Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4518

"Grandpa, grandma Angelina has prepared two tons of Sea King fresh meat. Come quickly!"

"I heard from grandma that your barbecue skills are excellent, and that\'s how you cheated my grandma. Is it true?" The voice of granddaughter Haila came from outside.

It not only interrupted Locke\'s thinking of lowering his head, but also made Locke shake his head with a helpless and spoiled expression.

The longer she stayed with women such as Locke and Angelina, the greater her intimacy and dependence on them.

On the contrary, as Hera\'s genuine grandmother, Hera is not as close as Angelina and other women because she is sometimes too strict with Hera.

In Hera\'s words, women such as Locke and Angelina have spoiled Hera.

Putting aside the matter about the ash master for the time being, Locke walked out of the door with a smile and went to the barbecue with Hella.

"Will two tons of sea king be enough for us?"

"Your grandma Christine has no less appetite than you, let alone your aunt meimila." Locke said to Hella.

And the voice of this pair of masters and grandchildren gradually spread as they walked away.


Twenty years later, the wizard world, the western islands, the black region.

The guardian of the moon is whispering to Locke about the construction progress of the true spirit tower of the northern witch organization over the past millennium.

Up to now, the tower of Vivian\'s true spirit has been basically completed, and began to provide Vivian with the blessing of dominance and the warm care of the omnipotent soul.

This is the good news of the whole wizard world, which is of great significance to promote the development of wizard civilization.

However, although they were talking about Vivian\'s true spirit tower, at this time, Locke and the guardian of the moon at the edge of the black field focused on the sky.

With a vague wave of power felt by Locke, Locke whispered, "coming."

The guardian of the moon also shut up at the right time. A pair of beautiful big eyes also stare at the sky. It seems that they are waiting for who exists to come.

"Boom!" A steady and powerful regular wave came from outside the plane. Through the plane barrier, Locke and others saw an endless black cloud.

The howling and painful faces of some souls are floating on the surface of dark clouds, which is the embodiment of the power of the source law of level 7 Black magician Nigel.

However, without waiting for the power of Nigel\'s law to have a more far-reaching impact on the surrounding areas, Locke waved his hand, and the incomparably strong storm power directly wrapped up all the dark clouds transformed by Nigel.

At the same time, the guardian of the moon also mobilized the power of the plane to help Nigel come to the wizard world.

It\'s not that Nigel\'s size is as big as Locke\'s, and he even needs someone to help him come to the wizard world.

The reason why the guardian of the moon did this was purely to make negor\'s arrival more hidden and unknown to outsiders.

The dark dark dark clouds, which were repressed and had an unknown meaning, soon closed up and gradually transformed into an old man of the wizard world, appearing in front of Locke and the guardian of the moon.

Although the old man\'s face was full of vicissitudes and haggard, his eyes were still clear and bright.

Nigel, who entered the realm of domination at the last moment of his life, is equivalent to ushering in a new life for his own life.

The characteristic of dominating the omnipotent soul saved Nigel from the dilemma that the fire of the soul was about to go out in the past.

Incomparably powerful strength and energy far beyond the past emerge inside and outside Nigel\'s body.

He now has an impulse to explore the rules and mysteries contained in the star world.

"Welcome back to the wizard world!" Locke opened his arms and said to the thin old man who looked dry.

Although only the guardian of the moon and Locke witnessed Nigel\'s return at this time, he was not lonely for Nigel who was born and grew up in the wizard world.

As a caster, especially a dark magician who is lonely, cruel and extremely incomprehensible to outsiders, Nigel rarely contacted and felt the knight\'s enthusiasm like Locke in the past.

Perhaps in Nigel\'s past life, his understanding of knights is limited to the precious knights in his laboratory He can easily tell the approximate range of energy element concentration in different order knights, or what the muscle burst threshold is.

This is the data obtained by Nigel through cruel experiments again and again, but he can\'t get the feeling that belongs to ordinary people.

But it must be said that Locke\'s embrace ushered in a warm light that had never been seen before in Nigel\'s cold and dead heart.

At least in the wizard world, some people remember him and his achievements. He is not a terrible black magician in the eyes of the middle and bottom wizard world, and everyone calls him a terrible black magician.

"I\'m sorry, your return can\'t be reported all over the world, and we can\'t spread the news of your promotion to level 7."

"You know, it will cause a certain degree of confusion." After a little hug, Locke said to Nigel.

Nigel nodded at this time to understand Locke\'s words. In fact, he had already known all this.

And not only what Locke said, including Nigel, as a level 7 true spirit magician, he is not qualified to establish the true spirit tower gathering rules in the black domain.

The dragon mother danilis and other masters return to the wizard world and harvest flowers and praise from the bottom creatures.

However, negor\'s return to the wizard world as a master will inevitably lead to a certain degree of turbulence and chaos in the middle and bottom of the wizard world, especially those groups who have been hurt by Black Knights and black magicians.

This is the evil result of Nigel\'s road hundreds of thousands of years ago, and Nigel basically has no possibility to turn back when he goes farther and farther on the road of the black magician.

However, in the years of Qatar star theft group, negor seems to have found a trace of his youth - full of blood, killing and tension.

The suppression of various rules in the wizard world makes negor\'s talent and strength unable to be fully released.

However, once he joined the Qatar star theft group, negor completed the sublimation in the final stage of his life and then promoted to the dominant state.

This has to be said to be a miracle!

I have to admit that compared with the peaceful and peaceful environment built within the wizard world, the place where Qatar star thief group eats people and doesn\'t spit bones is more suitable for Nigel!

As far as Locke knows, Nigel has done a lot of sensational events in Qatar star theft group in recent years.

Including those ferocious and rebellious hell demons and demons in the demon world, they were frightened and obedient in front of Nigel\'s wrist and cruelty.

One of the most famous things is that after obtaining Locke\'s consent, Nigel made a specimen of a level 6 demon world devil who had a gap with him.

Even the skin of the sixth level devil was peeled off by negorson and made his own robe with a special secret method.