Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4523

In the face of Locke\'s examination, not only does the king of Grade 7 black iron feel great pressure, but also the iron particles on the body surface of the king of Grade 8 steel are constantly rippling.

After all, it is the collision between creatures of different power levels. Even if they are at the eighth level of life, there is a great gap in the mastery of power and rules in the eighth level field.

Finally, under Locke\'s examination, the king of Grade 8 steel finally lowered his head and didn\'t look at Locke again.

Also at this time, the report from the front-line sword St. Carlyle came to Locke.

"We did find a large number of remaining evils of Qatar star theft group, but they are small roles that are not very important."

"Even if there are several level 6 creatures, I guess it may be the Lord of ashes who left cannon fodder behind the hall." Said the sword Saint Carlyle.

"Compared with the little effect of chasing and killing, the real harvest of this battle is to get countless resources and wealth."

"The resources carried by the remaining evils of Qatar star theft group are full of our 30 space fortresses."

"Considering that there are still a certain number of star robbers who escape, and the level 7 ash Lord is missing, otherwise our harvest will be greater." The sword Saint Carlyle sighed.

Jahana, the desert kingdom of the wizard world, has developed well in recent years, but compared with other forces, it is still barren and embarrassed for various reasons.

The sudden harvest of such a great fortune, Rao Shijian St. Carlyle\'s state of mind, can not help feeling and touching.

Qatar star theft group has been harming nearby star regions for many years, and has formulated underground rules across many small and medium-sized star regions and civilizations.

Finally, it is reasonable that Locke and other powerful wizards in the world can harvest so many spoils.

For the total amount of wealth that can cause Carlyle\'s exclamation, it did not touch Locke much.

The test tube burning strange dark inflammation appeared in Locke\'s hand again. Locke said coldly, "that guy can\'t run!"


Star trace world group.

It is located in a small star domain somewhere between the iron Castle world group and the star domain where the star world is located.

The distance between large-scale world civilization and large-scale world civilization is generally not too close.

The "proximity" here is often described in terms of the distance concept of dominant creatures.

Even if they are called "gods" by low-level creatures, it is not easy to span such a long space-time distance.

It can also be seen from here that it was a long journey for the sword Saint Carlyle to travel across the surrounding three large star regions.

At this time, on the edge of the star trace world group, a small team from afar is recuperating here.

Originally hundreds of thousands of teams, now there are only thousands of people left.

Although almost everyone of these thousands of people has a life level of more than three levels, and there are as many as 100 people who have reached a life level of more than four levels.

But an atmosphere of depression and decline is inevitable in this team.

"Ashen, your majesty, is it possible for our ashen family to rise again?" In the team, taking advantage of the gap between rest, an ash strongman with a life level of up to level 6, holding several energy spars in his hand to speed up absorption and recovery, and looking at the ash Lord in front of the team, asked.

The inquiry of level 6 ash strongman is also the doubt and concern of other members of the ash clan in this team.

Therefore, the voice of the level 6 ash strongman fell, and more than 70% of the thousands of individuals in the team always cast their eyes here.

As for the other 30%, they are core foreign members of the Qatar star theft group who rely on the ash family and the Lord of the ash.

These alien creatures can definitely be called the confidants of the ash Lord if they can follow the ash Lord when he escapes.

The burning gray fireworks gradually became solidified. After a burst of depression and silence, the body of the ash Lord gradually appeared.

This is a small seven level master. Although it doesn\'t look so strong, the extremely high energy factors contained in the gray skin and flesh particles all indicate that it actually has a strong explosive power.

In the face of the decadent inquiry of the sixth level clansman, the ash Lord is actually in a bad mood.

But it can\'t say what to punish, because not long ago, they lost almost all the people below the third level and nearly 40% of their wealth.

The wealth that caused the sword Saint Carlyle to marvel at only accounts for 40% of the total wealth of the ash Lord, which is not illusory, but indeed a fact.

The truly valuable treasures are basically controlled by the ash Lord himself. Some of them can\'t even be priced with vulgar energy spars.

Including the thousands of people who are still on the run, each of them has a wealth.

The working capital and top treasures of the whole Qatar star theft group were packed and taken away by these guys.

Similarly, these wealth are also the capital for the ash Lord and his few remaining clansmen and subordinates to make a comeback in the future.

With an extremely dignified and serious expression, looking at his last family background in front of him, the ash Lord said in a deep voice, "I will. I have purchased a small galaxy in the world for us to rest and inhabit. There are as many as 17 of them, including the eighth level star king. Next, I will provide shelter for us."

"Now our only goal is to get to the world as soon as possible."

"Even with the strength of wizard civilization, it is impossible to impact the world in a short time."

"Even in the future, with the energy of the world, we can\'t say that we can impeach the wizard civilization and recapture what should belong to us." Said the Lord of ashes.

Universal world is a general term for a large-scale world civilization and its appendages. As the leader of the universal world, xinghuan world is a special large-scale plane.

This large plane obviously has great strength, but it is not very interested in conquest and plunder.

Compared with the more savage ways of plundering, the main way for the expansion and development of xinghuan world is annexation and resettlement.

With the star world as the core, more and more galaxies, races and civilizations join it under the irreversible environment, so as to form the world.

Histologically, the world is not much different from the wizard alliance.

Although war is rarely used, it does not mean that the world is a good man.

This is not another salvation organization like the Holy See. They are also a civilization system with the theme of expanding and swallowing the weak like the wizard civilization.

But they pack themselves more innocuous, so that many small and micro world civilizations easily learned their way from the beginning.

When their mother plane is squeezed out of the last bit of value, even the soil of the mother plane is auctioned, and all local ethnic groups become slaves or interstellar wanderers.

They will truly feel the cold rules of the world.

But before that, the world was indeed an advanced place with great tolerance and freedom in the eyes of many new exotic creatures.

Many large world civilizations, including those deep in the starry sky, have certain communication and trade exchanges with the world.