Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 477

Locke is very interested in HALS\'s way of getting rich. This kind of knight who has been promoted to the first level for decades can maintain a steady increase in strength without too much background and influence. The resources needed are astronomical.

HALS\'s situation is generally clear to Locke. He was born in the kingdom of Fransa, which is located in the snow field in the north of the continent of Messia. In the kingdom of Fransa, he is a powerful marquis.

But don\'t forget that only hundreds of thousands of people in Fraser and the poor domestic living environment have seriously curbed the country\'s economic development. How little help HALS can get from his motherland can be expected.

Moreover, it is a country where seven first-class strong men were born. No wonder HALS and his brothers from the kingdom of Fransa will be stationed in Princeton all year round.

"You can find several families in the Empire to choose \'cooperation\'." HALS said in a low voice.

Of course, Empire refers to the omor Empire, and "cooperation" means a lot, which Locke needs to understand.

Locke somehow spent some years in the upper class of the kingdom of Faustin. As soon as HALS said it, he understood a general idea.

"What do I need to do for general cooperation?" Asked Locke.

In Locke\'s understanding, he became a common existence enshrined in some rich and powerful families in the Empire. When those families needed the combat power of a strong man like him, they usually enjoyed the financial and material help provided by those families on a regular basis.

"I don\'t need to do anything. The Herland family I helped last time just helped them capture a high-level Warcraft alive and got them some private goods from the knight\'s palace." HALS said thoughtfully.

In the three western islands, the first-class strong are strictly prohibited from fighting by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace. Those imperial families can\'t ask them to sacrifice the first-class strong to destroy their opponents.

However, it is advisable to catch high-level Warcraft for the family, get rare potions that ordinary people can\'t touch through the contacts and contact classes of the first-class strong, and play a marginal ball, so as to enhance the family power.

"Well, I\'ll think about it." Locke was a little excited, but he hadn\'t made a decision yet.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Don\'t think that if you become a sacrifice of a family in the Empire, you can make huge profits after doing some trivial help for the family. This is a very immature performance.

At least Locke can see that if he reaches a cooperative relationship with a family, the opponents of the family will stand on their own opposite, and those families must also have their own first-class strong people.

Knights in the same faction rarely have great conflicts, but it doesn\'t mean No. knights are generally not very good tempered. There are many small frictions at ordinary times, and there are also those who make obstacles behind them.

The relationship between individuals in any organization is so complex that the factions in the knight\'s Palace are also very serious.

Generally speaking, the knight palace under the three level-4 knights on the three western islands can not be called monolithic.

The three top four are in charge of the governance of a continent, and there are also elements of their game.

If the palaces of knights in three continents are managed by three level-4 Knights together, you have me and I have you, it will certainly cause trouble. It\'s better for everyone to manage one, support each other, compete with each other and make progress.

At a young age, there are also distinct factions in the Messian continental Knight palace under the charge of Lord Odyssey.

The Knights came from different backgrounds, including the imperial faction from the omore Empire, the northern faction from the northern ice sheet, the Western faction from many alliances in the west, and the southern faction from places similar to the kingdom of forstan, the kingdom of gangze, the kingdom of Karaman and so on. The knights who were born there are also called grassland school by some people.

On the age division of knights, knights over the age of 150 also have great contradictions with knights under the age of 150. Such contradictions come from the uneven distribution of rights.

In many places in the palace of knights, it is better to talk about experience than strength. First-class Knights under the age of 150 are called "youth school" by those old friends. This is a neutral word with a little derogatory meaning.

It doesn\'t mean that you and I are both first-class knights, and everyone\'s welfare treatment is the same. In the year when Locke was promoted to first-class knights, he received only 30 high-level energy crystals in the knight palace, while those old friends who have been mixed for more than 100 years received between 50 and 70.

Locke is confident and completely stable. He is no worse than those old friends, but the fact is that he has no change.

This is also the reason why Locke refused to step into the factional struggle in the knight\'s palace. He hated this kind of rules and intrigues, so on the first day he entered the knight\'s palace, he held tightly the thigh of Knight Raley.

It\'s right to enjoy the cool under the big tree, but when Locke approached Raleigh, he had inevitably fallen into the faction in the knight\'s palace.

In contrast, the atmosphere on the other side of the holy tower is much better. Although there are factional fights, it is much better than that on the other side of the knight palace. There are more Jingwei in the apprentice\'s court and academic research disputes.

When Locke thought about how he could get a foothold inside the knight\'s palace, the floating ship flew to Princeton on the mainland of Messia at a very high speed.

