Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4694

For his brother, the God of the stars naturally can\'t force him too hard by relying on deterrence and power.

After frightening the God of barbarism and violence, the God of the starry sky seemed to ask casually, "how\'s the chaos of the Pluto system handled recently?"

When the God of the starry sky refused the war request of the source energy civilization, the biggest excuse he put forward was the divine rebellion within the crystal wall world group.

This is certainly not true. Under the premise that the God of the stars suppresses everything, there can be no rebellion in the crystal wall world group.

Although the rebellion did not happen, the chaos is actually such a thing!

The source of chaos is the Pluto system that has emerged and grown up in the crystal wall world group in recent 100000 years.

At present, the most powerful God of the underworld department is a level 6 peak Death God, who is taboo as the "God of the dead of ten thousand bones".

Since the moon god broke through the dominant territory 130000 years ago, nearly 2000 gods above level 4 in the crystal wall world group all want to become the sixth main god in the crystal wall world group.

But the existence of the LORD God level is not so easy to break through.

Talent, resources, opportunities, details not a single one can be omitted.

As a special world group with unique rules, crystal wall world group is extremely rich and prosperous in terms of many large and medium-sized star regions in the star world.

But no matter how rich the crystal wall world group is, it is only a world group.

Being able to support the birth of five dominant beings at the same time is the limit of the crystal wall world group.

Without the plundering and input of external resources, it is a dream to create something out of nothing and breed a sixth master.

There is no need to mention other rare treasures that cherish resources and are suitable for dominant creatures. They are just "believers" as the most important and basic element in the divine system. If they do not have enough, they can\'t go any further.

Even if believers lose and reduce in a large area, those gods will face the situation of falling off the level or even falling off the altar!

The plates of the crystal wall world group are so large that the inherent gods and gods have long divided and occupied all aspects of resources.

The moon god was promoted to master 130000 years ago. So far, she is also a master God in the early stage of level 7. So far, her strength and realm have not changed much.

Is the moon god not enough potential, or not enterprising?

Of course not, but she has no redundant way to expand her faith and develop her temple!

If she can have so many temples and believers of the God of the stars, how can she stand still for more than 100000 years without much progress!

The moon god looks a little miserable, but those crystal wall gods who have not yet emerged are more miserable than her days.

At least the moon god has been promoted to dominate, standing at the bottom of the top five in the vast crystal wall world group.

The six level peak gods like the God of the dead of ten thousand bones can be promoted to dominate in the future.

The crystal wall World Group has reached the saturation and achievement limit of its own civilization when it has developed and maintained peace for hundreds of thousands of years.

For the gods of the crystal wall world group, there are only two ways in front of them in the future.

First, reproduce the scuffle among gods in ancient times, break the already stable situation again, and re-establish the high and low position after shuffling.

The second is to start to explore the outside world. The boundless star world can support even those top civilizations. How can it lack the resources needed by the crystal wall world group, a world civilization.

With the stable current situation and ruling structure of the crystal wall world group, it is basically impossible to reproduce the scuffle between the gods in ancient times.

No one can disobey the divine power of the God of the starry sky. Even the God of justice and the God of barbarism and violence are his right and left arms. Why should those who have not been promoted to the LORD God try to overthrow him.

Including the God of the starry sky who originally promised yuanneng civilization to participate in the war, it is also because he stood in the historical perspective of civilization development and saw that the crystal wall world group is now at the peak and limit of development.

If you want the crystal wall world group to go further and develop stronger in your own hands, and even touch a higher level one day in the future, you can only go out!

The good intentions and long-term consideration of the God of the starry sky are absolutely beyond the understanding of the simple goods of the God of barbarism and violence.

For the gods of barbarism and violence, the chaos caused by the God of the dead is only the frequent invasion and war of some small and medium-sized gods in the crystal wall world group in recent ten thousand years.

The God of barbarism and violence did not consider why there was such scuffle and invasion between gods from the perspective of history and civilization.

Even the battle disputes between the Pluto God system and the death god system in recent years have made the God of barbarism and violence feel boring and boring for a long time, and feel a little fresh and interesting.

He has been idle for too long. Since he can\'t show his strength within the crystal wall world group because of his dominance, it doesn\'t prevent him from watching those little guys with only level 5 or 6 fight there.

The battle between those level 4 and level 5 subordinate gods led by the God of death, the God of rotten soil and its subordinate gods in the middle of level 6, should be the biggest event in the crystal wall world group in recent hundreds of years.

This is an internal war related to the competition of believers and the frequent invasion of God\'s position. After annexing the God of death, the God of the dead tries to attack the dominant realm.

But unfortunately, standing in the vision of the God of stars and other main gods, even if the God of the dead finally swallowed the God of death, he is far from enough to be promoted to dominate.

If he wants to use enough resources and believers to attack the realm of domination, he must at least annex a medium-sized God system similar to three death god systems!

But in the crystal wall world group, where are the redundant neutral gods to be annexed.

Unless the God of death of ten thousand bones decides on the five main gods of the crystal wall world group!

The cover and tension of the God of barbarism and violence made the God of the starry sky sigh.

Fortunately, the God of the starry sky did not expect too much from the God of barbarism and violence.

I saw the God of the starry sky say, "you immediately use the Lord\'s Oracle to order the underworld God system of the God of all bones and the death god system of the God of rotten earth to end the God war."

"Death gods, if I remember correctly, should they have something to do with the moon god?" The God of the starry sky looked at the way of barbarism and violence in front of him.

The mythical language of the starry sky makes the God of barbarism and violence dare not look up.

In fact, at the peak of the development of the crystal wall world group, there is no so-called neutral God system.

Then the neutral God system also has its own attachment object.

For example, the Pluto God system is actually listening to the words of the God system of barbarism and violence, while the death god system initially mixed with the moon god system.

Part of the reason for the chaos between the Pluto God system and the death god system is that there is some entanglement between the barbarian and violent God and the moon god.