Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4575

The strength of a world civilization is determined not only by the number of creatures above level 4 or above.

What\'s more, the overall development process of one party\'s civilization!

The huge metal giant that Locke is constantly twisting and deforming is undoubtedly one of the ultimate forces of source energy civilization!

The huge metal giant is changing towards the ultimate form that Locke can\'t understand. In this process, the power breath belonging to Safina has soared several times more than before!

The Galaxy star Safina, which originally had only the mid-level power level of level 8, gained the core power of the two source energy sub cities, and the external performance power increased towards the later stage of level 8.

In addition to a small stage of improvement in the level of power, the purpose of Locke\'s side is the huge metal robot shell, which marks that Safina\'s defense and vitality are at full value.

At the moment, if Locke wants to make any substantive impact on Safina\'s body, the first thing to do is to break the amazing iron shell in her outer layer.

When the two source energy sub cities are deformed and complete some special control processes with Safina, Locke naturally can\'t watch.

The turbulent storm carried by the destruction gun bombards the surface of the two source energy sub cities all the time. Under Locke\'s intentional control, the bombardment position of the destruction storm is mainly the intersection of the two source energy sub cities.

The eight level peak power level of terror makes these two source energy sub cities suffer terrorist attacks for a moment after they break into this dominant battlefield.

There are also a considerable number of source energy civilization legions and low-level source energy soldiers in the two source energy sub cities, with a number of about 2 million.

They are like blood particles in the blood vessels of a complete life, supporting the normal operation of the two source energy cities.

Safina starts the core program of source energy sub City, which means that Locke has to face not only Safina\'s own strength, but also the overall strength of the two source energy sub cities and the source energy civilization Legion.

The perfect combination of scientific and technological power and cultivating biology? Is this the core of source energy civilization

In the past, the war corps of source energy civilization did show the two-in-one war posture of source energy warrior group and a large number of source energy civilization war fleets.

However, such a perfect combination of source energy domination and the top scientific and technological creation of source energy civilization is unheard of and unheard of.

Locke\'s visit to the desperate world to support the light Protoss seems to help the light Protoss and promote the whole process of dimensional war more than expected.

Because the war of civilization is like a chess game in chess. Who opens his cards first? In a sense, who lags behind the other hand first.

Although this advantage may not be able to lay the final victory of civilization, according to Locke\'s experience in understanding the civilization war, the so-called victory of civilization war itself is the result of the final aggregation of these small advantages.

The pressure brought to the two source energy sub cities by the powerful destructive attack is amazing.

If the two source energy sub cities had not reached nearly 100% charge before arriving at the battlefield, they might not be able to withstand the ravages of Locke\'s destructive power.

The turbulent energy shield and at position indicate that the two source energy sub cities are under great pressure at this time.

Under the rage of Locke, the God of terror and destruction, the legions of source energy civilization and the bottom creatures in the two source energy sub cities all feel the threat of death and the smallness of life at a close distance.

From the perspective of low-level creatures, they simply can\'t source what kind of supreme life they represent in the terrible destruction storm outside the city.

In the past, every source energy soldier present did not know whether the source energy technology, which was proud of, could withstand the impact of this terrible giant.

At this moment, more than one officer of yuanneng civilization lamented that before that, the Galaxy star Safina, who was beautiful, intelligent, powerful and invincible in their eyes, faced such strong enemies alone!

"No, the combined progress card is 56%. If it can reach 70%, at least it can forcibly urge the source energy armed forces!"

At the core hub of the two source energy sub cities, Galaxy star Safina feels the great threat brought to her by external Locke and anxiously faces a number of warning screens flashing dazzling red light in front of her.

"Source energy armament" is the core means of source energy civilization, which has been studied in the past, but has never carried out actual combat exercises.

This is the fantastic technology that the source energy warriors who have reached the dominant state can integrate with the source energy sub city and even the source energy city.

The abundant power of the source energy sub city will give the source energy soldiers who dominate the realm almost inexhaustible power.

Similarly, the special means and the power of the source law mastered by the dominant source energy soldiers can also be continuously extended and expanded through the source energy armed as the medium.

As a core scientific and technological mystery of source energy civilization, there is no doubt that source energy is powerful.

Unfortunately, the temporary assembly in this state of war will obviously face a variety of uncertain factors.

The strong attack from Locke makes the combined progress card of Safina source energy armed between 56% ~ 57%. Unless Locke stops attacking within 2 source hours, Safina will always be in this embarrassing situation.

At the moment of crisis, a red energy pulse beam cuts through the gap between the power of vanity and endless rules and reaches the center of this dominant battlefield.

Locke, who is constantly attacking the huge metal creation in front of him, bears the brunt and is hit by this red energy pulse beam.

The repressed destruction field was broken by Sheng Sheng under the main gun beam comparable to the full attack of creatures in the middle of level 8.

Although this gap is slowly repaired under the influence of Locke\'s destruction origin, it is obvious that Locke\'s anger will not be repaired.

Looking out through the huge gap in the field of destruction, Locke saw a dominant super fleet of source energy civilization in a state of chaos.

The main factor causing the chaos of this civilized super fleet is the Super Saiyan kakarot who is colliding among the warships.

But even under this chaotic premise, the dominant fleet of source energy civilization can determine the coordinates and accurately hit the main gun pulse beam.

Of course, there is also a certain factor in this. Locke, who opened the form of destroying giants, has a huge physique of tens of thousands of meters, which provides many aspects for the warships of source energy civilization to lock themselves in.

After all, for such a large destruction source, the source energy civilization will not shoot empty as long as it roughly locks the energy accumulation area in the destruction field.