Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4578

This is a dominant metal giant with the texture of scientific and technological civilization.

Before that, although Locke heard that the rose Dynasty civilization had the manufacturing and application technology of level 7 mecha, Locke saw this metal robot comparable to the dominant combat power on the battlefield for the first time.

Two obvious source energy cannons appeared on the shoulder of the huge silver metal man. By observing the residual grain traces of the deformation of the two source energy cannons and the silver metal giant, Locke can conclude that the two source energy cannons should have evolved from the main cannons carried by the two source energy sub cities themselves.

Facts have proved that Locke has played a role in causing great damage and threat to the two source energy sub cities.

At this time, the silver metal giant controlled by Safina, the reason why the two source energy cannons on her shoulder are large and small, I\'m afraid it is because Locke hit one of the source energy sub cities with the gun of destruction.

The special transformation and the power of top science and technology of source energy civilization make Safina regain a little confidence.

But when the two source energy particle gun hit Locke, but it didn\'t seem to cause any material damage to Locke, Safina\'s mood fell to the bottom again.

Is the level 8 top creature really so terrible?!

Safina has also exchanged views with the source energy God of source energy civilization before, but when facing the source energy God, Safina did not face Locke\'s powerlessness and paleness.

The gap of absolute strength made Locke break Safina\'s proud heart.

And through her defeat and the continuous slaughter and destruction of the surrounding source civilization legions, Safina knew that it was time to retreat.

Although the whole battlefield now, the source energy civilization is still in an absolute quantitative advantage.

However, we need to know that the temporary support advantage of source energy civilization stems from the complete abandonment of theater 5 and theater 6 by the army of source energy civilization.

Especially in theater 5, the dominant super fleet of source energy civilization that arrived here is a force that spontaneously came to rescue Safina in violation of the order of the Source Energy Council.

If we go deep into it, not only most of the officers and generals in the super fleet will be unlucky, but also the Galaxy star Safina will be unable to go.

In a sense, Safina\'s defeat led to the defeat of source energy civilization in two war zones.

In particular, the more important theater 5 has always been the source energy civilization with great advantages and initiative!

The order to retreat along the line was issued. The Galaxy star Safina manipulated the source energy arms and took the initiative to come forward again to meet Locke.

There is a reason why the Galaxy star Safina was rescued at any cost by the vast legion of source civilization, especially its own Legion.

This is an eight level master with great personality charm. For example, after issuing the evacuation order, Safina is not the first to go, but takes the initiative to meet Locke, trying to hold Locke down and buy time for the evacuation of the civilized army of yuanneng.

Locke just killed thousands of bloody spars and tens of millions of yuanneng civilized warships and combat units, almost all of which are the direct lineage of the Galaxy star Safina.

For Safina, who is in the heavy steel at this time, she sees it in her eyes and hurts in her heart.

In the process of charging, the silver metal giant with a height of more than 100000 meters wound an energy beam in his hand. Soon, the two handles were long enough to be excited by the energy blade from 30000 meters away.

The core scientific and technological strength of source energy civilization is indeed somewhat mysterious.

These two handles have energy blades tens of thousands of meters in length at this time, which is the same as the smell of Safina\'s advanced world-class secret treasure felt by Locke in the previous battle.

The omni-directional reproduction dominates the origin and the power of world-class secret treasures. This means is unheard of in general world civilization!

Not only Locke, as the master of the exotic level 8 peak participating in the war, but also the Lord of glory and other main gods of the bright Protoss, quickly recorded this valuable war picture, so as to prepare for encountering such means as source energy civilization in the future.

Safina, the Galactic star attacking Locke, is also surrounded by strong spatial force factors.

Obviously, it is a metal giant with a height of more than 100000 meters, but what is exaggerated and amazing is that this huge metal pimple is also very flexible?

Under the unique spatial force of Safina, the metal giant did not rush in a straight line.

Every second, the body will suddenly flash and change its position. Whether it is the movement caused by it or the dominant force inspired on the battlefield, it will gradually become the protagonist of the whole battlefield.

In the face of the fierce coming of Safina, Locke\'s body of destruction soared again in the middle of the destruction storm.

If he can beat Safina once, he can beat her a second time!

Needless to say, the power level of the metal giant in front of him is only level 8. In the later stage, the absolute power and sufficient omnipotent soul are Locke\'s foundation.

The killer gun appeared in Locke\'s hands again, and this time, like its owner, its volume soared to an unprecedented level.

The killer gun with a length of 100000 meters away is like a painted black killer hovering in the sky of the desperate world.

The rolling devil flame churned on the surface of the killer gun. After absorbing the extremely strong destructive power on the nearby battlefield, the momentum of the killer gun reached the peak with Locke\'s power blessing.

The collision between the Milky Way star Safina and Locke took place very quickly.

At this time, both sides are more than 100000 meters in physique. On the battlefield of Nuo Da, it only takes a few steps or flashes to meet each other.

With the power of flexible space, Safina\'s two giant energy blades bypassed Locke\'s predecessor and cleaved to his back waist position.

Although there are twelve products to destroy the Black Lotus to provide no dead corner defense, and there is curse armor close protection, Locke can\'t help but stumble in the face of the full attack after Safina\'s source energy is armed.

However, compared with Locke\'s back waist trauma, it is obvious that after a fierce collision, the situation of Galaxy star Safina is more miserable.

The unparalleled power of the storm makes Locke keenly capture a trace of power residue after the application of Safina\'s space factor.

Although under Safina\'s strong avoidance, Locke\'s destruction gun initially only rubbed Safina\'s metal giant\'s ankle.

However, in the follow-up, with the attachment of extremely repressive destruction factors and terrorist forces, taking the ankle of the metal giant as the starting point, Locke actually tore the other party\'s small half leg!

The fierce explosion and power impact once again ignited the war of domination to a new height.




The whole battlefield picture is becoming more and more intense, not only the battle between Locke and Safina, but also the collision between other dominant creatures, which is also fierce and shocking.