Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4364

The withdrawal plan of galent Federation was both expected and unexpected by Locke.

Just like thousands of years ago, the silent and restrained civilization was beaten by the galent Federation, and has been retreating to the depths of the parent star domain.

But the same thing happened to the galent Federation today.

This does not involve any humiliating problem, it is just a strategic policy.

The transformation from strategic attack to strategic defense is now just to make the defensive posture more rigorous.

"Is it because of the destruction made by the seven level undead master in the rear?" Locke asked after a moment of reflection.

As Lina\'s three-star general, she is also a real power figure in the high-level field in the galent Federation and knows a lot of inside information.

"There are some reasons, but not all."

"Members of the Parliament are worried that the undead masters like the death order will break through the blockade again, which will pose a great threat to the vast local star area in the rear and the safety of people\'s lives and property."

"Those federal chaebols are also worried about the problems of major heavy factories and resource planets in the hinterland of the mainland." Samsung general Lina replied.

"Oh? Do you mean we evacuate from here? Don\'t care about the federal human beings in Mesopotamia and the so-called safety of life and property?" Locke chuckled.

"So the Federal Military hopes that knight Locke can give us some help in the follow-up retreat." Sanxing general Lina replied.

The plan to withdraw troops and shrink the defense line was proposed by the federal government, but it was also approved by the military.

Perhaps others don\'t know, but Samsung general Lina knows that although the federal withdrawal plan has macro considerations and analysis of advantages and disadvantages, there are a lot of dark and small 99 behind it.

The two federal star regions within the Mesopotamia region are "new star regions" that the galent Federation has mastered for less than tens of thousands of years.

Maybe those old chaebols and politicians Governance forces have also invested a lot in the two major star domains in recent years, but they have absolutely not invested so much in the local parent star domain.

Therefore, the two star regions in Mesopotamia are either rookies in the federal political and financial circles, or low-level citizens of the Federation who are affected by the immigration policy and the policy of encouraging fertility.

Millions of undead biological legions broke through the blockade, especially when a undead master went deep into the rear, which greatly touched the senior level of the Federation.

Hundreds of millions of federal citizens died as a result, causing countless wealth losses.

No one wants this disaster to happen in the hinterland of the Federation. If the death clouds and natural disasters of the dead appeared before, they are still within control.

However, if the Legion of dead souls of the lonely civilization breaks through the blockade and reaches deeper into the Federation, it will be the real disaster and the crisis of the collapse of civilization.

"Where is the second line of defense set up by the galent Federation?" Asked Locke.

"In the wigwendor domain." Lina replied.

The geographical location of the wigwendor star field is very strange. Since this was the federal border star field in the past, it is an easy to defend and difficult to attack dangerous place both in terms of the star field composition environment and in terms of defense facilities.

And there is a wide range of open star field between vigwendor star field and Mesopotamia star field.

It is not an easy task for the silent civilization to spread their strong death elements and death clouds there, at least not in a short time.

This will also provide a valuable breathing space for the galent Federation.

Locke nodded and said, "I see. I\'ll try my best to help."


Galent\'s federal plan to withdraw troops and shrink the defense line will not be completed overnight.

In addition to the evacuation of hundreds of millions of federal ships and soldiers, it also includes the evacuation of people in the Akram and badron regions.

Although these two star regions have been seriously affected in the past millennium, there are definitely not a few federal people who have survived.

At least far more soldiers than the Garrett Federation on the front line.

It is not easy to cover the evacuation of trillions of low-level creatures. Locke and the wizard civilization corps have to stand on this front for at least 200 years.

Star Station.

After meeting with federal Samsung general Lina, Locke came to the secret research base behind the starstation again.

In the past hundreds of years, as long as he withdrew from the front battlefield, he was bound to come here for a look.

Today, not only Locke, but also Lilith, who has just closed the door, also appeared here.

"Any new developments?" Locke walked into the research base and asked Lilith next to him.

The highly scientific and technological research base with galent federal style and the laboratory of spell casters in the ordinary wizard world are completely two different atmospheres.

Hundreds of thousands of federal scientists, like ants, appear in every corner of this huge and secret research base, and their only task is to solve it γ The secret of first-class crystal.

At this time, the top of the base is a silver giant metal ball.

Locke didn\'t know it, but he couldn\'t ignore the amazing energy contained in the silver metal ball.

This metal ball was transported more than 400 years ago. It contains the core energy of the neutron star ship of Mesopotamia civilization.

In other words, this ugly silver metal ball can be regarded as the energy core of a level 7 creature.

Only with this level of energy can these federal scientists have the opportunity to activate γ Level crystal and unlock the secret.

In fact, most of the top federal scientists represented by Pavlov want to use the core energy of the Russian lobas class or even the conqueror class Titans.

But unfortunately, the choice is not in their hands.

Those federal politicians and military bigwigs will not rashly waste the Russian lobas class and even the conqueror class Titans here before they produce physical and practical research results.

In today\'s anxious war situation facing the Federation, every Russian lobas Titan fleet is extremely valuable combat power, not to mention the conqueror Titan fleet, there are only two in total.

How is it possible to spread the power to an experimental study that has not yet seen the results.

In the face of Locke\'s question, Lilith brought him good news this time. "53 years ago, a scientist named Eric put forward an idea. After decades of certification by Pavlov and his team, it seems that what results have been achieved."

"I don\'t understand those federal technologies that are too profound, but it is certain that they can be activated a little now γ Grade crystal. " Lilith sighed.

What she could not even do was done by some federal scientists who were "powerless to bind chickens".

It can only be said that the star world is too bright and boundless. Even Lilith, as a master caster, has areas she can\'t explore and knowledge she doesn\'t touch.


It\'s just that the book may be finished this month, not necessarily. It may also be finished next month or next month.

Xiaodou will try to explain all the pits clearly. Readers who like this book don\'t have to worry about the unfinished work.

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