Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4996

What is the road after level 9?

When Locke set foot on this dark blue space-time channel, the implicit feedback from the surrounding rules made Locke name this channel "streamer traceability channel".

The strong laws of time and space all mark the length of this passage and the space-time it eventually leads to. Its specifications are more than that of the desperate world.

The slight sadness from Angelina and other women around us is still fermenting. It is a woman, not as decisive as Locke.

If Locke hadn\'t forcibly interrupted their farewell, Angelina and other women might have to linger longer with Bev and them.

It seemed that he wanted to dilute the sadness of leaving his children. Riding on the back of the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex God, Locke said to the women: "when I left the star world just now, I accidentally sensed that there was a new dominant atmosphere in the wizard world, and the main attribute of the law was water."

"I don\'t know who broke through the promotion?"

"Wizard civilization is booming, and there are many new spirits. It seems that we really don\'t need to care too much." Locke sighed.

It was Ashar, who had the level of a true spirit magician, who took over Locke\'s remarks.

"It should be Baxia. Among the three potential seeds of water system domination in the wizard world, it has the deepest foundation. At the same time, it is protected by the will of the wizard, and the promotion success rate is also the highest."

Ashar is also a person who can let go. The sadness in the corners of her eyes gradually dissipates as she steps into the streamer tracing channel.

In addition to the curiosity and observation of the surrounding channels, Ashar\'s mind at this time is more about his curiosity about the next possible things and his desire to explore new space-time.

"Bully... That guy has really been stuck in this realm for a long time. It\'s time to break through and advance."

"But I think it could be old Mrs. may." Locke sighed.


The length of streamer traceability channel is longer than originally expected.

Even if there was a dead Tyrannosaurus Rex, the master mount, who walked in for two years after entering the passage, Locke and others still did not reach the end of the passage.

Even in addition to the channel itself, they found very few other things.

Fortunately, although this special space-time channel has a great interference and influence on the power of time and space, it can barely maintain the bloody vortex of communicating with paradise lost in the face of Locke\'s nine level power.

Angelina and other wives of Locke, whose life level is below the dominant level, could not stand the erosion of the heavy space-time rules in this regular channel, so they entered the paradise lost for rest as early as half a year after entering the channel.

Besides Ashar and Miaoyi, there is also a blood curse eye Montana who has been accompanying Locke.

Ashar is currently busy studying the various properties of this streamer tracing channel. In addition to asking Locke to help her from time to time, Ashar\'s research focus at this time is a worm solidified in Amber Stone.

This insect is one of the few things that Locke and others found after entering this dark blue regular channel.

Ashar named it "time bug" because Ashar felt a very strong time factor on the surface of the insect.

The law of time is the most rare and extreme force of law in the star world.

Although Locke had also met a willow of years before, Ashar obtained several willows with the law of time for research.

But the power of time possessed by this time worm is obviously different from that of the willow of years.

Ashar speculated that the reason why there are obvious differences between the two traits should be that the time insect is in this streamer traceability channel.

Including the layer of "amber" on the surface of the time bug, it is actually caused by the solidification of the body fluid secreted by the time bug in order to resist the serious space-time erosion of the streamer traceability channel.

"In terms of the energy level of real life, it may be a third level organism, but it has a strong degree of time law, which is as thick as that of a sixth level organism."

"Coupled with the extremely special nature of the law, the value and researchability of this specimen are even higher than those limb fragments of dominant creatures." Ashar exclaimed.

The value of this small specimen in front of us is enough to prove how mysterious and special this streamer tracing channel and the space-time it eventually leads to.

In addition to the time worm in Ashar\'s hands, there are also some strange branches or special instruments in the channel she has obtained in the past two years.

According to Ashar\'s guess and judgment, these gadgets should not be owned by the channel itself, but, like them, come from the alien stars.

As for whether it comes from the starry sky that Locke and others came from... I don\'t know.

Since entering this streamer tracing channel, Ashar and others have a better understanding of the laws in the field of time and space.

In particular, Ashar, Miaoyi immortal, Montana, etc. have already been promoted to be masters. Under their master\'s vision, they have also caught a glimpse of an anomaly that can only be found by level 9 creatures like Locke.

Different from Ashar\'s recent obsession with experimental research, immortal Miaoyi was sitting at the Dragon horn of the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex, meditating and practicing with the unique posture of monks in the immortal region.

The women of Locke have different personalities and qualifications.

In the simplistic theory of pursuing cultivation and a higher realm, three people are the most, namely, immortal Miaoyi, immortal Ziying and the Titan God Athena.

However, compared with the latter two, there is a touch of free and easy and natural in the character of immortal Miaoyi, who never practices for the sake of cultivation.

On the peace of mind and nature, it is almost the most tranquil of all women in Locke.

No wonder, without the help of extra external forces, Leng is the master by virtue of his own promotion.

At this time, Miaoyi immortal sitting on the Dragon horn hovered in front of him with the power of the blue law.

This is the latest magical power realized by immortal Miaoyi, from which Locke sensed the power of some space-time rules.

After observing Miaoyi immortal who was in a state of retreat for a while, Locke looked back at Montana, who was like a follower of the blood curse.

"Although I have asked you many times, I still don\'t quite understand why you should continue to follow me."

"If you had chosen to leave, I would have set you free, and the vast astral world would be at your disposal." Locke said.

"Hum, I want you to take care of me. I like to stay. Naturally, I will stay!" Montana said, rolling her eyes, regardless of the identity gap between her and Locke.

This is also Montana\'s complete acquaintance with Locke and her deep understanding of Locke\'s character, so she made such a gesture.

Sure enough, Locke was not angry because Montana was willful and unreasonable.

He held his chin and said thoughtfully, "is it true that you have an affair with the golden mother flower, as Christine said?"

"You!" Montana smelled that the original reddish skin was more colorful, with some annoyance.

However, Locke not only didn\'t care about it, but also went further and said: "or... Do you have a crush on me?"

Locke looked at Montana with burning eyes. At this time, Montana\'s cheeks were already red.

I wonder if Locke guessed what was on her mind.

Is that the former?

Or the latter?

Or both?!

The process of teasing Montana was really interesting. Seeing Montana\'s shame and annoyance, Locke couldn\'t help laughing.

However, before Locke went further, Montana in front of him turned slightly pale. She pointed to the front and said, "look, what is that?"

Montana\'s words stunned Locke. Then he turned and looked in the direction Montana pointed out.

In the streamer tracing channel, which had not changed much in the past two years, a huge floating land appeared in front of them.

What made Locke, the Ninth level creature, a little surprised was that there was no sign of the land.

There are no fluctuations in energy, gravity, elements or even regular forces except those visible to the naked eye.

Is it an illusion? Locke could not help guessing.