Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4361

Even the full strike of the creature in the middle of level 7 failed to detonate γ Class crystal, which is good news for Locke, but also bad news.

The good news is that if this thing really detonates, Locke and the nearby stars will be completely destroyed.

Locke can\'t imagine what difficulties the wizard civilization would encounter if he, Lilith, femton and golden monkey Wukong fell here.

At least the world of the iron tower and other civilizations will not let go of the wizard world. Similarly, the world group of steel castles that signed the peace agreement may also counter the wizard civilization after the expiration of the 100000 year period.

The light Protoss may cheer for it!

Because Lilith helped them destroy the galent Federation, the masters of several wizard civilizations, and the lonely civilization with little favor.

After that, Locke was very decisive γ The first-class crystal was taken back from Lilith\'s hand. He was very worried about what the crazy woman would do next.

Take strong measures against Locke and recapture it from his own hands γ Lilith curled her lips dissatisfied with the behavior of grade crystal.

It\'s not that Locke is stingy, but that Lilith regrets that she can\'t explore the mystery contained in the supreme crystal of this top civilization.

Although it can\'t be untied by hand γ The secret of grade crystal, but Lilith also put forward a highly feasible proposal to Locke.

"Atlantis civilization is a top civilization in science and technology. Since the magic knowledge of our wizard world can\'t solve the mystery in this crystal, you may be able to turn to the galent Federation."

"Those federal scientists may have some ideas." Said Lilith.

Although the wizard civilization is famous for exploring the truth and meaning in the star world, Lilith, as one of the top spell casters in the wizard world, has never despised large scientific and technological civilizations such as the galent Federation.

To belittle others is to belittle yourself.

If it is a general medium and small-scale scientific and technological civilization, it doesn\'t matter. The great beings who dominate the territory are indeed qualified to call them "mole ants".

But the galent Federation, which was able to create the conqueror class Titans, must not be included.

Needless to say, even small and medium-sized world civilizations are bound to have some shining points because of their unique civilization system.

Why do more and more knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world like to travel around the star world.

The Knights are adventurous and fighting elements, while the casters are trying to find a place that can be applied to themselves and improve their knowledge from other civilizations in the star world and the rare rules found.

Facing Lilith\'s suggestion, Locke finally nodded after considering it for a long time.

Even the power level of level 7 creatures can\'t be detonated γ Crystal, then his plan to use the corpse training synthetic beast as the detonating clue also aborted.

Locke can\'t detonate this thing by himself. From this point of view, there may be a new turn only if he gives it to the galent Federation.

But if not even the galent Federation Locke couldn\'t help looking out of the star station, the dead femton who gradually recovered from his injury and radiated vitality.

The sacrifice of femton is definitely the result Locke doesn\'t want to see, because not only Locke\'s daughter Lisa, but also Locke has a lot of feelings for this big guy.

Maybe a fool has a fool\'s blessing. The simple minded femton has a good recovery process over the years.

Of course, it is also related to the abundant death elements in the nearby star domain.

This time, Locke personally checked and monitored, but the guys didn\'t eat anything they shouldn\'t eat.

A large number of death elements were swallowed by femton whale. In addition to accelerating the recovery of femton\'s injury, it also produced a large number of death attribute element spartes in its body.

Today, when it is more and more difficult for the galent Federation to pay for the wizard civilization war, the harvest of these large quantities of death element spars is an unexpected wealth on the civilized battlefield.


There was no hesitation or delay during the intense civil war.

It was also after Lilith put forward suggestions to Locke that Locke finally only considered for a few days, and took the initiative to contact the five-star general trichi pan baesa of the galent Federation and γ The first-class crystal was handed over to the galent Federation for research.

Of course, the premise of this research work is that the top scientists of galent Federation must be carried out under Locke\'s eyes.

It\'s not that Locke doesn\'t believe in the galent Federation, but that he is always cautious.

According to the current situation of the Federation, if they finally can\'t withstand the double-layer pressure given by the bright Protoss and the silent bone convergence civilization, they choose to die together with the enemy and detonate it γ Grade crystal, that Locke really has no place to cry.

And ten thousand steps back, even if federal research doesn\'t understand γ Class crystal, they can also send their own conqueror class Titans to sneak into the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain to carry out suicide missions.

Yes, why should dead femton do it? It\'s a federal war in galent!

From the perspective of the federal high-level, if it is at the cost of sacrificing a conqueror Titan fleet in exchange for the end of the war in the lonely star region, I believe those federal high-level will consider it carefully.

But the question now is whether the conqueror Titan has the ability to detonate γ Grade crystal.

What level 7 creatures can\'t do, can level 8 creatures achieve combat power?

Although the artificial intelligence in the ruins of Atlantis civilization at that time indicated that with Locke\'s energy level, it was indeed possible to forcibly detonate this thing.

But before the actual test, no one knows whether it is true or not.

Locke doesn\'t dare to test it himself. There\'s only one piece of this thing, and it\'s likely to disappear after it\'s used.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of top federal scientists gradually escorted here, Locke can only hope that these weak creatures with a universal life level less than one level can really create some miracles.

It was also among these federal scientists that Locke met an acquaintance, federal chief scientist Pavlov.

Locke\'s Thor suit was presided over by the scientist at that time.

The status of Pavlov in the federal scientific community is equal to the status of Douglas in the wizard world in the eyes of hundreds of millions of casters.

And sent the old Pavlov here, which is enough to see the federal research of galent γ The importance of first-class crystal!

"I hope it works." Feeling another wave of undead frenzy coming, including the power fluctuation of the sea of death, Locke did not continue to pay attention to the federal scientists who arrived at the secret experimental base behind the star station, and turned to fly to the front line.


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