Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4670

"The galent Federation began to fully infiltrate and control the anti light Protoss alliance three thousand years ago."

"All small and medium-sized world civilizations in the alliance must choose and stand in line under the deterrence of the galent Federation."

"Hundreds of small-scale regional battles have taken place in all parts of the anti light Protoss alliance."

"In these battles, the smallest may only involve the collision of one or two ships, while the largest rules are no less than the height of a plane war."

"Now the galent Federation has occupied an absolutely dominant position within the anti light Protoss alliance, and the current situation of the civilization of the rose Dynasty has become worse and worse since a thousand years ago."

"The rose Dynasty civilization did ask for help from our Wizard civilization, but the situation of the rose Dynasty civilization has become worse and worse in recent years because of the deliberate obstruction of the galent Federation and our unwillingness to waste too much power on the internal power alternation of the anti light Protoss alliance."

This level-6 magician is a strong person in charge of foreign intelligence work in the wizard civilization secondary school. He has been stationed at the border of the anti light Protoss Alliance for many years, and he also has a good hand in astrology, so he can have such an understanding of the situation of the anti light Protoss alliance.

As early as after the end of the war in the silent bone convergence star domain, Locke saw some signs of the competition between the galent Federation and the rose imperial civilization for the dominance of the anti light Protoss alliance.

Now, ten thousand years have passed since the grand war that broke the bones and muscles of the galent Federation. It is time for the galent Federation to choose its own future development direction.

The words of level 6 magician echoed in Locke\'s ears. In addition to the generous and upward changes, he also introduced many small and medium-sized details.

For example, he mentioned that the galent Federation had held no less than five high-level dialogues with the rose Dynasty civilization.

Even the dominant combat power of both sides seems to have collided in the medium-sized star domain under a certain rule of the rose imperial civilization.

Today, the civilization of the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty has not completely torn its face. How to say, the two sides are also allies fighting side by side for hundreds of thousands of years.

From the top of the Federation to ordinary civilians, affected by some historical factors and the current situation of the surrounding satellite environment, they all have a certain affection for each other.

If you can, the powerful galent Federation hopes that this annexation will be more compatible with and peaceful.

For the galent Federation, their strategy and expectation is to merge the rose Dynasty civilization into a \'state\' under their own civilization.

As a pure scientific and technological civilization, the galent Federation has little concept of the so-called "mother plane". Interstellar migration and continuous external expansion and exploration are the essence of the development of this large-scale world civilization.

If the rose Dynasty civilization is willing to join the galent Federation, those dominant fleets and countless war fleets of the Federation will not enter the mother plane of the rose Dynasty civilization.

A smoke free annexation and integration is the most perfect plan envisaged by galent\'s federal leadership.

If things are really carried out according to the idea of the federal high-level, there will be no "anti light Protoss alliance" in the future, but only "galent Federation".

This is a move to annex thousands of complete rule planes around without bloodshed. Considering that the galent Federation has mastered the mature planet transformation ability, there may be tens of thousands of life planets that the Federation can account for at that time, and the number of resource planets is countless.

For the galent Federation, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Not many world civilizations in the star world are willing to bow down to world civilizations of the same level.

Even the top civilization like the bright Protoss, the rose Dynasty civilization, dare to collide with the mecha legion with their own minders, so as to maintain their own star domain and plane sovereignty.

The strength of the galent Federation is indeed much stronger than the rose Dynasty civilization, but the high-level leaders of the rose Dynasty civilization are not like bending their knees to join the Federation.

Although in the anti light Protoss alliance, a large number of medium, small and micro plane civilizations have been won over by the galent Federation.

But for the rose Dynasty civilization and those diehards who gathered around it, if you want to make them bow down, only war can be possible!

No matter how poor the civilization strength of the rose Dynasty was, there were also two level-7 readers and a level-7 mecha.

Under the influence of two conqueror class Titans comparable to class 8 during the silent bone convergence star war of the galent Federation, Callista, the late level 7 thinker with the strongest civilization strength of the rose Dynasty, has been trying to attack a higher level.

Today, the biggest gap between the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation is not the gap between the middle and bottom legions and the vassal civilization, but the weakness in the field of dominant combat power.

If the rose Dynasty civilization can produce an eight level thinker, do you think the galent Federation will easily show its will to annex them?

After listening to the sixth level magician\'s description of the current situation of the anti light Protoss alliance, Locke lamented that "the reason why the galent Federation is so eager to attack the rose imperial civilization is to peep at the seven level mecha manufacturing technology of the rose imperial civilization."

"Although they are essentially two different large-scale world civilizations, affected by some historical factors and the process of civilization development, the civilizations of the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty, no matter who annexed each other, can complete a wave of technological innovation and civilization transformation in a very short time."

"What\'s more, I\'m afraid that the Federation of galent has been deterred by the surrounding bright Protoss over the years and stimulated by the rapid growth of our Wizard civilization in recent tens of thousands of years."

When Locke said these words, the level 6 magician in front of him and the other wizards around him all bowed their heads and said nothing.

Lisa, Locke\'s second daughter, was also contemplative at this time. Influenced by her vision and experience, sometimes they didn\'t look as far and accurate as Locke.

"The expansion of galent Federation is not a good thing for our Wizard civilization, but also a hidden danger for the light Protoss at this stage."

"Inform the other senior leaders of the wizard world and Douglas, dragon mother and others that we will stand on the side of the rose Dynasty in the internal confrontation of the anti light Protoss alliance in the future." Locke commanded.

Locke\'s prestige and authority in the wizard world are unmatched. Sometimes he can represent the will of the whole civilization alone.

So for Locke\'s orders, all the world leaders of wizards present showed compliance.

As for how to stand on the side of the rose Dynasty civilization to help them?

Or trade aid, or send corresponding legions to help garrison.

Although the wizard world has no level 8 masters for the time being after Locke, kakarot and dead femton went to the world of despair to participate in the war, the number of level 7 creatures in the wizard world can not be underestimated.

The galent Federation knows that Locke is powerful. Without knowing the specific whereabouts of Locke, they must not dare to tear their face directly with the wizard civilization.