Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4525

Facing the two contents mentioned by Locke, the face of the seven level ash lord under the fog gradually became pale.

It was the most secret thing that the Lord of ashes did during the civilization war. Unexpectedly, it had already been discovered by the wizard world.

Needless to say, the severity of the escape of the survivors led by the five tower Lord.

What\'s more, the level 4 Scarecrow Yanling. Few people know that she is the direct descendant of the level 7 creature Yanzu. It\'s also a big hidden danger for the wizard civilization to let such a potential level 4 creature escape.

And more importantly, perhaps because Yanzu left some means, or because the scarecrow family itself has a special constitution, the astrologers in the wizard world can\'t get the general orientation of the level 4 scarecrow, but vaguely know that the other party is still alive.

With these two counts, Locke\'s reason for holding the Lord of ashes is absolutely sufficient.

In fact, the so-called "reason" is just a prerequisite for Locke and wizard civilization to achieve a certain goal.

During the civilization war, didn\'t the wizard world know the little moves of the Qatar star theft group?

Of course, it is only because of interests and other reasons that we selectively ignore these things and only wait for liquidation in the future.

A five level tower Lord and a four level scarecrow, can they really turn out any waves?

I\'m afraid not!

Since the development of wizard civilization, few civilizations have been defeated and destroyed.

Including the underworld civilization, there are two leaders, RickA yadunb, who fled to a foreign land and became a master. Has it caused any harm and loss to the wizard world?

Indeed, those alien creatures may have a heart of revenge and rise after fleeing the star world, just like the Zerg destroyed by the star spirit civilization.

But it should be noted that in the process of being strong, others are also becoming strong.

Even because the wizard civilization has won the civilization war one after another, the internal true spirit level magicians continue to emerge, and all kinds of new technologies and cutting-edge magic guiding equipment change frequently.

The wizard world is definitely going faster and farther than those "losers" on the road of becoming stronger!

Wizard civilization is never afraid of revenge. If one day it is knocked down by those defeated opponents in the past, it can only show that the wizard world is gradually becoming a success in the star law of survival of the fittest, or some major decisions guiding the process of civilization have irreparable mistakes.

The seven level ash Lord is also a veteran of the astral world. Betrayal and killing are common for life like him.

The previous grievance petition is just a way of struggling.

With Locke\'s cold words falling, the fantasy of the Lord of ashes was completely destroyed.

Without the meaning of continuing to talk nonsense with the Lord of ashes, Locke lifted his right hand and the world-class secret weapon killer emerged from his hand.

It is also an honor for the seven level master to give the ash Lord a decent death in his full posture.

However, in the face of unmatched Locke, the Lord of ashes did not choose to sit and die.

In a whistling sound, the gray fog around his body became thicker and more.

A gray flame slowly lit up in the gray fog, representing unknown and strange regular fluctuations, appeared in this space.

"Hum!" Locke was dissatisfied with the stubborn resistance of the Lord of ashes.

The power of rolling destruction converges at the God killing gun, and a huge sharp funnel appears centered on the gun tip of the God killing gun.

The wrath of the Lord will shake the whole star field.

The small star trace world group, at this moment, is stirred by Locke\'s destructive power, resulting in various rule changes and energy element tides.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the low-level creatures living here, and for the remnant led by the ash Lord, it is also the time of the top extinction crisis.

"Ah!" From below the Lord of ashes, those members of the Qatar star theft group who originally attached to and followed it also tried their best to get out of the dilemma.

Those low-level creatures below level 4 can\'t even avoid the aftereffects of Locke\'s power.

But those individuals above level 4, especially the few level 6 creatures, have to be paid a little attention.

"Deal with those low-level creatures. Be careful not to let any of them go." Locke turned and said to the sword Saint Carlyle behind him.

It is enough for Locke to suppress the Lord of ashes alone.

The ability of sword Saint Carlyle is only to deal with some level 4 to level 6 creatures, which is not a problem.

After all, these are individuals who have grown up in the normal star world. They have not experienced the inhuman suffering of the desperate world, and the most powerful of them is just a level 6 peak creature whose original breath is similar to the Lord of ashes.

With his body turned into a sword, Karel took thousands of sword lights and flew to the location of these middle and low-level creatures in front of him.

He must solve these opponents as soon as possible, because in Karel\'s view, watching the battle of a level 8 knight is far more interesting to him than killing some creatures below level 6.

At the same time, with the wave of Locke\'s left arm, the blood vortex suddenly appeared in the starry sky. The destruction Legion led by the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex and the mutant Niu Gelong roared out of the blood light door.

These members of the destruction Legion who came out of Paradise Lost are the elite of Locke\'s destruction Legion.

Although the number is only 100000, they are one in a hundred.

One hundred thousand against thousands, this itself is a one-sided massacre, not to mention the sword Saint Carlyle.

The first to rush to the starry battlefield in front of him was not the mutant Niu Gelong and the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex God, but the blade winged angel safiros holding a world-class secret treasure silver blade.

Safiros\' weapon comes from honing his faith again and again. This silver blade has witnessed safiros grow from weak to strong.

And before entering the pass of the world-class secret treasure field, Lilith, the level 7 dark Summoner of the wizard world, played an important role.

This is also one of the rewards that safiros is willing to accept Lilith\'s research and wing planing after the end of the false word star war.

In order to fulfill the promise of the contract and help safiros transform the silver blade into a world-class secret treasure, Lilith smelted and added a large amount of black magic silver.

These black magic silver are the cutting-edge rare resources that Locke obtained from the Tara battlefield. In addition to helping safiros\'s silver blade grow to the world-class secret treasure level, its scalability and growth potential can not be underestimated.

Adhering to the will to judge evil, safiros waved his black single wing like a black meteor and hit the battlefield in front of him.

Beside safiros, there are more than 20 four winged, six winged and even an eight winged angel who adhere to the same will and concept, all flying to the remaining sins of Qatar star theft group.

For these destruction angels whose appearance is degenerate but their inner faith is still very firm, it is their inherent mission to kill the extremely evil people such as Qatar star theft group.