations as much as possible.

Crossing the space channel is also time-consuming. Locke, who has experience in crossing once, estimates that it often takes 15 minutes to pass through the space channel this time.

Not waiting for Locke to continue to do anything, a faint energy vibration was generated outside. It should be a long distance from here.

But in terms of the scale of the energy shock, it is much higher than the general primary and secondary biological individuals.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex about to track down the last "little loach" outside looked up to the southwest, where the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex left.

"What happened?" The mature Tyrannosaurus looked into the distance.

The innate wild instinct of the fighting race made the mature Tyrannosaurus Rex feel the fierce battle taking place in that direction.

"There is a situation. Let\'s go and have a look!" The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared up to the sky and led his men to rush to the fighting position in the southwest.

This is the hinterland of digital beasts. Although there is no powerful digital beast race in rainbow forest, the holy angel beast adult stops here. Just those powerful digital beasts as followers can\'t be resisted by ordinary people.

Not to mention the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There are nearly 3000 Tyrannosaurus Rex that were collected from the mechanical evil dragon by the holy angel beast.

Among them, more than 2000 Tyrannosaurus Rex were taken to the main battlefield of thorns wilderness by fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although the remaining hundreds of Tyrannosaurus Rex are mostly old and weak women and children, the women and children of Tyrannosaurus Rex are definitely much stronger than the powerful soldiers of ordinary digital beasts.

The roar outside gradually disappeared in his ears. He didn\'t feel the waves of other creatures around him. Locke\'s body relaxed.

It seems that the digital beasts left here. Locke, who was not taken lightly, helped Kayla to sit up, but no matter how he transported the fighting spirit into Kayla, Kayla still didn\'t respond.

"Have you been hurt to the source?" Locke\'s heart sank.

With the physical quality of Kaila\'s first-class magician, he didn\'t wake up for such a long time. The trauma he suffered seems to be a little more serious than Locke imagined.

Send a fighting spirit to Kayla\'s body again to protect her heart pulse. Locke wants to check Kayla\'s injury.

But the white robe Kayla was wearing was obviously an alchemy prop. Locke tried it several times and couldn\'t get it off.

Finally, he silently apologized. Locke was cruel and made two more efforts on his arm.

"Stabbed", the white magic robe was torn by Locke.

The faint fluorescence dissipated in the air after flashing for a few seconds. Kayla\'s magic robe was excessively damaged when being chased by Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was pulled by Locke and is now completely scrapped.

Even the most basic repair function does not exist. This magic robe has become the most common dress.

Locke, who holds the principle of not treating people with disrespect, does not dare to look at other places. He still has respect for the elders to master Kayla Locke, even though he had some dirty ideas that could not be on the table before.

Looking at the gap deep into the bones and viscera, Locke sighed in a low voice, "it\'s not enough to take recovery medicine for this degree of wound."

Carefully look for something useful in the space ring. Locke is thinking about how to help master Kayla recover.