Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4564

If you are a general level 8 master and hard hit the Galaxy star Safina, you are looking for death and tuoda.

The extremely oppressive force of space is enough to tear up most objects in the star world, and the power of subsequent shock wave frequency contained in that fist can also bring great trouble to dominant creatures.

But for Locke, who has eight levels of peak strength The punch didn\'t seem so hard to stop.

Not only did he not feel much pain because of the full blow of the Galaxy star Safina, but his eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that he was feeling the specific strength of the punch and realized what the power of the law contained in it.

"Is that all?" On the battlefield, Locke, who took Safina\'s full blow, suddenly asked the man in front of him.

Locke\'s inquiry shocked the Milky Way star Safina in front of him.

Under the purple combat suit, Safina\'s expression changed from her initial self-confidence and contempt for Locke to her disbelief of Locke and doubt of her own strength.

Obviously, Locke won\'t give Safina too much reaction time. When Safina hit her chest with a punch, Locke\'s ferocious Bone Claw tightly clasped Safina\'s left arm in front of her, and said coldly, "if that\'s just the case, then it\'s time for me!"

The power of destruction invades her body, and Safina\'s purplish purple combat suit instantly ignites bursts of dark inflammation on the surface.

This purple combat suit represents one of the top scientific and technological creations of yuanneng civilization. Its specific value is comparable to any high-quality world-class secret treasure in the star world, or even more.

At least in terms of equipment, the Galactic star Safina has to surpass the two eight level masters of the source energy God of source energy civilization and the Lord of stars.

In the past, she was able to fight head-on with the Lord of infinity, and also had a great record of defeating the Lord of eternity and the Lord of the rising sun. Her combat suit also provided it with a role that can not be ignored.

The constant alarm of battle suit intelligent center reminds the Galaxy star Safina that the situation is not optimistic at this time.

And when Locke\'s destruction inflammation invades Safina\'s body, and his series of attacks will cover Safina\'s whole body next, the alarm sound in the purple combat suit will be more intense.

This may be less than a second, and Safina\'s combat suit provides her with several escape suggestions.

But unfortunately, it is clear that Safina has attracted the power of space, but she did not break away from Locke\'s bondage. On the contrary, in her eyes, Locke\'s other ferocious bone arm is getting closer and closer to her.

The Milky Way star Safina has her own field, and so does Locke.

At the moment when Locke grabbed Safina\'s arm, a space of destruction centered on Locke had enveloped all around.

In this destructive space, Locke is the leader of absolute power. Unless Safina has the power beyond Locke, it is difficult for her to break Locke\'s field constraints.

Similarly, in this field, Safina\'s spatial power will also be greatly constrained by Locke.

For example, just now, Locke felt no less than seven spatial fluctuations that Safina wanted to escape.

However, these spatial rules are involved or even melted by Locke\'s destruction rules, so it is impossible for Safina to get rid of his shackles in a very short time of one or even a few seconds.

In Locke\'s view, the imprisoned Galaxy star Safina is a weak, poor and helpless lamb.

He can\'t wait to tear open Safina\'s purple combat suit to see what kind of humanoid existence it is.

It was also in Locke\'s cold laughter that Locke\'s ferocious bone arm turned into countless residual shadows and hit Safina\'s body.

There is no pity on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony.

During this period, the light Protoss has fallen, and the source energy civilization also has the crash of the master warship.

This is the real struggle between life and death, the intersection and collision between civilizations.

The so-called gender does not affect the belligerent attitude of both sides. As combatants, they have only two labels: enemy and friendly forces.

Locke\'s series of attacks caused obvious fist marks and claw marks on the body surface of the Milky Way star Safina.

It has to be said that in addition to Safina surpassing the king of xinghuan in the field of combat, she also has a set of top high-quality world-class secret treasure level combat clothes in the field of individual defense, which is more resistant to beating than the king of xinghuan.

Locke\'s series of attacks did cause great trauma to Safina, but nearly 70% of these attacks were offset by Safina\'s combat clothes.

This defense strength is no worse than Locke\'s twelve product destruction of Black Lotus, and even exceeds Locke\'s twelve product destruction of Black Lotus in terms of function.

It deserves to be one of the top scientific and technological creations of source energy civilization.

Although Locke\'s offensive strength has been mitigated by more than half, the situation of Galaxy star Safina, who has experienced Locke\'s close devastation, is still some choking at this time.

She is not an eight level creature with outstanding achievements in the field of melee and passive evolution. If the God of source energy and the Lord of stars bear Locke\'s attack, it may not be much.

But for Safina, whose constitution is weak, Locke\'s attack is extremely unbearable.

Another wave of space force appeared beside Locke. This time, there was enough preparation and release time. Locke had some difficulties in retaining Safina.

In addition to the basic fluctuation of spatial force, Safina\'s arm tightly grabbed by Locke also has an extremely dazzling energy light wave.

The obscure power of space and the violent power of energy elements appear in the narrow space where Locke and Safina are located at the same time. Locke\'s destructive eyes can\'t help looking down, and a dazzling energy beam pops out of Safina\'s palm.

This is the energy gun released by Safina with her own source energy and combat suit energy. Although it is only a master beam condensed in a hurry, this energy beam is comparable to the main guns of those master class warships!

The energy beam emitting dark purple brilliance shoots towards Locke\'s body. The huge kinetic energy and energy impact makes Locke\'s imprisonment for Safina a little relaxed.

Also taking advantage of this moment, Safina launched the power of space origin and got rid of Locke\'s bondage.

But to Locke\'s surprise, Safina didn\'t get out of the safe position for the first time after she got out of Locke\'s Bone Claw control, but a dark silver translucent energy blade quietly appeared in her hand.

With the help of body twisting and the force of space, the afterimage of Safina flashed, and the dark silver energy blade cut straight at Locke\'s neck.

Although Locke has been extremely confident in his defense, he is still reluctant to use his neck to connect this handle, which is obviously also the frontal cut of the energy blade of the advanced world-class secret treasure level.

In the process of fighting, it\'s OK to flirt with this female leader, but if you play the role of even the omnipotent soul, you are forced to lose a lot. That\'s stupid!