Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4359

The fierce war took place at the star border between the galent Federation and the lonely civilization.

I\'m afraid that thousands of years ago, the galent federal leaders who stood in the depths of the lonely star domain would not have thought that one day they would use these war equipment and Fortifications on the border again.

Compared with the temporary defense front arranged in the silent bone convergence star domain, it is obvious that the border line built by the galent Federation for thousands of years is more solid and reliable.

Two Titan ships of the orobas class provided flanking help for the wizard civilization Legion led by Locke on this star battlefield.

As for the conqueror Titan fleet, although the main fleet comparable to class 8 creatures is still in the lonely star battlefield, the five-star general trichi pan baesa himself has left here not long ago.

For today\'s galent Federation, trichi pan baesa needs to consider more than one battlefield.

The situation of fighting between the two lines made trichi pan baesa have to consider the problem from a higher angle, so he had to rush back to the first star of the galent Federation.

In addition, the federal general also needs to worry about the deployment and combat power mobilization of various legions, including the anti light Protoss alliance.

Trichi pan baesa\'s departure is not just a person\'s departure in a simple sense. He also took away a considerable number of middle and bottom war fleets.

There\'s no way. It\'s a quiet and civilized counterattack. At present, the battlefield between the two sides is still limited to the border.

However, the bright Protoss has gathered an advantageous army and has advanced into the hinterland of the Federation in the battlefield of jinnaze star domain.

The galent Federation believes that with the support of wizard civilization reinforcements such as Locke and relying on the fortifications along the border, it is not a problem to block the dead legion of lonely civilization outside the border.

Therefore, the focus of the Federation\'s current work is shifting to the bright Protoss battlefield.

However, the galent Federation ignored that compared with the more powerful light Protoss, the silent civilization did more damage to the infrastructure and personnel of the Federation.

In addition, the silent civilization does not have to confront the wizard civilization Corps led by Locke. Although the long border is firm, there are always loopholes and cracks to drill.

In just two hundred years, more than five million legions of different rank dead creatures entered the hinterland of the galent Federation through these cracks and defense loopholes.

These legions of dead creatures are not the same as the undead natural disasters suffered by the galent Federation in the past.

Most of the dead monsters born in the biochemical crisis in the past were twisted monsters without much wisdom. Even if there were one or two high-level dead lords sneaking into the enemy\'s rear, it would be harmless compared with the overall base.

So the fleet of galent federation can react quickly and kill the danger as quickly as possible.

But now the legions of dead creatures pouring into the galent Federation are intelligent and judgmental undead species.

The war with galent Federation lasted for thousands or thousands of years, so that these dead lords had a clearer understanding of the Federation.

Fight if you can, and run if you can\'t.

Therefore, although there are few dead legions of lonely civilization that have penetrated the past, they have caused great damage to the hinterland of the galent Federation and panic to the federal society as a whole.

More exaggerated and intriguing, most of the undead Lords have the ability to control and manipulate the unconscious undead monsters.

With the hotbed of galent\'s federal mother star domain as the carrier, the five million dead creature Legion is likely to soar in the direction of tens or hundreds of times if it just wanders around.

Is Locke weak on the border?

No, he\'s already doing his best to resist the impact of the necromancer Legion.

Is there something wrong with the federal war strategy of galent?

No, although there are minor defects, on the whole, the decision-making and practice of the galent Federation are not much criticized.

The reason for this situation is that Locke can\'t transfer all the forces of wizard civilization to the galent federal battlefield. Similarly, with the details of the galent Federation, Locke can\'t work hard on both battlefields at the same time.

Needless to say, in order to consolidate the anti light Protoss alliance front and not collapse, the galent Federation also provided external support to a Russian lobas class war fleet and a larger number of class I, II and III war fleets.

Considering the problem from the perspective of outsiders and looking at the surrounding star civilization, I\'m afraid no civilization in the field of large-scale world can do better than galent Federation in dealing with such dangerous situations.

Even if the wizard civilization did it, they could only reach the same level as the galent Federation.


Just sent his mutant Niu Gelong to lead some destruction legions to pursue a group of elite dead creatures with a number of 2 million.

At the front command center, Locke saw the star and beast mockery of Ariba chamber of Commerce, as well as some good news and more bad news it brought.

"Several small and medium-sized world civilizations represented by the Dragon skeleton star region have accepted the employment invitation of the galent Federation, but in terms of military expenditure, they may have to be improved a little more." The star beast mocked the wind and said to Locke.

Such a fierce war on the federal side of galent, how can it be without the participation of Ariba chamber of Commerce.

In the past, the major federal chaebols and the government itself did not have much favor with the interstellar organization Ariba chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, the business of Ariba chamber of commerce can enter the world such as the rose imperial civilization, but it is difficult to intervene in the galent Federation and those star civilizations closely related to it.

However, the federal crisis has obviously become an opportunity for Ariba chamber of Commerce to expand its influence and seek war wealth.

Although the actual influence and benefits are not too high, far below Locke\'s profit level in the federal battlefield, for Ariba chamber of Commerce, they somehow entered the Federation.

In the context of the current war, even if the federal chaebols and consortia intend to suppress the Ariba chamber of Commerce, they can not make too much publicity at some times.

After all, they need the scarce war resources injected by the Ariba chamber of commerce into the galent Federation, as well as more than five million mercenaries.

If it is good news for the Federation and Locke that several small and medium-sized world civilizations such as the Dragon skeleton star region will send mercenaries to join the war, then the following remarks made by mockwind are undoubtedly bad news.

"I\'m afraid the civilization of Xianyu will not be able to participate in this war next. In addition to those saints and Taoist courts who are committed to exploring the broader void of the star world, there are also some contradictions and disputes within Xianyu."

"Besides, I don\'t think the galent Federation has the financial resources to hire Xianyu civilization."

"They can\'t satisfy the appetite of Xianyu. Even for the Xianyu civilization entering the era of saints, if those saints and hundreds of millions of monks arrive in this star region, maybe Xianyu will turn away from the guest." Mocking wind said with a smile.