Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4372

It was not Locke\'s intention to fight with the Lord gods of light on the front battlefield.

Because this means that the good relationship between the wizard civilization and the light Protoss has been broken, and the threat posed by the powerful light Protoss is far more than the silent civilization that has not yet fully grown up.

"Lord, we meet again." On the border battlefield of ketra star domain, Locke, who appeared as a knight, said to a certain existence above the bright Protoss Angel army opposite.

The face of the Eternal Lord is still so calm. Although its strength is not comparable to the Supreme God and the endless Lord, it must be admitted that he is the cornerstone of the revival of the bright Protoss in recent hundreds of thousands of years.

Behind the Eternal Lord, a group of people like a fire scattering the power of burning light in all directions is the Lord of the scorching sun at the peak of level 7.

It is also level 7 peak strength. Obviously, the Lord of Yanyang has a lot of death masters who surpass the two level 7 peak masters of silent bone convergence civilization in terms of single combat ability.

At this time, the dominant combat power behind Locke was only an Russian lobas war fleet.

No way, this is the bitter fruit of the war between the galent Federation and the wizard civilization.

If we take into account the war of conquest of the pan star region on the local side of wizard civilization, these are the three battlefields.

The increase of war zones means the dispersion of forces.

Even if the strength of galent Federation and wizard civilization has improved rapidly in recent years, the high-level combat power will inevitably be stretched in this level of battle.

However, on the battlefield at the moment, facing the two Lord gods of light in front of him, Locke did not have any timidity.

In terms of realm strength, it is the Eternal Lord itself. With Locke\'s combat power, he doesn\'t mind one against two.

On the contrary, the Russian lobas class war fleet, Locke and galent\'s federal ideas are surprisingly consistent.

Compared with the dispensable fire support provided to Locke in the battle of domination, they hope that this powerful fleet can create brilliance in the middle and bottom battlefield.

The Russian lobas class war fleet of the galent Federation is comparable to the level 7 combat power, and it represents countless high-level top warships.

At full power, they have achieved much better results and lethality in the middle and low-level battlefields in the process of civilized war than ordinary dominant creatures.

For Locke\'s arrival, the Eternal Lord of the bright Protoss had long expected it.

With a slight sigh, he didn\'t try to persuade or win over Locke at this time.

The great prophecy was launched, and the incomparably dazzling and dazzling light divine power spread all over the battlefield.

This is the overall increase of the lower Angel legion with the power of the LORD God.

The emergence of Locke makes it difficult for the high-level strong players in this battlefield to get any results. On the contrary, the bottom Angel Legion has the hope to create some miracles.

The fierce collision in keitra\'s star domain is faster than expected.

The number of angel legions of the bright Protoss may not be as exaggerated as the dead creatures of the silent bone civilization, but their individual combat ability is more than the dead creatures of the silent bone civilization.

Knights and magicians of the same level will have a little difficulty in fighting with angels, which comes from the details of each other\'s top civilization,

Therefore, in the past wars, the slave biological Legion played an irreplaceable role as cannon fodder.

Fortunately, there is no need for the wizard civilization corps to throw their heads and shed their blood here on the battlefield of keitra star domain.

Whether it is the kaitra star field battlefield or the jinnaze star field battlefield, the middle and bottom legions appearing here are galent federal warships.

This is the consensus that Locke and the galent Federation have long reached. The wizard civilization Legion is only responsible for helping them contain the silent and bone convergence civilization, and the stronger bright Protoss is dealt with by the galent Federation itself.

It is no wonder that in the past few hundred years, the galent Federation has frequently transferred troops from the silent battlefield, forced the front to shrink, and finally abandoned the Akram and bedallen domains.


Behind keitra, Garrett federal fortress command center.

This is the core headquarters of military forces. Although there is also a so-called "headquarters" on the first star, there are more politicians and bureaucrats there, and there are not many powerful generals with heavy troops.

The five-star general trichi pan baesa is here now. He is also here to facilitate the command of the federal Legion on on the kinadze star field battlefield, the keitra star field battlefield and the vigwendor border.

"Yes, there is something wrong with the half ape world of korsin. They deliberately liberalized the defense front against the bright Protoss, and the death crisis in their star territory has been obviously managed in recent years." A three-star general walked up to trichi pan baesa and whispered to him.

The originally turbid eyes suddenly burst out with a touch of light. Due to the thorough genetic transformation, trichi pan baesa\'s Noumenon power can reach the sixth level of life.

The prestige accumulated for a long time made it clear that the old man had no power to leak out at this time, but the temperature in the conference room of the command center seemed to have dropped several chips.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Trichi pan baesa ordered "let the colt fleet and the fanchester fleet do it."

"Also, inform the conqueror Titans on the border of vigwendor that I need their doomsday weapons to target the home planet of the corsin ape man."

"Yes!" The three-star general gave a military salute and then went to convey trichi pan baesa\'s order.

Corsin half ape world is an unknown medium-sized world in the anti light Protoss alliance.

With only one level 6 creature, it is doomed that this medium-sized world civilization will not have a high voice in the anti light Protoss alliance.

And because their home star domain is close to the galent Federation, under the intentional interference and guidance of the Federation, the world civilization, which originally focused on Cultivation and passive evolution system, began to gradually accept the use of science and technology.

In the past, the corsin ape world was a loyal vassal of the galent Federation. No one would have thought that these "monkeys" who did not even evolve completely would dare to betray the galent Federation one day.

Before the death angel Gabriel led more than two million legions to appear in the hinterland of the federal star domain, which has puzzled the federal high-level. The military has been committed to looking for possible loopholes.

But I\'m afraid not many people thought that there would be a problem with the civilization of the members of the anti light Protoss alliance.

It can be predicted that an angel transfer array must be secretly built in the corsin Ape Man Star domain.

Including the death crisis of corsin\'s semi Ape Man Star domain has been obviously managed in recent years, which should also be the pen of those bright Protoss.