Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4454

"Immediately send more troops to the green hazy world and inform the dragon mother danilis to strengthen her conquest of this medium-sized world."

"The wizard civilization Legion on on the front line of the pan star field battlefield has fully entered and is ready to officially launch the attack on the tower star field."

"When necessary, I will personally appear on the front line of the civilized battlefield!" Locke said in a deep voice.

It was also Locke\'s order, which obviously surprised several level 6 knights and magicians around.

But after the surprise, there was naked excitement and excitement.

The participation of an eight level master in the battlefield will undoubtedly promote the whole civilization war.

Obsidian general Dussel, as the top level of wizard civilization and the most trusted confidant of emperor beren, has a strong understanding of Locke\'s strength and surpasses several colleagues around him.

I saw the heavy black armor on the old general, and then replied in a very solemn tone, "yes! The will of wizard civilization will spread throughout the pan star region and the tower star region!"


The dictation of the supreme Knight issued by Locke was soon absolutely implemented in the whole wizard civilization.

Wizard civilization and many weak world civilizations in this pan star region, as well as the iron tower world and other civilizations behind it, have been fighting for nearly 30000 years.

This is an incomparably long time span. In the wizard world, semi divine knights and magicians generally have only a life span of 10000 years. The progress of this protracted civilization war indicates that the wizard world has paid the efforts of at least three or even dozens of generations. (PS: the average life span of a wizard, a world-class knight and a magician is now 1000 years.)

Only by standing at the height of life above level 4, or from the perspective of dominant creatures like Locke, can 30000 years be regarded as ordinary.

In fact, for those strong people above level 4 in the wizard world, 30000 years has been really long.

In addition to those ancient knights and magicians with very old qualifications, many of the level 4 and level 5 strong men born of the modern wizard civilization emerged in this protracted civilization war, and finally crossed the long stage of God climbing and achieved the level 4 state.

It was also this fierce and protracted war of civilization that enabled Locke and a few other high-level wizards in the world to effectively implement and promote the "screening and refining" plan formulated more than 30000 years ago.

The strong men of level 4 and above who were born in the modern wizard civilization are more horizontal, barbaric and violent than 30000 years ago.

This is a group of civilized strongmen who are really killed from the sea of corpses and blood. It is definitely not a level 4 or above creature accumulated through sufficient resources in peacetime, which can be compared.

If we only pay attention to the collection of resources, but do not pay attention to the cultivation of combat will and strength, the so-called strong people above level 4 in the wizard world are just big "aphid kings" one after another in Locke\'s view.

The future of wizard civilization depends on these guys? I\'m afraid Locke will shake his head first!

The will of strong knights to dominate Locke is to implement the program, and has been secretly recognized by the leaders of other large forces in the world, creating thousands of powerful knights and magicians above level 4 for modern wizard civilization.

Not only the level 4 biological level, but also the biological level below level 4. Those level 1 to level 3 knights and magicians are also more powerful than those wizards at the bottom of the world more than 30000 years ago.

The vast and wide range of wizards is like a hematopoietic machine full of vitality and new vitality, which breeds more and more excellent seeds for the strong reproduction of wizard civilization.

The important nutrients provided for the growing and nourishing of wizard civilization and wizard planes are the thousands of planes controlled by Wizard civilization and the continuous killing and plundering in the pan star battlefield in recent years.

With the pan star war, up to today, the complete level of rules directly controlled by Wizard civilization has exceeded 9000, of which nearly one-third was conquered in the pan star battlefield in recent years.

The total number of planes controlled by the wizard alliance reached more than 13000 years ago.

This is an extremely huge number, because even including today\'s bright Protoss, the total number of belief planes they rule and occupy has just reached 30000.

Such a huge base of occupation planes indicates the powerful strength and super war details of wizard civilization.

Why is the war between wizard civilization and civilization such as the iron tower world in recent years, although Locke did not personally intervene, the balance of war is increasingly inclined to the wizard world.

Because of the absolute strength and the huge gap between the two world civilizations in the middle and late stage of the war, there is no need for the wizard civilization to do anything too much. The civilization such as the iron tower world will be dragged to death by this terrible war.

Now, with the supreme Knight Lord Locke personally issuing the war mobilization order, even Locke, who is at the peak of level 8, will join the war, which means that the end of the world will come faster than expected!


Green hazy world.

This is a world full of emerald green halos and a large number of green organisms, but strangely, there are not many plants and life elements in this world.

There are countless special emerald green creatures named "climbing the sky vine" by the casters of wizard civilization. They surround and attach to the huge mountain peak with a height of 20000 meters.

This is the first peak in the green hazy world. It is named Pantian peak. It is also the habitat of the strongest level 6 creature green hazy venerable in this field.

There is not much smell of plants and life elements. Instead, the world is extremely rich in minerals and earth series elements.

This is a rich medium-sized plane full of wealth and exotic treasures, including the "climbing rattan" climbing and surrounding the climbing peak. In fact, it is an extremely rare "mineral" with activity and some life characteristics.

Pantianteng has been designated as a rare strategic material by the wizard alliance. In addition to being highly attractive to the three-level magicians, it also has great attraction to the medium and low-level levels with the local elements as the dominant rules under the wizard alliance.

It was the emergence of "climbing rattan" and many precious mineral resources like climbing rattan that enabled the Dragon warlock family led by the dragon mother danilis to successfully attract and attract the powerful Purple Diamond world within the alliance at a low cost, and fully participate in this medium-sized battle with the participation of dominant creatures.

The overall strength of the middle and lower levels of the purple rhombic plane is far less than that of the Titan world and the Norman Federation. The reason why it attracted the attention of the level 7 true spirit warlock danilis is only because this medium-sized plane has a level 6 peak creature called Optimus.