Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 509

509 dark blue prison fire world (14)

Soon adjusted and communicated with Angelina in the light curtain, Locke finally understood what had happened.

This negative energy fusion bead also has the function of plane landmark!

The reason why Angelina can achieve cross-sectional communication with Locke is that she relies on the energy provided by the large element pool in her mentor Kaila master laboratory to maintain the image transmission.

"It\'s true, master. It took so long to tell me that your negative energy fusion beads have this function." Angelina shriveled her mouth and said unhappily.

"Master Kayla should have her own considerations." Locke defended master Kayla.

"I\'m afraid we\'ll be distracted in our practice." Angelina glanced at her lips. The more familiar she became with her mentor, the more open she became.

"Is the dark blue prison fire world behind you? Take the negative energy fusion bead and show me what this ectopic surface looks like." Angelina said to Locke.

Locke obediently turned the negative energy fusion bead around himself.

Then they talked about what had happened to each other in the past six months. Locke said less and Angelina said more.

In addition to her own situation, she also needs to briefly tell Locke about the situation of grace, Leah, Xiaxi and others.

Trans plane image transmission requires a lot of energy. In a few minutes, master Kaila\'s urging voice came from the picture.

Angelina spit out her tongue. She expected her few words make complaints about Kayla.

"In half a year, I will go to the west coast with my mentor to prepare for the promotion of a first-class magician." Angelina said.

"Come on." Locke cheered for her.

"Next time I send you a message, I\'ll call grace and them too. I know you must miss them." Angelina pretends to be generous.

"It\'s hard for you." Locke looked at Angelina tenderly. He didn\'t know how to repay Angelina\'s tolerant love.

"Don\'t say it. Say it for a while. If I consume all the energy in the mentor\'s element pool, I won\'t have a good day." Angelina said.

"Bye." As soon as Locke\'s voice fell, the image disappeared.

family...... Locke clenched his fist and told Locke that this was not his home.

After another quarter, Bilson came again in a floating boat.

Under Locke\'s suppression and management, all ethnic groups in the magnetic suspension mountains turn in all the mineral resources such as Leichi stone every quarter.

At the same time of completing the task, Locke\'s pocket slowly swelled up.

When the ten-year compulsory task is over, I will rest for ten or twenty years to accompany my family. Now there are five years left.

At the age of 70, it\'s time to try to break through to the next level. This is Locke\'s real idea.

"Brother Locke, every time I come to you to collect supplies, it\'s the most convenient situation." Bilson smiled.

"What? The first-class knights in other garrisons don\'t turn in enough?" Asked Locke.

"Well, some are the environmental factors in the field, and some are the inability of garrison knights. There are reasons for each." Bilson doesn\'t want to talk too much on this topic.

"Your pet is growing well now?" Bilson looked up at ai not far away.

"It\'s almost recovered from the injury. It\'s my good helper now." Locke laughed.

"When you say so, I also want to have a Hellfire giant as a pet." Bilson laughed. Of course, he was referring to the underage and below level one hell fire.

Hell fire above level 1 can\'t afford to sell it.

Only those rich magicians or second-class knights with deep heritage can have the financial resources to buy first-class Hellfire giant slaves from the knight palace and holy tower.

"By the way, your garrison period will end at the end of the next quarter. Do you have any plans?" Asked Bilson.

"I intend to stay here for another year." Locke spoke his mind.

Over the past year of cultivation, Locke\'s strength in all aspects has improved slightly, especially in terms of combat skills. The sword Qi finger can be easily used. The combat skills "flying feather" have also been completely integrated into Locke\'s daily flight, and the speed has increased by more than 30%.

What benefits Locke the most is that under the effect of surface suppression, Locke found that it was difficult for him to operate the air system, but the total amount of air and solidity also increased by two points.

Opportunities always coexist with challenges.

"It\'s a good decision. You know, the maglev mountains you\'re responsible for are much better than the other garrison Knights I know." Bilson said.

"Do you need me to help you go to the mission center of iron ridge Fort?" Bilson decided to sell Locke a favor.

"Thank you so much." Locke smiled and stuffed Bilson\'s palm with a top-grade fog cloth stone, a specialty of the magnetic suspension mountains.

He doesn\'t like to owe others. If he can repay it face to face, he will repay it face to face.

Pinching the best fog cloth stone in their hands, Bilson and Locke laughed tacitly.

In a flash, half a year later, all races in the magnetic suspension mountain have been able to live under the rule of the new garrison Knight Locke.

I don\'t know whether it\'s Locke\'s luck or the luck of various ethnic groups in the magnetic suspension mountains. There have been no large-scale natural disasters and diseases in the magnetic suspension mountains for more than a year.

Every summer and autumn, it is the season with the most frequent volcanic eruptions.

The eruption of hot magma in the volcano has not only brought the friendly fire energy needed by various ethnic groups in the magnetic suspension mountains, but also brought vitality.

Dozens of races have ushered in the arrival season of a wave of newborns.

Locke had never seen a volcanic eruption before. When he first saw it a few months ago, ordinary creatures in the magnetic suspension mountains were used to the natural phenomenon. As a first-class knight, he looked at his facial muscles and planned to run away when things were bad.

However, after more than a dozen small and medium-sized volcanic eruptions, Locke\'s heart was also roughened.

In fact, as long as Locke doesn\'t specifically run to the full energy of a volcanic eruption in the front of the crater, the risk of these molten slurry splashing is not worth mentioning for a first-class knight.

According to Bilson, the second-class knight in charge of the iron ridge task center is very satisfied with Locke\'s personal ability.

During this period, Locke also communicated with his family in the wizard\'s plane several times.

Not only did she meet Leia, grace and Christine, but Angelina also called Xiaxi and Raffi back once to communicate with Locke.

The price is that after Locke and his women have a long relationship, master Kaila always has a black face for a period of time. Her element pool energy is not enough for these little women pihuo.

After a loss, master Ashar never allowed Angelina to approach her laboratory again.

Angelina secretly complained with Locke several times about this, because mage Ashar is a secondary element master, the energy of the element pool in the laboratory is one level higher than her mentor, and the cross plane communication is often doubled.

But no one dared to ask assar magician, including Locke.


At six o\'clock, we\'ll start to recover from the past tomorrow. Don\'t lose heart. In another month, Xiaodou\'s test will start to explode immediately. Since he\'s talking about explosion, it won\'t be a small fuss at that time.

Set up a flag first. In January next year, it will last for a month. It\'s four o\'clock every day. Let\'s leave it here today.