The medium size floating boat is awesome than the small floating boat, and three first-class Knights take turns to operate in two weeks. Then they return to Princeton.

Before getting off the ship in the floating ship dock area of the sub Hall of the knight\'s palace in Princeton, Locke thought about his current road and decision.

It is necessary to stay close to Raleigh\'s Knight. He is the second-class strong man responsible for leading himself into the knight\'s palace. Before leaving last time, Raleigh gave himself a messenger of his brother. Raleigh\'s brother leiwan seems to be standing in the powerful post of task receiving.

There is also a group with HALS and others. After this mission, Locke feels that HALS is a good group and reliable. He is not worried that he will be excluded if he is not from the kingdom of Fransa. Don\'t forget that Charles and gene are not from Fransa in their group.

Finally, when it comes to cooperation with some families in the Empire recommended by HALS, it is a good choice. The wealth of the empire far exceeds that of other remote countries on the mainland of Messia. This empire with a population of hundreds of millions occupies the most fertile land in the middle and east of the continent of Messia.

The rank of nobility here is one or two classes higher than that of nobility in other kingdoms and principalities.

Locke thought of a cooperative family - Billie\'s family.

It seems to be a Viscount family, but in terms of economic ability, it is close to the general count family, and has trade alliances with many small and medium-sized families in Princeton. Locke has participated in the auction jointly held by their small families with Billie before.

It was eight years ago that we last met Bili and Angelina. That was when the war on the throne was not over. Locke and Angelina were sent back by master Keira through the back door.

Since then, when Locke returned to Princeton, he didn\'t find these old friends. I don\'t know how Billie and Joaquin are now.

Among the original partners, Diane could still keep in touch often because she was also studying in Santa tower.

Hey, if you don\'t get promoted to the next level, you will always be creatures on the two levels. The reason why Locke doesn\'t contact Qiao Jin and others is that he doesn\'t want this sense of estrangement brought by the level of life to deteriorate their friendship.

"Take some time to have a look." Locke sighed. He didn\'t just sign a cooperative relationship with Bili family. He didn\'t meet for such a long time. He also wondered if there had been any changes between Bili and Qiaojin, two girls who are proud of themselves in their respective fields.

After getting off the ship, accompanied Shelley and others to settle the task reward. Locke got 140 high-level energy spars, and Locke replaced them with wind spars.

There are a lot of 140 high-level energy crystals. This is his annual salary for four or five years. It seems that the knight hall encourages its knights to take up tasks enthusiastically. There are no idle people here.

Another reason for the high reward of 140 energy spars is that their reward doubled this time, resulting in the task records of three strong east coast players, two dead and one injured.

In addition to this energy spar, Locke\'s greatest harvest was the spoils of the first-class magician with the mark of the death knell. Not to mention the fragments of the scrapped "Black Knight" corpse puppet with the strength of the first-class knight, HALS and Arnold also gave him a broken robe of the necromancer.

In the face-to-face confrontation with the necromancer, HALS and Arnold were the main force. Locke didn\'t have the thick face to ask to share the magician\'s space ring and staff. This robe has been an unexpected joy. I believe many masters of Santa tower will be interested in this robe that condenses the east coast alchemy knowledge and characteristics.

After saying hello to several people, Locke took a carriage and returned to his home where he had been away for months.

In Princeton, Locke thought it was nothing before, but now it\'s different. After getting used to the flying speed of first-class knights, it\'s helpless to take this slow carriage.

After three months\' absence, the house on shanschel Street changed little. The male host returned. Raffi, the hostess, greeted her servants and maids and prepared a noisy dinner.

The participants of the party were only Locke and Raffi. Under the beautiful candlelight, Raffi blushed and drank a glass of wine with Locke. This is a new play method taught by HALS. Locke was forced to play with Shelley.

There is a little excitement in this warmth Locke likes the way love plays.

Drunk people are more drunk, and the glow on Sophie\'s face is stronger by the candlelight. Just when Locke can\'t help preparing for further action, Sophie suddenly said, "should we go to Santa tower to see miss them?"

Although they have become Locke\'s women, Raffi usually calls grace miss.

"Well, that\'s what I\'m going to do when I come back this time." Locke nodded.

The small interruption did not prevent the two people from gradually warming up. The surrounding air was getting hotter and hotter. Locke and Raffi could smell each other\'s smell, which was so attractive to themselves.

The waitresses around the hall left wisely. At the moment when the door was closed, Locke was no longer patient and came forward to hold Raffi.

Having not tasted meat for four months, Locke couldn\'t help it. It was a sleepless night.