Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4472

The end of the tianxinhai world is only a microcosm under the background of the current civilization war.

The number of regular and complete planes owned by the tower star domain is close to 4000. It is precisely with such profound heritage and wealth accumulation that the tower world can have as many as five masters after a long period of baptism and accumulation, and one of them is the king of the tower at the eighth level of life.

With the progress of the war of civilization to this day, when the second civilized defense line cast by the tower civilization was completely torn apart by the wizard civilization, and the war began to officially ignite the third and fourth civilized defense lines.

The original rich, beautiful and United tower star region has now been occupied and conquered by Wizard civilization.

As for the resource half planes around the regular and complete planes and the broken planes with certain mining value, there are countless.

And in order to carry out the will of the supreme knight to dominate Locke, and also to explain to those powerful wizards and countless bottom creatures who have fallen in the war of civilization today.

The wizard civilization army, which has gradually gained the overall advantage of civilization war and completely won the dominant position, does not intend to let go of the tower civilization, nor will it leave a slightest opportunity for the tower civilization.

Starting from the front battlefield, the wizard civilization is led by the dominant combat power. It has begun to lead countless legions under its command to encircle and encircle the star domain of the iron tower from both wings.

An unprecedented giant encirclement circle is gradually formed in the star domain of the iron tower, and as the trapped beast in the encirclement circle, it is undoubtedly the iron tower plane where the king of the iron tower world lives at this time.

The civilized war attitude of not leaving any way of life for the opponent and the war pattern surrounding a large star region not only bring unimaginable oppression and a sense of enemy to those high-level powers in the world.

It also causes great fear and fear to the world civilization around the tower star domain that has not been affected by the war.

Unknowingly, the wizard civilization has a trace of style and courage that only the top civilization can have.

This war mode of directly annexing the whole large star domain is also the first wizard civilization in ancient times.

If it is the same as conquering the brain eater civilization or the underworld civilization in the past, it is just a push in the past. In the face of the pressure of survival and the burden of ethnic inheritance, there will always be some high-level hostile civilizations who choose to lead the civilization fire to escape.

Although it is only the escape of a small part of forces, it is nothing for the increasingly powerful wizard civilization. Even those who are beaten like lost dogs still retain the dream of trying to recover their mother civilization.

But I have to admit that even the smallest probability has a certain risk.

After all, the iron tower world is a powerful civilization that breeds level 8 creatures. Its development concept and expansion desire are far less than that of wizard civilization, but it can not be denied that its power system is not bad.

It was Locke\'s original intention to lead the civilization war to crush and annihilate all the tower civilization.

Not to mention those tower masters, even the tower strongmen who have reached level 6 life level can\'t escape from the wizard civilization after the siege is completely closed!


Two hundred years later, the iron tower world.

"The ancient Mulong plane is the last medium-sized plane mastered by our tower civilization on the third line of defense. It connects the tower gate to Capricorn. Are you really not going?"

In the depths of the towering tower, the oil has run out and the lamp has run dry, leaving only a trace of dominance. The king of the eight level tower asked a six level peak tower Lord in front of him.

"Although the Lord of Siqin tower is not as good as me in the understanding of the power of the iron curtain rules, he has also been in the top position among all six tower Lords. It is enough to give her the fire of tower civilization."

"As for me, I should stick to the mother plane and shed the last drop of blood for the tower world."

In front of the king of the iron tower, a six level peak iron tower Lord wearing brown and black iron clothes and firm eyes said.

He is the hope of the future of the tower world and the next existence most likely to break through to the dominant realm in the tower world.

When the wizard civilization began to lead countless knights, magician legions and alien civilizations to complete the closure of the tower star domain, the tower world, as the real master in the center of the star domain, obviously also found this conspiracy.

However, it is a pity that the unequal strength and the weakness of the overall strength of the civilization war today make the tower world unable to make effective countermeasures in the face of such a plot to destroy civilization.

The only thing the tower civilization can do is to send out some civilized kindling as much as possible before the wizard civilization army has not completely encircled the tower star domain.

When the only three masters of the seven level iron tower are at the same level or even stronger, and the king of the iron tower himself can only wither and stop at the mother level in an attempt to add a more serious injury to the invaders with the help of the rules of the mother level, the Lord of the six level iron tower is the only hope that the iron tower world can send out at present.

With the gradual closure of the encirclement of wizard civilization, not to mention the level 6 tower Lord, I\'m afraid even the level 4 tower Lord will be difficult to escape the investigation of the wizard world, so as to be completely trapped and die in this star domain.

The answer of the Lord of the six level peak tower in front of him made the mouth of the king of the eight level tower a little bitter.

The king of the iron tower can see that the Lord of the iron tower was full of hatred for the invaders, but it was this hatred that made the Lord of the level 6 iron tower unwilling to leave his hometown and escape from his mother plane, but chose to stay here and fight to the death with the wizard civilization.

In addition to bitterness, the king of the iron tower burst out a trace of comfort in his eyes.

It is the existence of tens of thousands of tower lords in front of the tower civilization that can wage a protracted war with the wizard civilization and cause great damage to the other party.

"Well, next you go to the navel of the plane, where I prepared it for you..."

Before the voice of the king of the eight tower fell, another front-line emergency battle report came.

In the gloomy iron curtain, the tired face and weak voice of a five-level tower Lord appeared: "the ancient wooden dragon world is being attacked by the army of wizard civilization. According to the existing strength, we can only support half a year."

"All the gates of the iron tower have been closed by me, including the star coordinates of the remaining civilization kindling have also been destroyed."

"The iron tower legion of ancient wooden dragon world will not shrink back, and the iron tower civilization will last forever!"

As the voice of the Lord of the five-level tower fell, the iron curtain picture across a small half of the star domain gradually dissipated.

In the background of the iron curtain picture, the king of the eight level iron tower and the Lord of the six level peak iron tower see that in addition to more than a dozen space fortresses unique to wizard civilization floating and parked in midair, there are countless giant legions raging in the ancient wooden dragon world.

This is the most powerful Titan Legion under the wizard civilization. The titans are also one of the important members of the wizard alliance.

The Titan king, who has successively led to the fall of dozens of tower lords, is an existence with strength and potential comparable to the six level peak tower Lord.