Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4474

The good news of the war from dokula made Locke in Xinggang very happy for some time.

Not to mention the confrontation damage between the medium and low-level legions and creatures above level 4, just a level 7 tower master fell, which is enough to make the progress of the war of civilization take a big step forward.

However, as the greatest hero of the duokula plane war, the destruction giant ape Wukong was not as happy as it thought after the war.

The reason was that Wukong felt that the woman who suddenly robbed him at the last minute of the war.

"Hey, no, little monkey, I was trying to help you."

"Of course, it\'s mainly to help your master solve the stalemate in the local battlefield as soon as possible." In Xinggang, Montana, the blood curse eye behind Locke, rolled her eyes and said to the golden monkey Wukong in front of Locke.

The battle of duokula\'s plane master. At the last moment, the eye of blood curse, Montana, with strong concealment ability and spatial means, suddenly appeared behind the world-class seven master of the iron tower and assisted Wukong to complete the last blow.

For other master level creatures, it is undoubtedly a blessing that a friendly master appears to help them share the pressure.

But for Wukong, this sudden woman came to rob the head.

In addition, what makes Wukong more angry is that when the war was the most intense and sticky, the woman didn\'t appear. Instead, she appeared at the last minute.

She even took the most precious of the three world-class treasures dominated by the seven level tower and the energy core dominated by the seven level tower.

If it had not been known in advance that the woman had some unspeakable and unidentified relationship with her master, Wukong, who incarnated to destroy the giant ape at that time, might have knocked his golden cudgel on her.

The destruction and depression of the golden monkey Wukong made the blood curse eye Montana spit out her tongue, and did not continue to try to communicate with this one-sided guy.

Locke, standing in front of Montana, smiled helplessly, "well, either give the secret treasure of the iron tower to Wukong, or take out the master crystal core."

"How can we say that Wukong is the hero of this master\'s war? It\'s really not like you to take the two most precious booties." Locke said to Montana behind him.

Locke spoke himself, and Montana had to do it if she didn\'t want to.

A broken corner of the lacquer black iron tower secret treasure appeared from Montana\'s hand. After turning her mouth, Montana threw it to Wukong in front of her.

"Really, don\'t you own the master corpse and the other two world-class treasures and rob them with me." Montana rolled her eyes.

Montana\'s complaint made the impatient Wukong show his teeth. There was a black burning of destruction on his body surface. It seemed that he could not stand the hell female demon.

"My old sun Ning is willing to exchange this Lingbao for the dominant crystal core!" Wukong was not angry.

This time, Montana didn\'t keep talking back, but hid directly behind Locke.

In terms of strength, Montana, who has few omnipotent souls, is not Wukong\'s opponent to prove the existence of Tao.

As for Wukong\'s desire for the dominant crystal core, it is because Wukong, who once ate many top pills of the sage Lao Tzu during the Xianyu war, wants to let the eighth level sage Lao Tzu refine several seven turn gold pills or an eight turn gold pill for himself.

Montana wants this dominating crystal core, not for herself, but to give it to the level 7 dominating Golden Jade mother flower of the Wanhua psychic world, and restore her dominating soul with the help of the power of Golden Jade mother flower.

The contradiction between Montana and the golden monkey made Locke smile bitterly.

However, considering that Montana did assist the golden monkey in completing the last strike and accelerated the war progress of dokula world and dozens of planes around it, Locke did not force Montana to hand over the dominant crystal core this time.

The three world-class treasures are worth enough for the golden monkey to get the pill it wants from the sage Lao Tzu.

As for the precious body of the master, Locke asked for it. When he saw the mother of despair next time, he hoped to ask the mother of despair to refine some more master body fluid.

For today\'s Locke, the function of dominating corpse fluid is about nothing.

Including those who have been promoted to level 7 in the wizard world, except that the sword Saint Karel may benefit a little, the three level 7 wizards in the wizard world will not get much growth.

It is not very useful for the master level strong, but it is a rare top tonic for those level 6 knights and magicians in the wizard world.

Including Odin and Lisa, who have reached the level 6 peak state, may use this to provide some convenience for them to set foot in the dominant state.

After slightly mediating the contradiction between Wukong and Montana, Locke immediately gave full play to his authority to contact the wizard civilization and alliance leaders on the battlefield of the whole tower star domain.

The fall of a seven level tower master made the tower world recognize the reality again.

In just one year, more than 300 difficult defensive planes were voluntarily abandoned by the tower world.

In addition, nearly 1000 tower star domain abdominal planes are in a semi abandoned state.

Tower civilization has now transferred almost all its power back to the parent plane and the hundreds of planes around it.

The wizard world, which has been engaged in large-scale Star Wars more than once, is no stranger to the change of this war situation.

The only two masters of the seven level iron tower have dragged their tired and injured bodies back to the iron tower and made a desperate plan with the king of the iron tower world.

Without the presence of dominant combat power, the whole tower star domain is now traversed by the army of wizard civilization.

Including the hundreds of core planes outside the tower, which condense the wealth and final details of the tower civilization for hundreds of thousands of years, only play a minor stumbling block role in the conquest of the wizard civilization army.

The dominant strong open the way, and the most elite civilized Legion is the main advance force.

In order to carry out the will of the supreme knight to dominate Locke, the wizard civilization will not give these tower civilized creatures who attempt to fight the trapped animals much chance to sustain.

It is also when the wizard civilization is advancing to the depths of the tower star domain at a faster speed, Locke\'s second daughter Lisa also has good news from outside the distant star domain.

"Father, I have killed three world class VI tower lords, and 22 class IV and V tower Lords."

"At present, there are a few tower lords at level 4 of life level who are fleeing. Do you need me to continue to pursue them?" Lisa asked in the light screen.

In addition to Lisa herself, her mother, queen blade, was among them.

The reason why it can cause a devastating blow to the tower survivors who escaped from the tower star domain in such a short time is inseparable from the fact that today\'s Zerg has many blade soldiers with a life level of more than level 4.

"No, return to the tower star domain immediately. Our general attack on the tower world is coming." Locke said.


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