Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4328

Dominate the center of the battlefield.

When Locke\'s wave after wave of destructive power constantly attacked the two world masters of the iron tower who condensed the rules of the iron wall, the two world masters of the seven level iron tower who were originally shrouded by the iron wall finally revealed their true colors.

Tower world creatures are distinguished from biological forms. In fact, they also belong to humanoid intelligent creatures.

These are two masters who are wrapped in long iron clothes and have pointed hats. Their dark gray eyes are the only feature they show.

Because they are good at such special rules as the "iron curtain", whether from the appearance or the past style of the tower world, these tower world masters are also full of a sense of exclusion and indifference to alien creatures.

But today, in addition to the usual indifference and rejection of the wind, the two iron tower world eyes also flashed rare panic and panic.

Locke\'s strength is not something they can resist. As early as the first time the two sides fought, they realized this problem very clearly.

The difficulty of resisting Locke\'s attack is just that they hope to persist until the arrival of the king of the iron tower.

As for whether they can withstand that time, it depends on the remaining amount of their master soul and their own luck.

The collision between the destruction storm, the iron wall rule and the pure power rule has swept through a frenzy of destruction and death in moscana.

Until more than a dozen planes were blasted, dozens of planes suffered heavy disasters, and more than 200 planes suffered various degrees of losses.

Sensing the strong destruction factor converging in his body, Locke found the pain that this medium-sized star domain is suffering.

If the battle of domination continues, when the two world-class seven masters of the iron tower die, even this medium-sized star domain is almost on the verge of extinction.

And on the edge of the battle of domination, Locke felt a dozen weak level 5 and 6 creatures watching and dominating the center of the battlefield.

These level 5 and level 6 creatures should be local individuals in this medium-sized star domain. They seem to want to beg Locke and other masters to fight in another place. However, the fierce rules and energy impact make these level 5 and level 6 creatures unable to even enter the center of the dominant battlefield.

At other times, Locke might give these alien natives a face.

It\'s not that Locke\'s compassion is rampant, but that the wizard civilization is trying to conquer and win over many races and civilizations in this pan star region in recent years.

A good reputation will undoubtedly make many small and medium-sized world civilizations in this pan star region less scruples and worries when joining the wizard alliance.

If the wizard civilization appears in this pan star region in a tyrannical and cruel image, I\'m afraid it will hit the heart of the iron tower world and the false word civilization, making it easier for them to win over and connect with a large number of small and medium-sized world civilizations.

Unfortunately, now is the time for Locke to compete with the king of the world.

Compared with the views of some small and medium-sized world civilizations on the wizard world, it is obviously more cost-effective to directly kill the world masters of the two iron towers.

The extremely fierce destruction storm, under the outbreak of Locke, impacted the two World Masters with a stronger attitude.

More and more small and micro planes have been affected and damaged in this process, including the medium-sized plane moscana in the hinterland of this region. At this time, the situation is also in jeopardy.

Although based on the medium-sized plane, as long as Locke and others don\'t fight directly outside the plane barrier, it\'s difficult to destroy the world.

But just the aftermath of the war of domination is enough to cause great disaster to this birthplace of moscana civilization.

The entire moscana civilization will go back tens of thousands of years because of the battle of the four dominant creatures.

The only good news during this period is that the moscana civilization is not the only victim.

This is the case in the astral world. If you are the only one who has bad luck, it is really bad luck.

If a group of people are unlucky together, at least you are not necessarily the worst one.

After moscana, Locke and kakarot pursued the two fugitive masters to the wild world group next door.

The wild world group is also a star domain with a medium-sized star domain. Although it is a bit worse than the moscana star domain in terms of the total number of regular and complete planes, the high-order combat power of the whole world group is not inferior to the moscana star domain.

In the past, the wild world group and the moscana region have been in constant dispute.

This is also the norm that there is little difference between the two strengths, and it will generally exist between adjacent civilizations.

The disaster and destruction of moscana will be repeated in the wild world group.

Level 6 peak creature wild scarlet may be out of his mind. After witnessing the explosion of two wild planets, he took the initiative to fly to the master battle group in an attempt to stop the four masters.

Its end can be imagined.

Kakarot, who was transformed into a four degree super Saiya, blew up this group with a body size of more than 2000 meters just after hundreds of Yuan gas bullets.

With tenacious vitality and exaggerated defense, the level 6 peak creature wild scarlet did not die immediately after being hurt by the remaining power of the master.

But this guy\'s good days are almost over.

Unless there are top spiritual materials such as golden apples, flat peaches and ginseng fruits to warm its body, the recovery speed of biological passive evolution alone may not recover in tens of thousands of years, and it also has to bear extremely serious sequelae.

The deep disaster in the wild world group not only shows the strong desire for survival of the two tower world masters, but also shows the terrible impact of the dominant creatures on the weak world and fragile star domain when the war of life and death breaks out.

Also after witnessing the disaster of the wild world group, the elder of the moscana people at the level 6 peak was deeply relieved.

It\'s not Schadenfreude, but the occurrence of such a deep disaster in the wild world group, which at least means that everyone is suffering. After these dominant terrorist beings leave, the wild world group has no spare power to lay a stone on the moscana star field in the state of severe disaster.

Unfortunately, the elder of moscana did not know that the strongest wild scarlet in the wild world group was seriously injured by Yu Wei, the master of kakarot not long ago.

Otherwise, the great Presbyterian would be happier, and some more profound and obscure ideas were born from it.

To heal the wounds of civilization, in addition to a long period of recuperation, there is another way, that is, to make up for their own losses by plundering other civilizations.

This pan star region with nearly 20 medium-sized star regions and more small and micro star regions has been peaceful for too long.

The battle of life and death and terrorist disaster created by Locke and kakarot undoubtedly brought a heavy wave to the long calm pan star region.