Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4520

"Give me an answer quickly. Can you help me send my people to the Togolese planetary belt? I have paid you enough!" In the hall, the Lord of ashes twisted like a cloud of fog asked the king of steel in front of him.

The seven level life level of the Lord of ashes is normally not qualified to talk to the king of steel who has been promoted to level 8.

But there is only one explanation for this at this time, that is, the Lord of ashes has lost his square inch.

It even forgot that the one in front of it also had the ability to hit or even kill it because of tension and fear of the wizard world.

Of course, the more important thing about this situation is that the king of steel of the iron Castle World Group has always had an excellent reputation and style in the surrounding star regions in the past. Otherwise, the Lord of ashes would not choose to lead a few people and confidants to sneak away through the iron Castle World Group.

Originally, according to the master speed of the ash Lord and the plan made early, it should have reached the distant star world as early as 700 years ago.

But now, due to some mistakes of the iron Castle world group and the fact that low-level organisms can\'t cross star regions or galaxies as quickly as dominant creatures.

Not to mention the distant world of stars, the low-level ethnic groups dominated by ashes, and even the togola planetary belt, one of the external connecting channels of the iron Castle world group, have failed to pass through at present.

The race of the ash Lord is a minority called modern layans. This race has also created brilliant civilization. The ash world is also a large-scale place far away from the star domain.

However, due to the drastic changes in the process of civilization development, the number of modern layans decreased sharply. Even level 7 creatures such as the Lord of ashes had to give up their mother plane and choose to lead a few people to wander in alien regions.

It may be that it has created a brilliant large-scale world civilization. The main vision of ashes is higher than that of ordinary star wandering gods and wandering races.

Therefore, after wandering to the nearby star domain, the Qatar star thief group was established with itself and a small number of people as the core.

Why are there so many exotic creatures in the core circle of Qatar star theft group, and even those demons and demons in Nigel, the demon world and hell later mixed into a very high class?

In addition to the secret support and assistance given by the wizard world and the wizard alliance, the people owned by the ash Lord are extremely rare, which is also a big reason.

It is precisely because of the scarcity of ethnic groups that the ash Lord, who is well-known as the owl hero, was trapped in the iron Castle World Group for hundreds of years, so he was found by the wizard world.

"The space-time devouring phenomenon in the togola planetary belt is an extremely rare star boundary rule disaster in recent 100000 years. I have asked the king of black iron to solve it for the first time. Now the completion degree is close to 95%."

"If you didn\'t want to pass through the Jinhe small galaxy, take advantage of the Challenger civilization and travel around the world, you should have left the iron Castle world group as early as 300 years ago. How could you bring us trouble!" The king of steel said angrily at this time.

No matter how good tempered a person is, it is difficult to maintain his consistent demeanor in the face of the pressure brought about by the civilized war.

This choice to help the Lord of ashes, on the one hand, is the reward given by the Lord of ashes. It is indeed a prop that the king of steel cannot refuse, which may affect the future promotion of the king of steel to the middle of level 8!

On the other hand, the king of steel is lucky that this move will not be found by the wizard world.

As soon as the wizard civilization ended its war against the tower world and the false word civilization, it began to liquidate the Qatar star theft group and the ash master, one of the "war heroes".

The action of the wizard world was so fast that neither the Lord of ashes nor the king of steel expected it.

As for the phenomenon of space-time phagocytosis in the togola planetary belt, it is an external factor beyond human control and cannot be regarded as the main reason.

The angry words of the king of steel and the level 8 biological power briefly burst in an instant made the ash Lord hum twice and didn\'t refute.

Why not go through the small galaxy of Jinhe and through the Challenger civilization is naturally due to the problem of the ash Lord himself.

Qatar star theft group is not a well-known group, and its ash Lord himself is not fun.

This time, if not for the price that even the king of steel could not refuse, it would be impossible for it to lead its people and their hearts to flee through the world group of steel castle.

Although there are only three dominant creatures in the Challenger civilization, none of them is a war emperor through the unique rules of the challenger\'s position and countless battles and victories.

In terms of overall strength and individual combat effectiveness, the Challenger civilization does have great problems such as internal fighting and historical and traditional dross, but this large-scale plane is definitely not the existence that ordinary large-scale planes can provoke.

Even the tower world, which has eight creatures, was reluctant to contact this large plane in the past, which is enough to prove their isolation and strength.

And for the ash Lord, a very unfortunate thing is that it and its Qatar star theft group almost offended the three warlords of the Challenger civilization.

Under this premise, if it dares to use the Challenger civilization, it is definitely looking for death.

Anger and quarrel can\'t solve the problem. After calming down, the Lord of ashes began to discuss with the king of steel what to do next.

The level 7 molten iron king has led the main legion of the iron Castle world group to the star border to confront the sword Saint Karel of the wizard world and the dark Summoner Lilith.

Although the power of the whole star domain is constantly converging at the border, the medium and low-end power of the iron Castle World Group on the border has exceeded more than five times that of the wizard world.

However, in the field of high-level combat power, kakarot, who has an eight level life level, and two wizards, who are seven level masters of the world, are difficult for the iron Castle world group to overcome!

Not to mention, as a level 7 true spirit magician, Lilith can not be regarded as an ordinary master because she has a master summon and two peak corpse training synthetic beasts.

The king of steel has faintly regretted taking over the hot potato of the Lord of ashes, but it has to be admitted that the wizard world also gives too much pressure to the world group of steel castle from the outside. The king of steel is extremely eager to improve his strength.

Even a small stage of improvement, from the initial stage of level 8 to the middle stage of level 8, is also very key to the development of the overall strength of the iron and steel Castle world group.

Just when the king of steel suggested whether the Lord of ashes could bear the damage of those people below the first level, so as to speed up the proposal to pass through the togola planetary belt, the Lord of ashes suddenly changed his face.

"No, my life information and master soul are locked!" The face of the ash Lord was full of panic.