Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4330

Marrying yourself out in exchange for the shelter of the tower world and the prosperity of the bailiyuan world is not an unacceptable thing for bailiyuan flowers.

He is in a high position, especially when the burden of an entire civilization and ethnic group is on his own shoulder.

This existence tends to minimize its own gains and losses, and put the whole civilized ethnic group in a more important position.

Bai Lihua is such a person.

However, compared with the past, she was more interested in the world of iron towers, and now bailihua is more optimistic about the powerful wizard civilization.

Because he was far away from dominating the battlefield, it was unclear how terrible Locke, who mastered the power of destruction, was.

Not to mention level 8 creatures, even level 7 masters have never seen hundreds of miles of dazzling flowers in the past.

Although only a small part of the power came, the suffocating terror was enough to make bailihua surrender to the power of the destroyer.

Anyway, they all wronged themselves. Why not find a strong ruler and civilization to rely on.

Locke\'s power is absolutely unique in his life.

She was not in a hurry to introduce herself to the pillow, but she felt it was time to make a choice.

It is obvious that the wizard civilization is a more powerful world civilization.

If you don\'t want to be the victim of the invasion between two large world civilizations, standing in line early is absolutely no harm to the world.

And compared with Pianan corner, bailihua has more ambition.

Or she urgently hopes that bailixuan civilization can be stronger, so as to get rid of the situation of being bullied by the surrounding strong neighbors.

If we can really build a relationship with a powerful wizard civilization, even if the strongest master of wizard civilization is an element creature, bailihuahua will recognize it.

After all, for personal happiness and the development of civilization, bailihua pays more attention to the latter.

"I heard that there is a wizard alliance established by the wizard civilization, but we haven\'t collected much about the wizard alliance, and we don\'t know how to join it."

"I ask you to find a way to get in touch with the wizard alliance and inquire about each other\'s details within 200 years."

"The short is a thousand years and the long is ten thousand years. I\'m afraid the nearby star domain will change. We must prepare early." The five level bamboo executor in front of the hundred mile dazzling flower said.

"Yes, my Lord!" The fifth level bamboo holder replied respectfully, and then left Tianzhu peak soon.

The weak world civilization is like this. If you don\'t want to be destroyed, you have to be more active than those more powerful world civilizations.

When the wild world group next door and the star domain of moscana are still working to heal the trauma in the civilization, the hundred mile dazzling world has taken the initiative to try to get in touch with the wizard civilization far away from the stars.

The choice of dazzling the world will certainly wake up many world civilizations in this pan star region and play an exemplary and leading role.

This pan star region with thousands of regular complete planes is no longer as peaceful and lack of war as it used to be.

The tit for tat between the tower world and the wizard civilization has made many world civilizations in this pan star region feel cold.

In particular, this time, we have witnessed the terrorist battle fluctuations of the four masters from a close distance, which will undoubtedly bring great impact and shock to many world civilizations in this pan star region.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

The wizard alliance is bound to give preferential treatment to the world that first took refuge in itself.

When those world civilizations who are late in thinking want to join the wizard alliance again, their treatment and status must be very different.

Of course, they can also join the tower world camp.

And it can be imagined that there are not a few small and medium-sized world civilizations joining the tower world and the camp of false words civilization.

Therefore, a hundred miles of flowers will say that the short is a thousand years and the long is ten thousand years. I\'m afraid the whole pan star region nearby will change.

In the face of the annexation and conquest of these civilizations, which world civilizations will sink into the long river of history and which world civilizations will survive?

This is not a matter for individuals to decide, unless it can reach Locke\'s level.


Gomora meteorite belt, this is the place where Locke and the two world class seven masters of the iron tower fought last.

I\'m afraid there must be nearly ten small and medium-sized star regions that Locke and others have passed through and affected.

This is not separated from those small and medium-sized star domains, which appear in this pan star domain in a scattered manner, those independent small and micro potential planes.

This is a deep disaster sweeping many nearby star regions.

The battle of domination caused countless losses of life and property. Fortunately, as one of the participants in the war, Locke finally achieved his goal.

The breath of a world Master of the seven level iron tower has completely disappeared. He can kill his opponent in the pursuit war of just two years, which stems from Locke and kakarot venting most of their strength on him.

Dominate the regular turbulence and explosion impact caused by the meteorite fall, and directly clear the center of the Gemora meteorite belt.

On the body of the fallen level 7 master, in addition to the slow burning flame of destruction, there was a heavy injury in his abdominal cavity.

Kakarot, a super Saiya, went straight through each other\'s strong iron clothes, ignored the erosion of the wall rules on his body, and directly took out his opponent\'s heart.

The heart with a strong dominant soul is one of Locke\'s greatest gains in this trip.

As for the remains of the seven level master, which was getting colder and colder, a burst of rage and uncontrollable killing came from the end of the starry sky just when Locke planned to recover them.

The world leader of the eight tower has finally arrived!

Along with the master of the tower world, there is another master of the tower world in the later stage of level 7 and two other master creatures.

The other two dominant creatures are no stranger to Locke.

One of them is the seven level master Yanzu who put Locke together and has been targeting the wizard civilization.

As for the other, it appeared in the early days of the war of Zisha yanhun world group. It seems that the master of foreign level 7 in the middle of the war is called Tianxing Zun.

The arrival of an eight level master and three seven level masters intensified the situation in the Gemora meteorite belt.

However, as one of the parties, Locke and kakarot, the master and servant, did not have any different color for the arrival of these foreign masters.

Locke\'s corpse collection was directly blocked by the iron curtain barrier released by the king of the iron tower world.

At this interval, another level seven master who was also beaten by Locke and kakarot hurried to hide behind the heavy iron curtain barrier.


Not finished. The last chapter will be updated in an hour.